Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Feeling free

I have been given the strength to let go and let GOD.
Today is a day of rest for me. I did nothing but simply rest at home and recuperate. I'm so glad for this space to do "nothing". To be single at this age, is priceless. I do not have to worry about crying babies or diapers but to hold dearly to this precious season of just simply soaking in the presence of the Lord.

It is not about doing and getting myself busy. I believe this is a season of learning, hearing the voice of the Spirit and rebuilding by faith. I believe this is a season of asking Jesus on what to do next instead of listing down a whole plan for noone. Truth be told, there is no dancer in the community. I'm completely chill with that. Truth be told, there is currently noone in my life right now.

Therefore, I see the remaining 6 months is for me to cultivate this security in the Lord alone.
No finances, power, position, relationships and whatsoever is going to stop me from seeking my Father in Heaven right now. I'm not looking for a relationship and I don't really bother about it. 
I believe in God's perfect timing and the person who is coming my way. I know when I look first unto Jesus, He will be the one who directs me. 
This I am very sure of.

As for now, I am free to invest my time in the people around me.
1) AH
2) DC
3) DC
4) AJ

As for now, I am free to work in a new place at FGA. I shall confirm this with TG very soon. Time to be out and be challenged.

I also believe that now is the time for me to ask how I can partner with God in what he is already doing within this community.

Papa, I declare that you are my all. All things are foolishness to me. As for now, my eyes is set upon you now. Not interested in any relationship now. I believe you know who he is and when we will meet. This I surrender COMPLETELY unto you ALONE!

In Christ Alone,
Doreen C.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Action Speaks the Loudest

"But the seed planted in the good earth represents those who hear the Word,
embrace it, and produce a harvest beyond their wildest dreams. " Mark 4:20

Ive noticed that Jesus only revealed the "depth" of his parable to his disciples because he knew that they were keen to know what he taught as opposed to those who only desire to perceive and hear what they would like to hear.

I am given the "seed", the Word of life. What I do with it, is important. I could listen to it and keep it. Or I could listen, question and apply it in every area of my life. I have been called, and I am made righteous through understanding of this gift of grace by the Creator. I want to see what I have learnt, embraced and challenged over the years, be applied in the work that I am about to expand this year. I desire to bring the values of righteousness, honesty, accountability, discipline into my work.

- God give me grace. Give me the wisdom to handle the "work" that you have given me. In all that I do, you are my guiding stars. May our relationship be strengthened as I invest that I have for this year. Amen!

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Dearest Father,

There is NO ONE like you. 
Your AGAPE LOVE for me has simply blown my mind away.
How could I NOT LOVE you for the rest  of my life?

You are my source of LOVE, LIFE & PASSION.
I want to declare my LOVE for you above all relationships, calling, work & dreams.
I say, NOTHING, I mean it, NOTHING will ever substitute your PRESENCE in my life.
To me, you are EVERYTHING above all these things.

For this, I am forever thankful & grateful for YOU.
I am thankful for all that I have now & it is my HOPE to be one fine steward of all that you have granted me. Let me never take things for granted but to cherish & appreciate the relationships you have blessed me & good works that I lay my hands to do.

Thank you for this AMAZING LIFE!
I know it is going to be an EXCITING one and the BEST is YET TO COME!
Thank you for this ADVENTURE of a LIFETIME.  

Your One & Only,
Doreen C.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Oh my goodness! Today is a day where I spent the whole day in my room. Honestly, I'm so bored but I know that I must learn how to rest.

My mind is really active, nonetheless. There are a couple of moments where I thought of going to Arrow to work, or at least, DO SOMETHING worth while.

I am wondering since when the act of not doing something is not worth while.

As my thoughts linger here and there, I know deep within my body & soul is resting. My beloved miowsy is in the room with me occasionally. I will let her out so that she can do what she needs to do. I really love it when she will make herself noticeable by scratching my door so that I can let her in. She is behaving more like a dog as the day goes by, which is a bit strange. In regardless, I love her to bits, this feline of mine which I know that God has sent to me during my lowest time!

Talking about God's perfect timing. I really , sincerely believe my God is true to His Words. There is no one who can take his place, not even my future partner. I begin to realise that human will always be lonely even when they are in a relationship. I seriously believe that I am being trained now as a single, to wholly build this understanding that at the end of the day, only he could fulfills the "vacumn" in my heart. This means, that no partner, no children, no work or calling, or things that I do will ever fulfill me. At the end of the day, when all of these things are gone, all I really need is God, no one & nothing at all.

Father, I am thankful for this learning curve. Indeed, you are MAJESTIC, you are BRILLIANT and you are my Wonderful Counsellor. I do not want to place my whole hope & need in human, things or work (not to say that they are no important) to fulfill me but you fulfill me. You love me as I am, not in what I can do. Your love for me is unconditional and I know deep within that I can do NOTHING to earn it. This is what I love about you, My Lord.... :D

My prayer is this: Father, teach me how can I follow your way in loving others. This is my Lord, AGAPE LOVE. To love others without expecting anything back from them. I am learning my Lord. I know that the way to the cross is never easy but you know papa, I know it is worth it. Just like how you have loved me, you know I am worth it, right.

There is no one like you. And for this, I ADORE you whole-heartedly.

Loving you to bits,
Doremi :D

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Learning to breathe.....


This is a loooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnggggggg sigh.

I'm at the down side. I know, perhaps, Ive been treading high note for the last few weeks and I'm at the low season for now. Ive got gastric which does not help either. Sometimes, I wish I can run back and hide and not be involved in so many vision-like projects.

I want to go for holidays. Have not been in one since 12 months ago. Seriously, could not wait for Jan 2013 to come.

Perhaps, I need to chillex for now.. be real, be weak...

Breathe.. doreen .. breathe...

Friday, July 20, 2012

You are AMAZING!!!!

I know that I should be sleeping but I need to wind down. :)

It has indeed been a good week. IN fact, I would say it has INDEED been a GREAT WEEK! This year has been GREAT and I am so thankful and EXTREMELY grateful to GOD. He really knows my desire and blessed me with things that I have in me, even without me having to pray for it. How good is that!? :D

I am looking forward to many more good things to come. I know the best is yet to come and I am so looking forward to tomorrow night as well as Saturday! My eyes are opened and I can't wait to see what God is going to reveal to me. All is good, VERY GOOD when one choose to journey life with Him! 

Father, there is NONE Like you! Who is there like you? No ONE! You know me inside out and you fulfils all my desires! Indeed, your timing is PERFECT and I know I can TRUST you in ALL THINGS! I don't have to rush things but I would say that I am in the BEST MOMENT in my life! Who says that dreams will not come TRUE? Dreams will still come TRUE when I am close to you! Father, you are AMAZING and you KNOW IT! I am grateful for you have always been faithful. You are true to your words and in you, I will not be in lack!

Can't wait to encounter you this coming weekend!!

Your one and only precious Dory! :D

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

In another 3 more months.....

I am so so grateful to God. He knows my heart desire even before I ask Him. I have been asking myself when will I be able to explore the Arts more and somehow, somewhere last week, I received an email in regards to this Creative Arts workshop that is held by FGA Melbourne this coming Sunday. I proceed in checking out Theresa Dedmon Ministries and it lead me to something that is so close to my heart.

Her passion and vision for the arts within the church as well as having a Kingdom mindset for the Arts is something I can relate to. It is so assuring to know that God's timing is always perfect, just as He has planned it. Just about the same time last year, both Mel and myself were in the midst of planning our trip to Texas, US so to pursue our calling in dance. As at present, the doors for me to pursue my another creative side of me is opened for me to explore. I love oil painting.

On top of that, I love dancing. I love to create "spaces" for all creative artists to shine and do what they are destined to pursue.  I love to journey with each of them so to teach, build and guide each of them in the understanding of their identities in Christ. Only through this strong foundation in Christ and a provision of a strong community for artists to learn, grow and supported by every single person within the community, they can grow securely to pursue the specific purpose they are called to.

Ahhhhh, My Lord. It won't be long, right? I am here with my eyes, ears, hearts and arms WIDE OPEN for you to direct me. Use me, my Lord. In the next few months, it will be an exact 10 years mark where you gave this vision to me. I am still here, believing and holding on to this Vision since October 2002. As at present, I am waiting for you to direct me to the next stage. Thank you for molding & refining my character. Thank you for being by my side during the low times in my life. I'm so glad that I am still here, standing firm & steady. Thank you for everything. I am indeed grateful for all that I have in the present.

Loving you,
Your One and Only