I have been home for more than a week. To say that I am at peace, that's not entirely true. To say that I am in turmoil, that's not entirely untrue as well. Every moment I lost my gaze from the Lord, that is when I spiral downwards. Just over the weekend, Pastor said that I am loved and accepted in regardless of whether I do or do not do things to please God. I realised that I have been doing religious things to earn Gods' favour without knowing that I am loved since the beginning of time.
This thought has given me strength.
I have vow to stay true to my Creator, to seek Him when I do not feel like it. Why do I go for the riches of the world, be worried about my relationship, work, ministry when I can seek First His Kingdom above all this temporal fulfillment. Indeed, God is here, smack right in front of me. Oh, how could I be so blind?!!
Nevertheless, I will seek Him. I like discipline. I like creativity. I want to be free to love him without doing things to earn brownie points from my Lord.
Here goes:
"For no word from God will ever fail." Luke 1:37
"Blessed is she who believes that the Lord will fulfill His promises to her!!!" Luke 1:45
The book begins with the story of Zechariah, Elizabeth and Mary. Indeed, they were the one who loved and obeyed God wholeheartedly. I see miracle upon miracle happening here throughout the first chapter. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were given a child at old age. Mary became pregnant even though she is a virgin. Gods' timing and promises for this world come at the right timing, in his timing. They believe. They stay faithful and obey Gods' divine appointment/promises.
As I look upon myself, I'm at the age of 32 and have been dating JC for 3 years. Just like many women, I desire to have a family. At this moment, I am at Gods' mercy. Do I have the faith like Mary and Elizabeth? Do I see that I am chosen to fulfill Gods' promises? Do I doubt and panic or simply obey and trust Gods' timing. I see that they obey without doubting.
Lord God, give me the faith just like Elizabeth and Mary. I want to believe without doubting. I want to have this faith that is as small as mustard seed. I want to move the mountain when I say so. Indeed Father, it is not by might or power, but by your spirit. Father, I want to be blessed. I want to stay true to you. Guide me, hold my hand as we journey this together. I know that I am called for something more than myself. Make me stronger and wholesome. Give me your wisdom. Give me grace. Let me be secure inside out. I want to remain in you, and you in me. Just like how Jesus is, in you. I desire that peace that is above all human understanding.
Loving you always,
Your one and only beloved
p.s: Today is a new day, what was yesterday, is gone. What is tomorrow is yet to come. Today, begins the first day of the rest of my life. AMEN!!!! :) :) :) This is the day that the Lord has done, I will REJOICE AND BE GLAD in IT. AMEN!! PRAISE BE TO MY GOD BOTH NOW AND FOREVER MORE... :):):) Halleluyah.......
Praise and Worship
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Be Holy Just as I AM HOLY
19th Jan 2011
God is good. He reveals the truth to me. Indeed, when we eagerly seek Him, he will reveal himself to us. Was praying during the flight and my best friend led me to page 84 of this booklet that I am reading, "Jesus Freak". The following scripture stands out for me.
1 Peter 5:10-11
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Indeed God will refresh, strengthen, and make me stand on firm ground from my sufferings. Indeed, at the end of day, I believe that I have heard my Lord and have obeyed him since day one when my prayers were answered 3 years ago. Indeed, may all glory be unto you, My Lord.
Today: 20th Jan 2011
Today begins the 1st day of the rest of my life. Woke up at around 7am+ in KL. I feel a sense of joy and freedom now that I am home. Indeed, the joy of being close to God and my family is priceless.
"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:13
What does it truly means to be holy just as how God is holy. Holy is define by purity and all the unblemish goodness and glory that only God has. So, how to we, his children be just like the Father since we are born to be sinners. One fantastic role model that I can think of is Jesus. He is God and Man at the same time. He is born unto Mary and share all the up and downs of being a human. One thing that I can see from his life is how he constantly spend time with Father alone. This is what we believe as prayer, in the modern term.
Jesus spent this time to openly communed with Father. Just like the Father, the son (Jesus) only does what the Father do. So, if I am the daughter to my Father in Heaven, I can be like Jesus too. To be holy just like Father, who is Holy.
To be involved in my past sins, are like forgotting how I look like from the moment I left the mirror. How could I say that I am "Christ-Follower" or claim to be the children of God when my actions are the opposite of who my Father is? I can not go back to how I was in the past for I am a new being now, since I devoted my life to be a part of this Kingdom.
Therefore, just as I am married to this family, I will obey wholeheartedly with love, of the ways of God. Men follow the desire of their flesh but us, as the representative of Christ, follow the desire of the Father, who is our Creator.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. We cannot oppose God and to think that we can, is just plain silly or ignorance.
My Lord, my Lord, just as you are holy, I will be too. I know that there is so many things for me to learn and unlearn but I don't have to worry because I know you are with me.:) Father, when I am weak, u strengthen me. When I seek you wholeheartedly, you reveal yourself to me. Yes, Father, I pursue your ways. I desire to remain you because of this amazing Father and daugther loving relationship. My hope is in you.
Loving you always,
God is good. He reveals the truth to me. Indeed, when we eagerly seek Him, he will reveal himself to us. Was praying during the flight and my best friend led me to page 84 of this booklet that I am reading, "Jesus Freak". The following scripture stands out for me.
1 Peter 5:10-11
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Indeed God will refresh, strengthen, and make me stand on firm ground from my sufferings. Indeed, at the end of day, I believe that I have heard my Lord and have obeyed him since day one when my prayers were answered 3 years ago. Indeed, may all glory be unto you, My Lord.
Today: 20th Jan 2011
Today begins the 1st day of the rest of my life. Woke up at around 7am+ in KL. I feel a sense of joy and freedom now that I am home. Indeed, the joy of being close to God and my family is priceless.
"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:13
What does it truly means to be holy just as how God is holy. Holy is define by purity and all the unblemish goodness and glory that only God has. So, how to we, his children be just like the Father since we are born to be sinners. One fantastic role model that I can think of is Jesus. He is God and Man at the same time. He is born unto Mary and share all the up and downs of being a human. One thing that I can see from his life is how he constantly spend time with Father alone. This is what we believe as prayer, in the modern term.
Jesus spent this time to openly communed with Father. Just like the Father, the son (Jesus) only does what the Father do. So, if I am the daughter to my Father in Heaven, I can be like Jesus too. To be holy just like Father, who is Holy.
To be involved in my past sins, are like forgotting how I look like from the moment I left the mirror. How could I say that I am "Christ-Follower" or claim to be the children of God when my actions are the opposite of who my Father is? I can not go back to how I was in the past for I am a new being now, since I devoted my life to be a part of this Kingdom.
Therefore, just as I am married to this family, I will obey wholeheartedly with love, of the ways of God. Men follow the desire of their flesh but us, as the representative of Christ, follow the desire of the Father, who is our Creator.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. We cannot oppose God and to think that we can, is just plain silly or ignorance.
My Lord, my Lord, just as you are holy, I will be too. I know that there is so many things for me to learn and unlearn but I don't have to worry because I know you are with me.:) Father, when I am weak, u strengthen me. When I seek you wholeheartedly, you reveal yourself to me. Yes, Father, I pursue your ways. I desire to remain you because of this amazing Father and daugther loving relationship. My hope is in you.
Loving you always,
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 7: My Land
Woke with this tremendous unexplainable feeling in me. I woke up, praising my Lord who is my lover of my soul. In another 12 hours time, I will be going to the airport. How time flies indeed. To be honest, I am excited. I believe my Father has a plan for me. I believe that He has already gone ahead of me. Therefore, I have nothing to fear. :) How cool is that, to know that Father is in control and all I need is to trust in Him. :)
Father, at the end of day, let your will be done, not mine. :) Father, I surrender the spirit of pride, of anger, frustration, irritation, insecurity, condemnation, comparison, categorization and cynicism into you. Bye! :)
Chapter 7: Dancing to Possess Our Land and Make it Safe
My Notes
Possessing the land means to win enough people to the Lord and making fruitful church members of them to financially, spiritually and organizationally bring our vision into reality. (pg 70).
DC: Be careful to put people first and not using them to fulfill our vision.
To bring vision to pass, you must learn to fight the spiritual opposition with spiritual weapons. I must TAKE MY LAND and not waiting for people to give it to me, through HIGH PRAISES. Joshua studied the word and engaged in spiritual warfare at Jericho through marching and high praises to Heaven.
"And the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat" (Joshua 6:20)
It is faith that moves us into action. Faith comes from reading the Word of the Lord.
Faith without works is dead also (James 2:26)
VICTORY: Praise and the presence of the Lord
Understanding why we praise is important as written in Psalm 47:7,
"For God is the King of all the earth; sing ye praises with understanding".
Our battles will be won when we learn to praise the Lord with hand-clapping, shouts of triumph, and dancing. And once we understand the spiritual significance of high praises, we must learn to praise. (understanding: Praises please God, gives us joy, trample e on the ground, posess our land)
Teach people to praise and dance, not how to praise and dance.
Dance in high praises when we sense we are in danger. Also rebuke all things we know that is causing the problems. God will deliver us from our situations. This is how I protect my land. Demons of hell cannot successfully trespass upon your land when we make it safe.
God protects and blesses the homeland of people who learn how to build a spiritual hedge of protection through praising the Lord in the dance. By using God's power to bind S and his helpers through praising Him in the dance, I destroyed a wall of S had build to stop Gods' work! (pg 75)
"Neither give place to the devil" (Eph 4:27).
We are to build Godly hedges, like that mentioned in Job 1:10 ( “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.), when we praise the Lord in the dance. God built a spiritual hedge around Job, and we can build spiritual hedges around our property by consistently praising our Lord in the dance and other forms of praises as well.
When Jesus said "Occupy till I come" in luke 19:13, He meant for us to take command of our circumstances, our promises, our possessions, dig in and fight for and protect what God has promised us. And we won't occupy without a fight.
We not only possess our land and make it safe by dancing before the Lord, but we also demonstrate our JOY of the Lords' deliverance from situations in our life by dancing before Him (pg 76)
i) Write down what God has promised me.
My vision (End of 2002)
God has given me a vision to return to Australia to build a headquarter for his dancers. Each dancer will be equipped strongly in the Word of God and skills before they are send off back to their respective countries through East Asia and all over the world. I saw a lot of worshippers who worship the Lord with praise and dancing in a huge arena. There were deep sense of joy and adoration coming from each of them. I saw fires symbolizing the work of Holy Spirit in dance coming from each states in Australia. I saw arrows coming out from Melbourne to all over the world.
My Action
Just like Abraham, I obeyed and left my homeland to come to possess this land that my Lord has called me towards.
Secondly, this relationship.
These are my land and God means for me to POSSESS it. I have to fight to take it like Joshua and the children of Israel did.
ii) Define the term "warrior" and how does a warrior think?
Warrior is someone who is equipped with armors, skills and authority. Most importantly, he REPRESENT the King that he comes for.
Characteristics and Why is it important?
i) Loyal & faithful
When hardship comes, they will not flee away. They will continue to stand in the land given to them
ii) Couragious
Will continue to stand on their ground in regardless of the problems
iii) Know their identity and the King whom they served; FOCUS & PURPOSEFUL
Not easily sway by the distractions around them. They have purposes given by their King to fulfilled.
iv) GROUNDED and EQUIPPED with Skills and armors
- Double edged sword=== Word of God
- Skill to dance..
v) Humility
- Do not take over the role of the King when victories come.
- Give constant praise to their Kings
vi) Expectancy and initiates
- fulfilled the calling and does not wait to be called. They volunteer themselves for a higher calling.
My Prayers
Dear God, I pray for a warrior-like mind. Teach and show me what it means to dance in understanding. Father, I want to please you and possess this land that I have given me. I do not want to be idle but to really pursue this land. Father, give me courage to overcome my own insecurity. Father, I want to commit all my fears unto your hand. Indeed, you have given this land to me since earlier on. I pray for mercy and guidance from you and my best friend. :)
Spirit of fear, insecurity, hopelessness, self-pity, anger, hurt , jealousy in the mighty name of Jesus, I cast you out right now. This body belongs to God alone and you have not place here. In the powerful name of Jesus christ. amen!
Praise and Worship
i) Dance to the FREEDOM We Know (Hillsong)
ii) Jesus Lover of my Soul (Hillsong)
iii) It's All About You, Jesus
I cried when I dance to this song. One picture that stand out for me is the below.

God promises to me
- You will experience joy this year. There will be more joy this year. Last year is a year of suffering but I will give you tremendous joy this year. Live for I will be with you in all things.
Father, at the end of day, let your will be done, not mine. :) Father, I surrender the spirit of pride, of anger, frustration, irritation, insecurity, condemnation, comparison, categorization and cynicism into you. Bye! :)
Chapter 7: Dancing to Possess Our Land and Make it Safe
My Notes
Possessing the land means to win enough people to the Lord and making fruitful church members of them to financially, spiritually and organizationally bring our vision into reality. (pg 70).
DC: Be careful to put people first and not using them to fulfill our vision.
To bring vision to pass, you must learn to fight the spiritual opposition with spiritual weapons. I must TAKE MY LAND and not waiting for people to give it to me, through HIGH PRAISES. Joshua studied the word and engaged in spiritual warfare at Jericho through marching and high praises to Heaven.
"And the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat" (Joshua 6:20)
It is faith that moves us into action. Faith comes from reading the Word of the Lord.
Faith without works is dead also (James 2:26)
VICTORY: Praise and the presence of the Lord
Understanding why we praise is important as written in Psalm 47:7,
"For God is the King of all the earth; sing ye praises with understanding".
Our battles will be won when we learn to praise the Lord with hand-clapping, shouts of triumph, and dancing. And once we understand the spiritual significance of high praises, we must learn to praise. (understanding: Praises please God, gives us joy, trample e on the ground, posess our land)
Teach people to praise and dance, not how to praise and dance.
Dance in high praises when we sense we are in danger. Also rebuke all things we know that is causing the problems. God will deliver us from our situations. This is how I protect my land. Demons of hell cannot successfully trespass upon your land when we make it safe.
God protects and blesses the homeland of people who learn how to build a spiritual hedge of protection through praising the Lord in the dance. By using God's power to bind S and his helpers through praising Him in the dance, I destroyed a wall of S had build to stop Gods' work! (pg 75)
"Neither give place to the devil" (Eph 4:27).
We are to build Godly hedges, like that mentioned in Job 1:10 ( “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.), when we praise the Lord in the dance. God built a spiritual hedge around Job, and we can build spiritual hedges around our property by consistently praising our Lord in the dance and other forms of praises as well.
When Jesus said "Occupy till I come" in luke 19:13, He meant for us to take command of our circumstances, our promises, our possessions, dig in and fight for and protect what God has promised us. And we won't occupy without a fight.
We not only possess our land and make it safe by dancing before the Lord, but we also demonstrate our JOY of the Lords' deliverance from situations in our life by dancing before Him (pg 76)
i) Write down what God has promised me.
My vision (End of 2002)
God has given me a vision to return to Australia to build a headquarter for his dancers. Each dancer will be equipped strongly in the Word of God and skills before they are send off back to their respective countries through East Asia and all over the world. I saw a lot of worshippers who worship the Lord with praise and dancing in a huge arena. There were deep sense of joy and adoration coming from each of them. I saw fires symbolizing the work of Holy Spirit in dance coming from each states in Australia. I saw arrows coming out from Melbourne to all over the world.
My Action
Just like Abraham, I obeyed and left my homeland to come to possess this land that my Lord has called me towards.
Secondly, this relationship.
These are my land and God means for me to POSSESS it. I have to fight to take it like Joshua and the children of Israel did.
ii) Define the term "warrior" and how does a warrior think?
Warrior is someone who is equipped with armors, skills and authority. Most importantly, he REPRESENT the King that he comes for.
Characteristics and Why is it important?
i) Loyal & faithful
When hardship comes, they will not flee away. They will continue to stand in the land given to them
ii) Couragious
Will continue to stand on their ground in regardless of the problems
iii) Know their identity and the King whom they served; FOCUS & PURPOSEFUL
Not easily sway by the distractions around them. They have purposes given by their King to fulfilled.
iv) GROUNDED and EQUIPPED with Skills and armors
- Double edged sword=== Word of God
- Skill to dance..
v) Humility
- Do not take over the role of the King when victories come.
- Give constant praise to their Kings
vi) Expectancy and initiates
- fulfilled the calling and does not wait to be called. They volunteer themselves for a higher calling.
My Prayers
Dear God, I pray for a warrior-like mind. Teach and show me what it means to dance in understanding. Father, I want to please you and possess this land that I have given me. I do not want to be idle but to really pursue this land. Father, give me courage to overcome my own insecurity. Father, I want to commit all my fears unto your hand. Indeed, you have given this land to me since earlier on. I pray for mercy and guidance from you and my best friend. :)
Spirit of fear, insecurity, hopelessness, self-pity, anger, hurt , jealousy in the mighty name of Jesus, I cast you out right now. This body belongs to God alone and you have not place here. In the powerful name of Jesus christ. amen!
Praise and Worship
i) Dance to the FREEDOM We Know (Hillsong)
ii) Jesus Lover of my Soul (Hillsong)
iii) It's All About You, Jesus
I cried when I dance to this song. One picture that stand out for me is the below.

God promises to me
- You will experience joy this year. There will be more joy this year. Last year is a year of suffering but I will give you tremendous joy this year. Live for I will be with you in all things.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
5th Day: Praise the Lord
Woke up with a minor headache particularly on my right side. :) As usual, precious waited at the staircase for me. ;) Service was invaluable and had a meaningful time with Miow. :)
Chapter 6: Dancing and Spiritual Warfare
My Notes
-Dancing in praise is a tremendous weapon against Satan.
- Spiritual Warfare (pg 55)
It is a confrontation between classic good and evil, which begun when satan was expelled by God unto earth.
-Scriptural Warfare (pg 57-58)
i) He that commit sin is of the devil: for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the work of the devil. ( 1 John 3:8)
ii) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare is not carnal, but mighty though God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)
iii) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)
iv) We must learn to put S under our feet just like Jesus did (1 John 3:8)
v) To execute upon them the judgment written; this honour have all the saints. Praise ye the Lord (Ps 149:9) (pg 67)
- The honor of executing the Lord's judgment on these spiritual outlaws BELONGS TO US. And one of the weapons He's given us to carry the judgment out is DANCING.
- our intelligence, popularity, influence, reasoning
Spiritual weapons
- Gods' WORD
- Our praises
- The name of Jesus
- The Blood of Jesus
- Agreement (Gods covenant with us)
- Fasting
The prayer of PRAISE releases more of Gods' power than any other form of petition.
When we are attack by S, we must pressed on with "high praises of God in our mouths to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron".
When we begin to praise the Lord with the dance, we begin to pull down the strongholds of the enemy. When we bind the devil, we render him helpless and we can and will PREVAIL.
Spiritual Warfare
"These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils" (Mark 16)
- He is the one who create chaos.
- All the sickness, problems were created by him.
- When we are sick, we must fight the good fight of faith and not submit it the enemy victory.
(Having done all, to stand "Ephesians 6:13)
Satan came to bring death but GOD came and still come to BRING LIFE!
I am not to submit my problems as Gods' will but to overcome with what God said is true... through His words.. !! and prayers.
Read Mark 16
i) What has Jesus orders us to do there?
- "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompanied those who believe:
In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poisons, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well" (Mark 16: 15 - 18)
ii) What kind of supernatural events does He foretell?
- We can drive out demons, speak new tongues, pick up snakes with our hands, remain unhurt from drinking poisons and heal people.
- Assess your own feelings about the supernatural. If these scare you or make you uncomfortable, ask yourself why? Write those reasons down and take them to the Lord. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what's true here.
=> Fear of the unknown darkness and the images portray from my imaginations.
=> Don't realise that I have the authority in the name of Jesus.
=> I am wash in the blood of Jesus Christ and come with His authority. I am an image of Christ. I have Gods' image. I have the power to cast out the darkness and bring light into the situations.
iii) Do you believe the supernatural is not for today's church?
No. It is still for todays' church.
- Pending for scripture..
iv) Take a poll from 4-5 friends who are not charismatic. Ask them what effect carrying out the Great Commission has on Satans' kingdom. Not how many do and don't mention the supernatural events? Ask them why they excluded the supernatural.
v) What part of the Great Commission can you accomplish without the help of the Holy Spirit?
My Prayer
Lord God, I want to praise you. Thank you again for this new understanding from the book.
Praise and Worship
i) Enemys' Camp
ii) Life* Expedition Inc: Annual Dinner 2006: The Wall of Jericho
"First and foremost, I would like to honour and give credits to the creative arts ministry from America and Singapore who have inspired me with this powerful representation of the Bible from the book of "Joshua". Without them, our community will not be impacted by this production. I believed my church back in KL, HSG had also used this for evangelizing purposes. I was convicted to bring this piece to "LIVE" and I believe God wanted us to perform this "STORY" during LifeXP Annual Dinner 2006 to bring the community towards the land that God has given us."
The above description was written when I first uploaded the clip a long time ago. This brings me to realise that relationship with God and with one another is so important. Indeed, God will use his people mightily to break the chain of darkness. Indeed, when we PRAISE AND SHOUT in the name of the LORD, all stronghold shall FALL... This I believe from now on.
Chapter 6: Dancing and Spiritual Warfare
My Notes
-Dancing in praise is a tremendous weapon against Satan.
- Spiritual Warfare (pg 55)
It is a confrontation between classic good and evil, which begun when satan was expelled by God unto earth.
-Scriptural Warfare (pg 57-58)
i) He that commit sin is of the devil: for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the work of the devil. ( 1 John 3:8)
ii) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare is not carnal, but mighty though God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)
iii) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)
iv) We must learn to put S under our feet just like Jesus did (1 John 3:8)
v) To execute upon them the judgment written; this honour have all the saints. Praise ye the Lord (Ps 149:9) (pg 67)
- The honor of executing the Lord's judgment on these spiritual outlaws BELONGS TO US. And one of the weapons He's given us to carry the judgment out is DANCING.
- our intelligence, popularity, influence, reasoning
Spiritual weapons
- Gods' WORD
- Our praises
- The name of Jesus
- The Blood of Jesus
- Agreement (Gods covenant with us)
- Fasting
The prayer of PRAISE releases more of Gods' power than any other form of petition.
When we are attack by S, we must pressed on with "high praises of God in our mouths to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron".
When we begin to praise the Lord with the dance, we begin to pull down the strongholds of the enemy. When we bind the devil, we render him helpless and we can and will PREVAIL.
Spiritual Warfare
"These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils" (Mark 16)
- He is the one who create chaos.
- All the sickness, problems were created by him.
- When we are sick, we must fight the good fight of faith and not submit it the enemy victory.
(Having done all, to stand "Ephesians 6:13)
Satan came to bring death but GOD came and still come to BRING LIFE!
I am not to submit my problems as Gods' will but to overcome with what God said is true... through His words.. !! and prayers.
Read Mark 16
i) What has Jesus orders us to do there?
- "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompanied those who believe:
In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poisons, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well" (Mark 16: 15 - 18)
ii) What kind of supernatural events does He foretell?
- We can drive out demons, speak new tongues, pick up snakes with our hands, remain unhurt from drinking poisons and heal people.
- Assess your own feelings about the supernatural. If these scare you or make you uncomfortable, ask yourself why? Write those reasons down and take them to the Lord. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what's true here.
=> Fear of the unknown darkness and the images portray from my imaginations.
=> Don't realise that I have the authority in the name of Jesus.
=> I am wash in the blood of Jesus Christ and come with His authority. I am an image of Christ. I have Gods' image. I have the power to cast out the darkness and bring light into the situations.
iii) Do you believe the supernatural is not for today's church?
No. It is still for todays' church.
- Pending for scripture..
iv) Take a poll from 4-5 friends who are not charismatic. Ask them what effect carrying out the Great Commission has on Satans' kingdom. Not how many do and don't mention the supernatural events? Ask them why they excluded the supernatural.
v) What part of the Great Commission can you accomplish without the help of the Holy Spirit?
My Prayer
Lord God, I want to praise you. Thank you again for this new understanding from the book.
Praise and Worship
i) Enemys' Camp
ii) Life* Expedition Inc: Annual Dinner 2006: The Wall of Jericho
"First and foremost, I would like to honour and give credits to the creative arts ministry from America and Singapore who have inspired me with this powerful representation of the Bible from the book of "Joshua". Without them, our community will not be impacted by this production. I believed my church back in KL, HSG had also used this for evangelizing purposes. I was convicted to bring this piece to "LIVE" and I believe God wanted us to perform this "STORY" during LifeXP Annual Dinner 2006 to bring the community towards the land that God has given us."
The above description was written when I first uploaded the clip a long time ago. This brings me to realise that relationship with God and with one another is so important. Indeed, God will use his people mightily to break the chain of darkness. Indeed, when we PRAISE AND SHOUT in the name of the LORD, all stronghold shall FALL... This I believe from now on.
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Beautiful 4th Day
I want to know what it means to be worry-free. Woke up at 8am and I need more sleep. Facebooked for a while and went back to sleep. I think I really need to get back to a normal sleeping routine. It will certainly do good for my well-being. In just a few days time, I will be home. Agh, just the thought of it makes me shiver. :)
My Notes
I am reading chapter 5: HE will Rejoice! Halleluyah. :)
Knowing God is ever present in and with us is the comforting factor all Christians have through our situations, both good and bad. Many scriptures reaffirm that He is with us:"the LORD, is in the midst of thee" and "The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is MIGHTY". Praise the Lord. :)
The Lord does dance! And the best part is that He dances over us! His children! We have already been reconciled to Him - our judgments have been taken away, the enemy is under our feet, the Lord is with us, Christ assured the ultimate defeat of evil in His redemptive work. (Dryden: page 53)
Sing, O daughter of Zion; SHOUT, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.
The LORD has taken away thy judgments, he has cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of thee: thou shall not see evil any more (Zephaniah 3:14-15)
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is MIGHTY;
HE will SAVE,
HE will REJOICE over thee with JOY;
HE will JOY OVER THEE WITH SINGING. (Zephaniah 17)
GOD hath spoken in his holiness;
I will DIVIDE Shechem,
and mete out the valley of Succoth. (Psalm 60:6 and 108:7)
The LORD shall REJOICE in his works. (Psalm 104:31)
i) What is our Lord like?
- He is mighty, He is my Saviour, He is compassionate and merciful, He forgives and am patient, He loves all created things and am willing to send his one and only son to die on behalf the sins of humanity.
ii) Did the above from Scripture, your imagination, or was it passes on to you by your family, church, or some significant other?
- The above come from my reading of the Bible, during Bible Study and also the evidences of who he is the as described above, through my personal relationship with him.
(iii) What kind of limitations does your portrait place on Christ? Truth limitations like His unchangeableness or inability to lie, or others? What is the source of these constraints?
- I think it limits my understanding that God can be fun-filled as well. It seems that the God that I am portraying is a serious God. Source that comes from within which tries to place God in a box.
iv) If our Lord dances over us, why should we refuse to dance in praise of Him?
Of course. I will dance alongside my beloved Father. That is for sure. :)
Praise & Worship
i) Power of your Love (Rebecca St James)
This song comes at a surprise. It is different from the normal conventional style that I have to know. Praise God for creativity among his people. :) I would love to sing and dance freely to this song. Freedom is the key word that Ive got from this song. Praise God for this life.:)
ii) There is None Like You (Don Moen)
Dancing to this song gives me the freedom to truly understand the depth of love that God has for me. ;) This make me think twice of putting most of my affections on all other living things beside God. Indeed, the love that God has for me cannot be compare to the love that is on this earth.
My Notes
I am reading chapter 5: HE will Rejoice! Halleluyah. :)
Knowing God is ever present in and with us is the comforting factor all Christians have through our situations, both good and bad. Many scriptures reaffirm that He is with us:"the LORD, is in the midst of thee" and "The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is MIGHTY". Praise the Lord. :)
The Lord does dance! And the best part is that He dances over us! His children! We have already been reconciled to Him - our judgments have been taken away, the enemy is under our feet, the Lord is with us, Christ assured the ultimate defeat of evil in His redemptive work. (Dryden: page 53)
Sing, O daughter of Zion; SHOUT, O Israel; be glad and rejoice with all the heart, O daughter of Jerusalem.
The LORD has taken away thy judgments, he has cast out thine enemy: the king of Israel, even the LORD, is in the midst of thee: thou shall not see evil any more (Zephaniah 3:14-15)
The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is MIGHTY;
HE will SAVE,
HE will REJOICE over thee with JOY;
HE will JOY OVER THEE WITH SINGING. (Zephaniah 17)
GOD hath spoken in his holiness;
I will DIVIDE Shechem,
and mete out the valley of Succoth. (Psalm 60:6 and 108:7)
The LORD shall REJOICE in his works. (Psalm 104:31)
i) What is our Lord like?
- He is mighty, He is my Saviour, He is compassionate and merciful, He forgives and am patient, He loves all created things and am willing to send his one and only son to die on behalf the sins of humanity.
ii) Did the above from Scripture, your imagination, or was it passes on to you by your family, church, or some significant other?
- The above come from my reading of the Bible, during Bible Study and also the evidences of who he is the as described above, through my personal relationship with him.
(iii) What kind of limitations does your portrait place on Christ? Truth limitations like His unchangeableness or inability to lie, or others? What is the source of these constraints?
- I think it limits my understanding that God can be fun-filled as well. It seems that the God that I am portraying is a serious God. Source that comes from within which tries to place God in a box.
iv) If our Lord dances over us, why should we refuse to dance in praise of Him?
Of course. I will dance alongside my beloved Father. That is for sure. :)
Praise & Worship
i) Power of your Love (Rebecca St James)
This song comes at a surprise. It is different from the normal conventional style that I have to know. Praise God for creativity among his people. :) I would love to sing and dance freely to this song. Freedom is the key word that Ive got from this song. Praise God for this life.:)
ii) There is None Like You (Don Moen)
Dancing to this song gives me the freedom to truly understand the depth of love that God has for me. ;) This make me think twice of putting most of my affections on all other living things beside God. Indeed, the love that God has for me cannot be compare to the love that is on this earth.
Friday, January 14, 2011
3rd precious day: Dance in the Freedom We Know
Another glorious day. As I begin to read Chapter 4: Scriptural Authority for Dancing Before The Lord, my spirit has been refreshed and my mind is delighted. Every part of me is free. I am beginning to find the key to a victorious life and that is to praise and worship my Lord, my God. :) Praise be to my Lord, both now and forever more.
As I begin to rise up and take responsibilities to what has been given me, I am beginning to take courage to pursue this. Indeed, I am here for this season of being a worship authority. Together with the Word and Praises in my mouth, I can trampled over snakes and scorpions, which is better known in the human language => Condemnation, Cynicism, Comparison and Categorization.
(i) Lets start my devotion now.
For ye are brought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your
body, and in your spirit,
which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:20)
"Honor God with your body (NIV)
Context: The author encouraged us to use all ourselves: our body and spirit to praise God. In context, the scripture meant that we are to use every part of our body for the purposes of glorifying God. To sum both together, at the end of day, the sole purpose of our mind, soul and spirit is to be united together in praise and worship for the purpose of glorifying our God, instead of using it for self-glory and sensual lifestyle that dishonour God in the eyes of the world.
ii) List the ways you offer praise to God and compare them to what you have just read.
- reserve-like movements
- in control
iii) Why do you praise Him the way you do?
- I like to use what I know to control my dance movements
iv) What prevents you from praising Him in the ways shown in the passages presented?
- Insecurity (better translates to I care about what others think of me)
- My lack of relationship with the Creator.
- Wanting to be in control.
My Prayers
Dear Father Abba, thank you for showing me that my worship is far from what you have initially ordained. I begin to see that my lack of relationship with you has resulted in a dry and controlled form of worship. Father, thank you for you have open my eyes to see you. My mind has been renewed from reading this book. Father, indeed I want to grow closer to you, to love and adore you. ;):):)
Father, I want this new form of praise; to jump, shout, leap, twirl and receive the liberty (freedom) and joy that you have listed in your words. I want this desperately and I know it comes with practices. Father, may this year be a year of great leap of faith, great and deep relationship with you and the people around me. I do not want to be in control but I want to be free to live life to the fullest that I know how. Let this year be the best 32 years in my entire life.
The best part of all, I know that you are HERE with me. :)
In Christ alone, In my Beloved Father alone,
Doreen C.
Praise and Worship
i) The Freedom We Know- Hillsongs
ii) The Joy of the Lord - Twila Paris
As I begin to rise up and take responsibilities to what has been given me, I am beginning to take courage to pursue this. Indeed, I am here for this season of being a worship authority. Together with the Word and Praises in my mouth, I can trampled over snakes and scorpions, which is better known in the human language => Condemnation, Cynicism, Comparison and Categorization.
(i) Lets start my devotion now.
For ye are brought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your
body, and in your spirit,
which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:20)
"Honor God with your body (NIV)
Context: The author encouraged us to use all ourselves: our body and spirit to praise God. In context, the scripture meant that we are to use every part of our body for the purposes of glorifying God. To sum both together, at the end of day, the sole purpose of our mind, soul and spirit is to be united together in praise and worship for the purpose of glorifying our God, instead of using it for self-glory and sensual lifestyle that dishonour God in the eyes of the world.
ii) List the ways you offer praise to God and compare them to what you have just read.
- reserve-like movements
- in control
iii) Why do you praise Him the way you do?
- I like to use what I know to control my dance movements
iv) What prevents you from praising Him in the ways shown in the passages presented?
- Insecurity (better translates to I care about what others think of me)
- My lack of relationship with the Creator.
- Wanting to be in control.
My Prayers
Dear Father Abba, thank you for showing me that my worship is far from what you have initially ordained. I begin to see that my lack of relationship with you has resulted in a dry and controlled form of worship. Father, thank you for you have open my eyes to see you. My mind has been renewed from reading this book. Father, indeed I want to grow closer to you, to love and adore you. ;):):)
Father, I want this new form of praise; to jump, shout, leap, twirl and receive the liberty (freedom) and joy that you have listed in your words. I want this desperately and I know it comes with practices. Father, may this year be a year of great leap of faith, great and deep relationship with you and the people around me. I do not want to be in control but I want to be free to live life to the fullest that I know how. Let this year be the best 32 years in my entire life.
The best part of all, I know that you are HERE with me. :)
In Christ alone, In my Beloved Father alone,
Doreen C.
Praise and Worship
i) The Freedom We Know- Hillsongs
ii) The Joy of the Lord - Twila Paris
Thursday, January 13, 2011
2nd Day of Praise & Worship
Woke up to the sound of rain water pattering on the window sill. God is GOOD, as always. :) This I proclaimed from deep within. Indeed, I feel this sense of tremendous JOY when I worship my beloved GOD. ;) Who say God is not real? Lord, humble us and open our eyes to you alone. ;):):):)
Chapter 3: What is Dancing Before The Lord? (Continuing from the book "Dance Before the Lord")
My notes:
- mechowlah (Hebrew) => round dance
- is a physical demonstration to God in a
shout, a song, hand clapping or waiving, and dancing.
- to turn, twist, move in the round, skip and leap.
David danced with ALL HIS MIGHT (2 Samuel 6:14 - 15)
- indicates wild movement of the feet with efforts at leaping perhaps.
i) Compare the scriptural examples of dancing to worldly dancing. How would you characterized the difference(s) between the two?
Worship Dance
- Dance for God
- To give God the glory for what he has done in our lives; (for who is he, his protection, his healing)
- Humbling to the point of making us foolish
Worldly Dance
- Dance for self and to impress others (through sensuous and degrading body language
- Self-absorption leads to pride; everything must be of a standard
ii) Write down the scriptures presented in this chapter. Spend some time looking at them. Meditate on them. Let these words of God dwell in your heart.
(a) Singing and shouting often accompanied dancing
Be glad in the LORD,
and REJOICE, ye righteousness:
all ye that are UPRIGHT IN HEART. "Psalm 32:11
(b) Deliverance from enemies (first dancing song in the Bible)
I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously:
the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation:
he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation;
my father's God, and I will exalt him. (Ex 15:1-2)
- reference to the timbrel sounds
And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. (Psalm 150:4)
(c) Restoration of the ark of covenant
And David danced before the Lord with ALL HIS MIGHT; and
David was girded with a linen ephod.
So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of
the LORD with shouting and the sound of trumpet. (2 Samuel 6:14-15)
(d) Healing of the lame man
And he leaping up stood,
and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping and praising God. (Acts 3:8)
iii) Make a list of the reasons why the people in the Scriptures you just read, danced. How many reasons on your list are ungodly? How many are godly?
Reasons as written above.
All of them are godly. All danced to praise God for all that He has done in their lives. God come to have relationship with us, deliver us from our enemies, to heal and to protect us.
iv) Since human motivation is an essential key in dancing as praise, perhaps you should inventory your own reason(s) for dancing and for not dancing. Write this list in your study journal to pray over.
For Dancing
- to worship God
- to bring glory to God
- to be a light and salt out there.
For Not Dancing
- lack of motivation
- distraction with other things; hence giving less time to worship God
- plain lazy
My Prayers
Dear Father Abba, thank you for this life, this opportunity to dance before your throne. Father, I want to know more of you, to deny self and to live for a greater cause/purpose. Father, my life has been bought at a price, of your son. Father, I pray that my eyes will be for you and my security comes from you ALONE. Father, I trust that you will protect me from harm and even if I am in one, you always lift me above the storm. :):):) Father, I surrender my relationship, work, ministry, family and all that I am holding unto you alone. Father, I prayed for the salvation of my dad, big sis and family, mer mer and alvin and the rest of my extended family, friends (k and f). Father, I pray that you will send your people to be a representative of who you are in their lives. Father, I want to uphold CS and family unto your hand. Pls be their provider, Jehovah Jireh in their family.
Father, I also would like to pray for the many who are suffering at Queensland and Brisbane. They have lost their home, their identities and even loved ones. Father, please protect them and they will find you, love and support from the community during this time of chaos. Father, I want to uphold Roshan, Euge, Jason, Tims' families who are staying there unto your hand. Protect them from harm, from loss of property. Father, please do not test them beyond what they can bear.
In you alone, my Father Abba.
Your beloved,
Praise & Worship
i) His LOVE
ii) At the CROSS
iii) With All I Am
Chapter 3: What is Dancing Before The Lord? (Continuing from the book "Dance Before the Lord")
My notes:
- mechowlah (Hebrew) => round dance
- is a physical demonstration to God in a
shout, a song, hand clapping or waiving, and dancing.
- to turn, twist, move in the round, skip and leap.
David danced with ALL HIS MIGHT (2 Samuel 6:14 - 15)
- indicates wild movement of the feet with efforts at leaping perhaps.
i) Compare the scriptural examples of dancing to worldly dancing. How would you characterized the difference(s) between the two?
Worship Dance
- Dance for God
- To give God the glory for what he has done in our lives; (for who is he, his protection, his healing)
- Humbling to the point of making us foolish
Worldly Dance
- Dance for self and to impress others (through sensuous and degrading body language
- Self-absorption leads to pride; everything must be of a standard
ii) Write down the scriptures presented in this chapter. Spend some time looking at them. Meditate on them. Let these words of God dwell in your heart.
(a) Singing and shouting often accompanied dancing
Be glad in the LORD,
and REJOICE, ye righteousness:
all ye that are UPRIGHT IN HEART. "Psalm 32:11
(b) Deliverance from enemies (first dancing song in the Bible)
I will sing unto the LORD, for he hath triumphed gloriously:
the horse and his rider hath he thrown into the sea.
The LORD is my strength and song, and he is become my salvation:
he is my God, and I will prepare him an habitation;
my father's God, and I will exalt him. (Ex 15:1-2)
- reference to the timbrel sounds
And Miriam the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took a timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances. (Psalm 150:4)
(c) Restoration of the ark of covenant
And David danced before the Lord with ALL HIS MIGHT; and
David was girded with a linen ephod.
So David and all the house of Israel brought up the ark of
the LORD with shouting and the sound of trumpet. (2 Samuel 6:14-15)
(d) Healing of the lame man
And he leaping up stood,
and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping and praising God. (Acts 3:8)
iii) Make a list of the reasons why the people in the Scriptures you just read, danced. How many reasons on your list are ungodly? How many are godly?
Reasons as written above.
All of them are godly. All danced to praise God for all that He has done in their lives. God come to have relationship with us, deliver us from our enemies, to heal and to protect us.
iv) Since human motivation is an essential key in dancing as praise, perhaps you should inventory your own reason(s) for dancing and for not dancing. Write this list in your study journal to pray over.
For Dancing
- to worship God
- to bring glory to God
- to be a light and salt out there.
For Not Dancing
- lack of motivation
- distraction with other things; hence giving less time to worship God
- plain lazy
My Prayers
Dear Father Abba, thank you for this life, this opportunity to dance before your throne. Father, I want to know more of you, to deny self and to live for a greater cause/purpose. Father, my life has been bought at a price, of your son. Father, I pray that my eyes will be for you and my security comes from you ALONE. Father, I trust that you will protect me from harm and even if I am in one, you always lift me above the storm. :):):) Father, I surrender my relationship, work, ministry, family and all that I am holding unto you alone. Father, I prayed for the salvation of my dad, big sis and family, mer mer and alvin and the rest of my extended family, friends (k and f). Father, I pray that you will send your people to be a representative of who you are in their lives. Father, I want to uphold CS and family unto your hand. Pls be their provider, Jehovah Jireh in their family.
Father, I also would like to pray for the many who are suffering at Queensland and Brisbane. They have lost their home, their identities and even loved ones. Father, please protect them and they will find you, love and support from the community during this time of chaos. Father, I want to uphold Roshan, Euge, Jason, Tims' families who are staying there unto your hand. Protect them from harm, from loss of property. Father, please do not test them beyond what they can bear.
In you alone, my Father Abba.
Your beloved,
Praise & Worship
i) His LOVE
ii) At the CROSS
iii) With All I Am
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Psalm 149
1 Praise the LORD.
Sing to the LORD a new song;
his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.
2 Let Israel rejoice in their maker;
let the people of Zion be glad with their king.
3 Let them praise His name with dancing
and make music to him with timbrel and harp.
4 For the LORD takes delight in His people;
he crowns the humble with VICTORY
5 Let His faithful people rejoice in this HONOR
and sing for joy on their beds.
6 May the praise of God be in their mouths
and a double-edged swords in their hands,
7 to inflict vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples
8 to bind their kings with fetters,
their nobles with shackles of iron,
9 to carry out the sentence that is written about them -
this is the glory of ALL HIS FAITHFUL PEOPLE.
i) Who are the verses addressed to?
- Israel
- The people of Zion
- His faithful people
ii) What do they say to do?
- To praise the Lord
- To sing a new song in a company of Gods' people
- Rejoice in the Maker
- Be glad in the King
- Praise Him with dancing and make music with timbrel and harps
iii) What is the result of the ordered actions?
- God delights with our praises
- God protects/delivers us with VICTORY over our situations
- Received joy even when sleeping over the protection.
- God delivered us from enemies as we began to rise up with faith that God is with us. ;):):)
- Together with our continuous praises for God, we received JOY and together with the power of His WORDS, we are OVERCOMER!!
In summary:
We praise God ===> God delights in our praises, protects us with Victory, gives us abundant JOY ==== to overcome the spiritual forces with Him.
Praise & Worship
i) Mighty to Save
ii) My Redeemer Lives
Sing to the LORD a new song;
his praise in the assembly of his faithful people.
2 Let Israel rejoice in their maker;
let the people of Zion be glad with their king.
3 Let them praise His name with dancing
and make music to him with timbrel and harp.
4 For the LORD takes delight in His people;
he crowns the humble with VICTORY
5 Let His faithful people rejoice in this HONOR
and sing for joy on their beds.
6 May the praise of God be in their mouths
and a double-edged swords in their hands,
7 to inflict vengeance on the nations
and punishment on the peoples
8 to bind their kings with fetters,
their nobles with shackles of iron,
9 to carry out the sentence that is written about them -
this is the glory of ALL HIS FAITHFUL PEOPLE.
i) Who are the verses addressed to?
- Israel
- The people of Zion
- His faithful people
ii) What do they say to do?
- To praise the Lord
- To sing a new song in a company of Gods' people
- Rejoice in the Maker
- Be glad in the King
- Praise Him with dancing and make music with timbrel and harps
iii) What is the result of the ordered actions?
- God delights with our praises
- God protects/delivers us with VICTORY over our situations
- Received joy even when sleeping over the protection.
- God delivered us from enemies as we began to rise up with faith that God is with us. ;):):)
- Together with our continuous praises for God, we received JOY and together with the power of His WORDS, we are OVERCOMER!!
In summary:
We praise God ===> God delights in our praises, protects us with Victory, gives us abundant JOY ==== to overcome the spiritual forces with Him.
Praise & Worship
i) Mighty to Save
ii) My Redeemer Lives
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