Argh. I am not too sure what happen last night but I woke up with a painful left feet. As I recalled from my dream, I remember doing a slight kick to the back with one of my leg and I think I actually kicked in real life without knowing it. Hence, a swollen left feet.
I was limping slightly this morning and fear that I may have to miss some of my dance classes. I was looking forward to it.
Lord God, I accept your diving healing upon my left feet right now. I pray that you will heal my feet in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. I believe and accept your divine healing in Jesus most precious name.
Father, I know that you will not leave me nor forsake me. I trust in your healing power. I know I will not be placed in a situation where I can not handle it. Father, I surrender my feet unto you. *Selah
Loving you always,
Doreen C
Friday, April 29, 2011
To live in accordance to Gods' will

I have just read 2 Sam 3,1 Chr 13, Ps 68 and Matt 14 from my daily readings. It left me completely baffled by the things that men could do just to get their ways accomplished. It further confirms that I cannot do anything without first consulting God before hand. To make important decisions without Gods' involvement is like going down an uncharted road trip on my own. It is a no return road trip, I must say.
To see how a man life was taken away just because David did not followed the tradition thoroughly while bringing the Ark of God back to the City of God are quite scary and daunting. God is serious about us following his law. How could a God who I know who is just, compassion and merciful zapped Uzzah to death? Will God do the same if I unknowingly step out of His will? Honestly, I don't think He will do that as Jesus had already bore the punishment of death, long before I'm here. I know God sees what is inside of me, that is within my heart. As long as I humble myself to hear him and am willing to turn from my self-imposing ways, He forgives.
Lord God, please reveal my innermost thoughts that are not from you. Father, please direct me in your ways and if I do ever deviate from the course that you have for me, please send angels and your representative to warn me. Father, my desire is to please you and obey you. My eyes, ears and heart are open to your leading.
Father, I want to praise you. Show me how I can bring others to know and praise you. Show me how to. Teach me to be a worshipper who worship in spirit and in TRUTH. Father, I choose "Life" today. Today is indeed a NEW DAY. What was yesterday, is gone. What is tomorrow, has yet to come. Today, begins the first day of the rest of my Life.
Loving you,
One and only Doreen
Car Car Where R you?!!!
Oh my Car.... my future Car.. where are u?
Are you this?
Miss Holden Barina Spark 2011

Are you this?
Miss Suzuki Alto 2011

How about this?
Miss Toyota Yaris 2007

Lord God, so many to choose! Father, I need your direction to choose which is the best for me. Lord, help me ar.
Are you this?
Miss Holden Barina Spark 2011

Are you this?
Miss Suzuki Alto 2011

How about this?
Miss Toyota Yaris 2007

Lord God, so many to choose! Father, I need your direction to choose which is the best for me. Lord, help me ar.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Loving this design!

Ooooo.. I am really loving my new design for my blog. Loving the colors that really match my personality. :)
I am glad that I can restart everyday as it is new. No point harboring past regrets but to truly live life to the MAX on each single day. Just had an amazing dinner (Roast Duck and Crispy Skin Pork from Ming Xuong, Russell Street just in Chinatown. :)) My homemade soup turned out to be a BLAST! :) My cat, miowsy is simply adorable. :)
What can I say. In another 5 mins, I will be turning in to ZZZZZZ. Am looking forward to a time of rest where I know that God will be overlooking me when I fall asleep. Indeed tomorrow will be a new day. It will be a good Friday indeed.
Alrighty, till we meet again.
Much love,
Lazy Day
I would call today a lazy day.
There is so many homework piling up at the back of my mind and just the thought of it, make me feel so pressurized.
Hence, I declare today "A Day of Rest" for myself.
What Ive done so far:
i) Read Heng Khuens' blog (Life to the Full)
- I love his stories. It is all a "thumbs up" quality. Do check it out. It will blow your mind away. :)
ii) Spent a jolly good time reading the Bible.
- Today chapters were on 2 Samuel 2, Psalm 142 and two more. Gods' word truly brings me to another level of serenity and peace deep within. I pray that many will come to know Him. There is so many things to learn and gain insight in. His word gives me hope, strength, peace and hope. *Selah
iii) Slept the whole afternoon away
-Nothing beats the idea of napping the time away. After my date, I slept until 4.00pm. How good is that? You should try this sometime. :)
What I am looking forward to the rest of the night:
i) Yummilicious Dinner (Duckie duckie porkie porkie)
I want to enjoy doing what I like and that is to watch a movie. I hope there is a good one on TV tonite. Jo is buying back "Roast Duck cum Roast Skin Pork" from the city after work and I am going to be creative and try out a new soup recipe. It is called "The GRAND Spinach with fish balls with Chinese Oysters and Soft Boiled Eggs with Fish anchovies as the base". Gulp! Hope it taste good.. :) *Finger cross*
Oh yes, we are very much still good friends. It is amazing how Gods' grace lives within us. I chose "life" instead of "death" choices. The latter choice leads to anger, self-pity, distancing oneself from the other person while the first option leads to the ability to see beyond ones' hurt, forgiveness, embrace, love and hope for the other person. Therefore, I can summarize it as this:
To have "life"
-> We chose to lay down our lives for the other person
-> We chose to love and forgive
-> We chose to embrace and hold hope in the Lord and in the other person
To have "death"
-> We chose to only see our own pain, regrets, and the years wasted (It is all about Me, Myself & I)
-> We chose to distance ourselves away from the person and similar situation (ie Building a Wall of Suffocation)
-> We chose to blame God for everything.
Your know what, I choose "Life" and paradise that God has promised me. :) God's way is a narrow path but it is where FREEDOM, LOVE and HOPE are found.
I hope that you choose the path that leads to LIFE as I have chosen mine in regardless of the pain and suffering. God has come not to give us a happy and meaningless life but to give us a truly remarkable, self-less life that is so worth the suffering and pain. He promise to bring us through it without forsaking us at all.
Thank you Father Abba for your love and peace. Just as you have forgiven me, I will also forgive others. Show me how to love, have compassion and embrace others just as how you have done so when I was beyond hope.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
There is so many homework piling up at the back of my mind and just the thought of it, make me feel so pressurized.
Hence, I declare today "A Day of Rest" for myself.
What Ive done so far:
i) Read Heng Khuens' blog (Life to the Full)
- I love his stories. It is all a "thumbs up" quality. Do check it out. It will blow your mind away. :)
ii) Spent a jolly good time reading the Bible.
- Today chapters were on 2 Samuel 2, Psalm 142 and two more. Gods' word truly brings me to another level of serenity and peace deep within. I pray that many will come to know Him. There is so many things to learn and gain insight in. His word gives me hope, strength, peace and hope. *Selah
iii) Slept the whole afternoon away
-Nothing beats the idea of napping the time away. After my date, I slept until 4.00pm. How good is that? You should try this sometime. :)
What I am looking forward to the rest of the night:
i) Yummilicious Dinner (Duckie duckie porkie porkie)
I want to enjoy doing what I like and that is to watch a movie. I hope there is a good one on TV tonite. Jo is buying back "Roast Duck cum Roast Skin Pork" from the city after work and I am going to be creative and try out a new soup recipe. It is called "The GRAND Spinach with fish balls with Chinese Oysters and Soft Boiled Eggs with Fish anchovies as the base". Gulp! Hope it taste good.. :) *Finger cross*
Oh yes, we are very much still good friends. It is amazing how Gods' grace lives within us. I chose "life" instead of "death" choices. The latter choice leads to anger, self-pity, distancing oneself from the other person while the first option leads to the ability to see beyond ones' hurt, forgiveness, embrace, love and hope for the other person. Therefore, I can summarize it as this:
To have "life"
-> We chose to lay down our lives for the other person
-> We chose to love and forgive
-> We chose to embrace and hold hope in the Lord and in the other person
To have "death"
-> We chose to only see our own pain, regrets, and the years wasted (It is all about Me, Myself & I)
-> We chose to distance ourselves away from the person and similar situation (ie Building a Wall of Suffocation)
-> We chose to blame God for everything.
Your know what, I choose "Life" and paradise that God has promised me. :) God's way is a narrow path but it is where FREEDOM, LOVE and HOPE are found.
I hope that you choose the path that leads to LIFE as I have chosen mine in regardless of the pain and suffering. God has come not to give us a happy and meaningless life but to give us a truly remarkable, self-less life that is so worth the suffering and pain. He promise to bring us through it without forsaking us at all.
Thank you Father Abba for your love and peace. Just as you have forgiven me, I will also forgive others. Show me how to love, have compassion and embrace others just as how you have done so when I was beyond hope.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
My Lord
My Lord, My Lord, there is none like you.
I desire to keep my relationship with Father daily. Without His words of wisdom and peace, my day is imperfect. At the same time, I make sure that I do not do this out of obligation but to really want to know Him more and more each day. His words are good to my soul. Without His words and guidance, all that I do is meaningless.
Today Ive learnt one thing about love, forgiveness and compassion for your enemies. Ive learnt it from King David in 2 Samuel 1. Both Saul and Jonathan were dead. Saul used to chase and hunt after King David although he was innocent both in men and Gods' eyes. Saul became insane in jealousy as he knew that David will be crowned after Him. He was far from God. Since his death, David and his men mourned for him and David even composed a song for the Kings' anointed.
Such is Davids' Godly characters that he had from the years of building his relationship with God. He knows that God also continues to pour out unconditional love and compassion to his rebellious children and forgive them. David emulated Gods' personalities.
From Psalm 140, David was seeking God for help to protect Him from the evil people. From the psalm, David knows that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. He knew that God will be his deliverer and protect him from the evil ones. I am amazed by his complete trust in God and utter dependance on God to act on his behalf. David only moved after He consulted Gods' directions. This, I like very much to follow as well.
What do I want to do out from this?
- To love, forgive those who have wrong me.
- To emulate Gods' character as above
- To run to God for protection and deliverance every time I am placed in an ugly situation. My hope and trust are build in the solid foundation of my relationship with Christ alone.
- I am secure in Him
- I am cherish and love by Him deeply.
My Lord, there is none like you. Lord, thank you for your directions and model such as King David. Indeed, this world may be ugly but there is hope. My hope is in you and there is where the light will overpower all mini darkness that are meant to sway me away from this journey that you have for me. Father, I will listen to the small still voice within me and Father, my ears are open, my eyes are open, my heart is ready. Father, let me know judge but to surrender the act of judging others unto your hand. You are the judge, my role is to love and support. Father, teach me to be quiet and speak only when necessary and to speak words that exalt others. I see how David never speak badly of Saul but always uphold Saul even in front of his warriors. I want to be like that. The only time when I vent will be with you only. During these moments, I can be free to say anything I like with you. Father, see right through me and teach me. Show me. Guide me.
Loving you always,
Doremi :)
I desire to keep my relationship with Father daily. Without His words of wisdom and peace, my day is imperfect. At the same time, I make sure that I do not do this out of obligation but to really want to know Him more and more each day. His words are good to my soul. Without His words and guidance, all that I do is meaningless.
Today Ive learnt one thing about love, forgiveness and compassion for your enemies. Ive learnt it from King David in 2 Samuel 1. Both Saul and Jonathan were dead. Saul used to chase and hunt after King David although he was innocent both in men and Gods' eyes. Saul became insane in jealousy as he knew that David will be crowned after Him. He was far from God. Since his death, David and his men mourned for him and David even composed a song for the Kings' anointed.
Such is Davids' Godly characters that he had from the years of building his relationship with God. He knows that God also continues to pour out unconditional love and compassion to his rebellious children and forgive them. David emulated Gods' personalities.
From Psalm 140, David was seeking God for help to protect Him from the evil people. From the psalm, David knows that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. He knew that God will be his deliverer and protect him from the evil ones. I am amazed by his complete trust in God and utter dependance on God to act on his behalf. David only moved after He consulted Gods' directions. This, I like very much to follow as well.
What do I want to do out from this?
- To love, forgive those who have wrong me.
- To emulate Gods' character as above
- To run to God for protection and deliverance every time I am placed in an ugly situation. My hope and trust are build in the solid foundation of my relationship with Christ alone.
- I am secure in Him
- I am cherish and love by Him deeply.
My Lord, there is none like you. Lord, thank you for your directions and model such as King David. Indeed, this world may be ugly but there is hope. My hope is in you and there is where the light will overpower all mini darkness that are meant to sway me away from this journey that you have for me. Father, I will listen to the small still voice within me and Father, my ears are open, my eyes are open, my heart is ready. Father, let me know judge but to surrender the act of judging others unto your hand. You are the judge, my role is to love and support. Father, teach me to be quiet and speak only when necessary and to speak words that exalt others. I see how David never speak badly of Saul but always uphold Saul even in front of his warriors. I want to be like that. The only time when I vent will be with you only. During these moments, I can be free to say anything I like with you. Father, see right through me and teach me. Show me. Guide me.
Loving you always,
Doremi :)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Loving you
Dear Lord,
How do I love you more and more each day, Lord? How do I begin to do this. I just want to say that there is NO ONE like you. You are my lover of my soul, my Joy, my All.
Father, teach me how to come to this secret place where we can share many conversations together, to laugh at each other and to cherish your wisdom that far surpasses the wisdom of this world. Indeed, the wisdom of this world seems foolish now.
Father, in this secret place, I just want to be FREE to be myself, not having to plan, pursue and achieve things. I want to just love you, be loved by you in this secret place that is sacred for just both of us.
Father, this is a love letter from me to you. Show me how I can spend my time early in the mornings with you. How shall I adore you? By dancing? Praying? Just being myself? Or by simply looking at the nature outside my window? Father, thank you for everything that you have given me. I know that I don't deserve them. You have blessed me with these because you love me unconditionally. Father, thank you for your love, provision, never ending love and trust in me. Because you have first love and trust me, I will love and trust you.
Papa, show me how I can transfer this unconditional love to those who are hungry for true love. We love others not because we want something back. This is pure love, selfless love. Show me how to bring this love to others, papa. :)
I adore you.
I love you.
I honour you.
I *heart* you...
Loving you from the bottom of my heart,
Your precious daughter
How do I love you more and more each day, Lord? How do I begin to do this. I just want to say that there is NO ONE like you. You are my lover of my soul, my Joy, my All.
Father, teach me how to come to this secret place where we can share many conversations together, to laugh at each other and to cherish your wisdom that far surpasses the wisdom of this world. Indeed, the wisdom of this world seems foolish now.
Father, in this secret place, I just want to be FREE to be myself, not having to plan, pursue and achieve things. I want to just love you, be loved by you in this secret place that is sacred for just both of us.
Father, this is a love letter from me to you. Show me how I can spend my time early in the mornings with you. How shall I adore you? By dancing? Praying? Just being myself? Or by simply looking at the nature outside my window? Father, thank you for everything that you have given me. I know that I don't deserve them. You have blessed me with these because you love me unconditionally. Father, thank you for your love, provision, never ending love and trust in me. Because you have first love and trust me, I will love and trust you.
Papa, show me how I can transfer this unconditional love to those who are hungry for true love. We love others not because we want something back. This is pure love, selfless love. Show me how to bring this love to others, papa. :)
I adore you.
I love you.
I honour you.
I *heart* you...
Loving you from the bottom of my heart,
Your precious daughter
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Foundations of Power Ministry
One of the book that I am currently reading is "God's Supernatural Power in You".
I would like to list a summary of my listening points from Chapter 2: Foundations of Power Ministry by Dr. Che Ahn with Bessie Watson Rhoades.
i) What is "Power Ministry"?
- remarkable miracles, unusual signs and wonders, exponential salvation and visible demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit, such as healing.
- revelational expressions, such as vision, dreams, interpretations of dreams, words of knowledge and prophesy.
- observational manifestations of the glory and presence of God through the Holy Spirit in supernatural operation. For eg, "being slain in the spirit", apostle Paul was knocked to the ground by God (Acts 9:4), when Peter walked on water (Matt. 14:29) and when Jesus walked through a solid wall or door (John 20:19).
- it is a demonstration of Heavens' normal mode of operation release on earth now by those who believe that the Kingdom is at hand - which literaly means" within our grasp" (Matt 10:7)
ii) Main purpose of PM?
- to glory Christ by leading individuals into revelation, faith and transformation which leads to the transformational of cities and nations.
Things to Note
*Not of Ourselves
- We need to recognise that we are used as a vessel for Gods' supernatural work to be accomplished. At the end of the day, it is the work of the Holy Spirit that does this, not us.
*Our Character
- God is wanting to build our character when we are used for this PM. At the end of the day, we will be lesser, but Gods' glory is to become more. The author wrote that he had became more humble, the more he is used by God in His power.
- Jesus is more interested in the character of the person that will sustain His glory and bring honor to His name than the many successes and "big bang" healing and unusual signs that will occur during the ministry time.
God is Interested in.........
- our character
- we are to count the cost of carrying his cost, less we begin building and not being able to finish the work.
- God loves risk-takers and overcomers
- He is pleased only by those who walk in faith (Heb 11:6)
- He takes no pleasure in those who "shrink back" (Heb 10:38)
- God will also laid out strategies for us to keep us running the race in such a way that we will win the race (1 Cor 9:24)
===> I need to count the cost daily and follow His plan in order to finish well.
How do I begin?
Begin with the Basics
- PRAYER (changes our minds to Gods' will; a lifestyle)
- WORD (Our weapon)
- OBEDIENCE (Our outwork act of faith; faithful in the obeying the small prompting leads to bigger things)
- Seek God FIRST in all matter before we act (King David did before any battles)
== Remember to get accountability with mentor & community.
== Remember to teach other to witness themselves and be minister of PM... ie disciple other to also give what they receive
Faithful with the Little
- we are to steward all that has been given to us (finances, relationships, bosses' work).
- do to others how we would like to be treated.
- Discipline others by teaching them how to steward things wisely. For eg Only give to them what they can handle at that time. (Small car to a reckless teenager; small finances to one who is learning how to steward the money)
===> Choose investment unto family, integrity, honesty, accountability in all that we do even when noone is watching. God does!
A Level & Balanced Life
- Prioritise relationship above ministry as we need to take care of those who are close to us before we can take care of others. For eg. Personal health...etc
Discerning Good and Evil
- God's WORD is a non-negotiable for every believer.
- must focus on Word to study and apply in our everyday lives.
- "Solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of us have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil" (Heb 5:14)
-Word is a record of ministry. (the stories from the bible encourages that we too can operate in this dimension)
- Word allows us to see the growth of a minister's life.
- The Word (word of knowledge; prophesy) releases powerful gifts. (For eg: Jesus' word to the woman at the well brought an entire town to salvation (John 4:1-42)
===> We are to practice through mistakes and not to give up. As we learn to better discern the voice of the Lord from our devotion, prayers and daily tasks, God will use us for his purpose. To add, do read on real life believers who have been operating in this faith-filled ministry.
Practical Growth
- seek guidance in this area
- obtain cds & dvds, online sermons on supernatural & impartation of the power gifts,
- attend conferences
- biographies of great revivalists
- try in small groups/prayer meetings
- try opportunities to ministry and get feedback
- Our relationship with GOD!
- I will move in Power Ministry when I am intimate with GOD. (that is his Modus Operandi)
I would like to list a summary of my listening points from Chapter 2: Foundations of Power Ministry by Dr. Che Ahn with Bessie Watson Rhoades.
i) What is "Power Ministry"?
- remarkable miracles, unusual signs and wonders, exponential salvation and visible demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit, such as healing.
- revelational expressions, such as vision, dreams, interpretations of dreams, words of knowledge and prophesy.
- observational manifestations of the glory and presence of God through the Holy Spirit in supernatural operation. For eg, "being slain in the spirit", apostle Paul was knocked to the ground by God (Acts 9:4), when Peter walked on water (Matt. 14:29) and when Jesus walked through a solid wall or door (John 20:19).
- it is a demonstration of Heavens' normal mode of operation release on earth now by those who believe that the Kingdom is at hand - which literaly means" within our grasp" (Matt 10:7)
ii) Main purpose of PM?
- to glory Christ by leading individuals into revelation, faith and transformation which leads to the transformational of cities and nations.
Things to Note
*Not of Ourselves
- We need to recognise that we are used as a vessel for Gods' supernatural work to be accomplished. At the end of the day, it is the work of the Holy Spirit that does this, not us.
*Our Character
- God is wanting to build our character when we are used for this PM. At the end of the day, we will be lesser, but Gods' glory is to become more. The author wrote that he had became more humble, the more he is used by God in His power.
- Jesus is more interested in the character of the person that will sustain His glory and bring honor to His name than the many successes and "big bang" healing and unusual signs that will occur during the ministry time.
God is Interested in.........
- our character
- we are to count the cost of carrying his cost, less we begin building and not being able to finish the work.
- God loves risk-takers and overcomers
- He is pleased only by those who walk in faith (Heb 11:6)
- He takes no pleasure in those who "shrink back" (Heb 10:38)
- God will also laid out strategies for us to keep us running the race in such a way that we will win the race (1 Cor 9:24)
===> I need to count the cost daily and follow His plan in order to finish well.
How do I begin?
Begin with the Basics
- PRAYER (changes our minds to Gods' will; a lifestyle)
- WORD (Our weapon)
- OBEDIENCE (Our outwork act of faith; faithful in the obeying the small prompting leads to bigger things)
- Seek God FIRST in all matter before we act (King David did before any battles)
== Remember to get accountability with mentor & community.
== Remember to teach other to witness themselves and be minister of PM... ie disciple other to also give what they receive
Faithful with the Little
- we are to steward all that has been given to us (finances, relationships, bosses' work).
- do to others how we would like to be treated.
- Discipline others by teaching them how to steward things wisely. For eg Only give to them what they can handle at that time. (Small car to a reckless teenager; small finances to one who is learning how to steward the money)
===> Choose investment unto family, integrity, honesty, accountability in all that we do even when noone is watching. God does!
A Level & Balanced Life
- Prioritise relationship above ministry as we need to take care of those who are close to us before we can take care of others. For eg. Personal health...etc
Discerning Good and Evil
- God's WORD is a non-negotiable for every believer.
- must focus on Word to study and apply in our everyday lives.
- "Solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of us have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil" (Heb 5:14)
-Word is a record of ministry. (the stories from the bible encourages that we too can operate in this dimension)
- Word allows us to see the growth of a minister's life.
- The Word (word of knowledge; prophesy) releases powerful gifts. (For eg: Jesus' word to the woman at the well brought an entire town to salvation (John 4:1-42)
===> We are to practice through mistakes and not to give up. As we learn to better discern the voice of the Lord from our devotion, prayers and daily tasks, God will use us for his purpose. To add, do read on real life believers who have been operating in this faith-filled ministry.
Practical Growth
- seek guidance in this area
- obtain cds & dvds, online sermons on supernatural & impartation of the power gifts,
- attend conferences
- biographies of great revivalists
- try in small groups/prayer meetings
- try opportunities to ministry and get feedback
- Our relationship with GOD!
- I will move in Power Ministry when I am intimate with GOD. (that is his Modus Operandi)
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