Saturday, August 20, 2011

It is INDEED Good to be Home~

I'm home finally. I am still recuperating from the long flight that I had a few days ago. My body is trying to adapt to the new changes and I am hoping that I will be back to my normal routine very soon. I realise that when one choose to do something, no amount of reasoning or excuses can stop one from doing so. I'm looking forward to a better and healthier lifestyle for the long haul. I'm glad I can cultivate this in Australia.

What I have learnt today.
i) Loving my enemies
- God is love. He loves all who are made in his images. He has called us to love him with all our soul, might and mind and to love others like we love ourselves. We are called to love our "enemies" and this is what made us different. "Hurting people" hurt others without realising it themselves. God has shown me that a greater way of loving them is by laying down ourselves at the cross. This is how we can overcome evil. Not by being evil but by loving them as how we love ourselves. Even those with the hearts of stones are in desperate need of hope and above all, love. I want to choose to love, despite all things. This love is unconditional. This love is AGAPE. This is Gods' love.

ii) Obeying God is better than sacrifice
- God knows what is the best for us. He directs and guides us in accordance to His will. His will frees us to be the best of what we can be. I want to choose to obey Him and not what I think is good for me at the moment. Father, give me the courage to act in accordance to your guidance. I know your way is better than mine and I want to obey you humbly. You know what is best for me and I want to just follow you. Thank you for your love, for wanting the best for me.

Today is a NEW DAY,
What was yesterday is GONE,
What is tomorrow is yet to COME,

Today is the day that the Lord has made
and I shall REJOICE & BE GLAD IN IT.


Loving you always,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Home is where the Heart is......


I am here. After having been away for 3 whole weeks, I am finally home to where my heart belongs. Indeed, I am contented that God has placed me in this place that I can called my 2nd home. I love my current home, amazing housemates and the amazing supportive community that I'm at.

Indeed, my eyes have been opened and I have gained many amazing insights and experiences that no money can buy. I have gained clarity and I must say, confidence in myself throughout the 3 weeks. Indeed when God opens doors, the smartest thing to do is to cease the opportunity immediately. :)

I am still a bit lethargic from the 20+ flight from the States, yet at the same time, I am excited in getting down to learn the topic on "marriage" from my Christian Life II subject. The timing is perfect indeed. As God has already begin a NEW chapter in my life, I want to confirm that I will no longer whole onto the past. What is gone is gone. My heart is now open for new things and I am eager to learn and grow in the new things that are coming my ways.

Ooo... am feeling tired all of a sudden. Guess that I'm still having jet lag. I may just take a short nap to recover my strength again. Oh well, I shall continue with this later.

Yours faithfully,