Friday, September 9, 2011


- A community of Christian dancers
learning to represent and uphold the values of Christ
through our identity in Christ alone,
through our pursuit of excellence in all of our creative arts performances
for the purpose of reforming the culture
within the creative arts industry.

- We desire
to represent His values and be equipped in the foundation of Christ through teachings, words and prayers,
to reveal the "convicting truth" & the purpose of Christ (Redeeming Saviour) through our creative arts performances and
to pursue excellence in all of our creative arts' expressions so that we can represent the same integrity and creativeness of God
within the creative arts industry.

- Discipline in
i) Words + Prayers (Individual/Community Spiritual Growth) integrated with Worship session
ii) Teaching on the "Foundation on Worship" (Biblical Understanding) + Time for individual engagements
iii) Technical Skills (In-House Training or External Training)

- 40 Days Prayer & Fasting
- Teaching on the Foundation of Dance
- Indoor: Creative Dance Workshops
- Outdoor Exposure: Movies/Stage Production/Creative Arts Gathering with other creative artists

1) Who are we?
- Christian Dancers

2) Where are we now?
- Pending for new transformation( from the old to the new way of what it means to be a christian dancer)

3) What can we all look forward to?
- To build our core foundation in the word & prayer
- To equip ourselves in the understanding of worship (through teaching)
- To pursue the art of excellence in all of our creative performances.

4) What can we all do now?
- To gather in the word + prayer (40 days Prayer & Fasting)
- To gain understanding through teaching

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Good morning Lord,

Thank you so much for the clarity this morning.

You are right, I must intercede for what I need to ask from TG for. I desire to build the creative arts ministry and I want to start exploring that artistic hub for Life. Father, you have shown me clearly from the below that I must start to pray , ask wisdom from you and ask TG about it.

"If are you willing to let me bury my dead, then listen to me and INTERCEDE with Ephron son of Zohar on my behalf so he will sell me the cave of Macpelah, which belongs to him and is at the end of his field. Ask him to sell it to me for the full price as a burial site among you." Genesis 23:8-9

Sarah passed away at the age of 127. Abraham & the rest of the family were mourning for her death and he was looking for a place to bury her body. In the town, he asked forth for a place of burial from the local. Being a foreigner to the land of Canaanites, he know that he need to bargain openly with the locals.

I can see that Abraham knew what he wanted and he asked forth for it.

I am at this junction of "what I am going to focus on" for the new few months of my life. I know very clearly that God has called me to come home and start a Prayer Room for his beloved dancers. I know that my trimester is postponed until Feb 2012, which is in 5 months time. Splendid! This leave me ample of time to invest in this Prayer Room.

Looking from the above, I believe Father wants me to intercede for favour from men, particularly favor from TG. I also know that the below is important too:

‎"ASK and IT will be given to You; SEEK and You will FIND; KNOCK and the door will be OPENED to YOU. For everyone who asks RECEIVES; he who seeks FINDS; and to him who knocks, the door will be OPENED." Matthew 7:7-8.

When I ask in accordance to Gods' will, I will receive. Looking from our list yesterday, I know God has opened door for the Artistic HUB to be recognised and pursue. So, it is up to me now...

1) To INTERCEDE: favour from TG; wisdom & boldness on planning for the next 4 months
2) Out of the above: to plan for the year

My Lord, my lord, there is none like you. I love and adore you so much. My Lord, you are indeed a fresh new scent and water that fills the vacuum in my heart. I can not live without you. Father, I am in you and you are in me. Make my heart, your dwelling place. Purify my thoughts and make me faithful again. Father, I desire to know you and what bring delight to your heart. My Lord, there is none like you. Give me a genuine heart that desires your way, your will for me and those whom is going to be influence from this flow. Father, clean me inside out. Draw close to me as I draw closer to you.
Thank you, Father Abba for your abundance, unconditional LOVE and most AMAZING GRACE, MERCY and FORGIVENESS. Thank you for your patience.. :) Thank you for loving me and letting me know that no depth, height, width will compare to the LOVE that you have for me..:) Muaks muaks muaks.... ~ Selah

Loving you always,
Doreen C.

Monday, September 5, 2011

IN another 2 days

In another 2 days, I will be turning 32.

To come to think of it, what have I achieved thus far?
Honestly, loads but I cannot put them down in writing.
I will try...

I tried obeying my Lord by coming to Melbourne with only $2K.
I seek my Lord in all that I do and responded by the Spirit when I was faced by challenges.

At the same time, I tried putting my hands into all things
And in return, I got "burned"/"dried".
I know that I am not doing so many things to "please" my boss.
I have acknowledged that last time and I don't think I want to go back to that season of "busyness" again.

As at present, I just want to sow what I am called to do.

i) The Art of Worship Dance
----> Creating space for others to rise up.
----> Creating a safe space for others to be vulnerable.
----> Creating a space for accountability
----> Creating a space for others to return back to Father's heart through words and prayers
----> Creating opportunities for dance worshipper to worship the Lord with all their might and spirit
----> Creating a space for excellence in our artistic skill

ii) Finance: Booking keeping
----> Overseeing the health of Expedition Accounts
----> Ensure accountability/transparency through XERO online accounting

iii) Administrator
----> Ensure the running and stability of all the administrative work in relation to the office matter only

What I want to see happening for myself?
-- To start PAINTING
-- To build meaningful peer to peer relationship
Father, I desire peer friendship. I do not desire one sided relationship. I want to have friends who I can lean on and vice versa. Father, I believe that you have someone in mind already. They are the people whom I can trust 100%, spiritual strong and healthy and are passionate people who loves and am willing to lay down their lives for your Kingdom. Someone who is like me. Steady, focused, passionate, not people pleaser, people who know their calling and also passionate about life n letting their hair down. I need friends who knows how to enjoy life too...

-- To eat healthy
-- To swim
-- To dance

In another 2 days, I will be turning 32. What have I achieved?

Nothing Papa, except that I can say that I have follow you whole-heartedly.
That you have taught me many lessons and that I have grow a lot over the last few years of dying to self.
Indeed, my security comes only from you and not my work, my studies, my calling, my friends, my families, my wealth, my health, my car....

You are the only one who are IMPORTANT to Me..
I value friends..
I value you..
I value my family..

Loving you,
doreen C.

Surprise me. PApa.. :)

The Lord is King over the Whole Earth

Dear Papa,

When I am frustrated, you calm me down .
When I am angry, your WORDS flow into me.
When I am so "inward-looking", you call me to see beyond myself and your creation.

Father, indeed you are the King over the WHOLE EARTH,
You are the Lord of all Lords.

Father, I want to surrender my emotions and feelings to you.
I release it to you.
You say that your yoke is easy, your burden is light.
I hold on to what you say.

Father, guide me in your ways always.
Give me the peace that you say.
I want that now. I desire you oh so much more.

Teach me what it means to enjoy all that I have at the moment,
There is noone like you.
I desire you.
I need you.
I want you.

Father, you are the only one who can heal the brokenness that I have.
What are those? I am not sure.
Fill me. Complete me.
Fill me to the brim with your spirit.

I desire you.
I want you.
I love you.

Your dearest,

I Need You More - Kim Walker