Scriptures (Ephesians 4:31-32 & Philippians 2:3-4)
Let there be no more bitter resentment or anger; no more shouting and slander, and let there be no bad feeling of any kind among you. Be kind to each other; be compassionate. Be ready to forgive others as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:31-32
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4
Honestly, it is so easy for us to hold the scepter and cast judgment on others. I find it hard as we become closer to a person, the weaknesses of the person intensify. Sometimes, it makes me loose my patience and I just want to tell them off. Yet, at the same time, I have to question myself on why am I resenting them? I also believe it takes 2 to tango which means that it is never one persons' fault. It always take two to make something go wrong, even for something that is not important at all. I find it interesting to see how our Creator always ask us to forgive one another even up to 77 times. I'm coming to term that we are "weak" in our ways and EVERYONE deserves a second chance. It takes one with a big heart to see above the scars of another soul.
The above scriptures teach me to be patient, humble and forgiving. It is stupid to allow fear to control us. Discomfort and strife come when our "safety zone" has been cross over. As a result, we tend to put up our defense guard to protect ourselves. But, the above teach me to see things in a broader perspective versus my own small viewpoint. God teaches me to see things in HIS PERSPECTIVE. To love and cherish, to forgive, to build a rock solid foundation in me as an individual.
To REACT in anger, thoughtlessness, fear and defensiveness will only makes what is originally pure; impure and ugly. It does not build trust and healing in the relationship but only further erodes the relationship.
I will obey. Father is in the process of free-ing me. I will listen and obey and grow. His way is bigger than mine and I want to learn and grow. I'm redeemed by you, O Lord and I am forever thankful and grateful for this. :)
My Lord, you are faithful. You are my wonderful counsellor. There is none like you. Yes, let me know what it takes to be your child; a woman of God. I pray for more of your grace and peace as I learn to "unlearn" from the knowledge of the world. I want to learn a new way about life, a life that is worth me living for. A life where I can be real in Christ-like ways and not living the life of what the world made me to believe. Give me an undivided heart, O Lord. Purify my thoughts. Refresh my heart as I place my trust in you ALONE.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Love => Marriage (Unity of two hearts)
Scripture (Songs of Solomon 3:11)
11 Come out, you daughters of Zion,
and look at King Solomon wearing the crown,
the crown with which his mother crowned him
on the day of his wedding,
the day his heart rejoiced.
King Solomon is the happiest man alive. He is here to sweep his new bride of her feet. The maiden is encouraged to believe, look and see for herself that her lover is here to wed her.
Waa... ;) To all those beautiful maidens, (Ivy, Cher, Leanne), congratulations. May the joy of the Lord be your strength. May His love, wisdom and peace be with you. :)
Wow. Will my God be here to sweep me off my feet? *pondering*
Dear Lord, I want to believe that this is true. What does it mean to be sweep off my feet? Only you know. :) I pray for an undivided heart. To love, to cherish, to adore you. :) To desire you above all things. To keep loving those you have place around me. To have wisdom in building a healthy relationships with them. Father, any relationships that are not reaching your purpose, Father, given me wisdom and courage to response to them according to the spirit. Amen!
Loving you heaps,
Doreen C
11 Come out, you daughters of Zion,
and look at King Solomon wearing the crown,
the crown with which his mother crowned him
on the day of his wedding,
the day his heart rejoiced.
King Solomon is the happiest man alive. He is here to sweep his new bride of her feet. The maiden is encouraged to believe, look and see for herself that her lover is here to wed her.
Waa... ;) To all those beautiful maidens, (Ivy, Cher, Leanne), congratulations. May the joy of the Lord be your strength. May His love, wisdom and peace be with you. :)
Wow. Will my God be here to sweep me off my feet? *pondering*
Dear Lord, I want to believe that this is true. What does it mean to be sweep off my feet? Only you know. :) I pray for an undivided heart. To love, to cherish, to adore you. :) To desire you above all things. To keep loving those you have place around me. To have wisdom in building a healthy relationships with them. Father, any relationships that are not reaching your purpose, Father, given me wisdom and courage to response to them according to the spirit. Amen!
Loving you heaps,
Doreen C
Undivided Heart
IT is so easy to have bad thoughts coming into us. All the more I realise that I need to capture this negative thoughts and release to my Creator. It takes discipline and clear mind to do this. Meditating on Gods' word follows after this.
It is not easy but it is not impossible either. :)
I'm on my way to victory. :)
To freedom.
To success in His eyes. :)
Loving you,
It is not easy but it is not impossible either. :)
I'm on my way to victory. :)
To freedom.
To success in His eyes. :)
Loving you,
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Rising up, Running Wild, Soaring High
Scripture (Songs of Solomon 2:10)
10 My lover spoke and said to me,
"Arise, my darling,
my beautiful one, and come with me.
This book depicts the love relationship between King Solomon and the Shulamite woman. One can see the intensity of love forming between this two being from the moment their eyes met. :) (Wonderful). I simply love how the man (lover) encourages her to rise up. By doing this, he is showing her hope to see beyond herself, her past and to see that a new season has come, a new Kingdom has arrived.
I believe the Lord wants me to be "present". To dare to let the past buried in the past. We cannot allow the past to haunt us and cripple us from living in the present. It takes one who loves us to bring us and remind us of the hope in the future and also to see a new season is here to stay.
As I cremate my "past", I sense a new found freedom, joy and light forming in me. I sense a new beginning. What I do today will influence my future. What I do NOT do today will result in me not achieving the purpose that is prepare for me.
I will choose to seize the day and live my life to the fullest. It's time to RUN.
Lord God, I pray for an undivided heart. I pray for focus. I do not want to hold on to the dead past. This is meaningless and it is not me. I'm meant to run wild like the horse and be free to roam the valleys. Like an eagle, I'm meant to soar above the the mountains. Like the cheetah, I'm meant to run with great speed. Lord, I pray for an undivided heart. In this I pray, Amen.
Loving you,
Ur precious
10 My lover spoke and said to me,
"Arise, my darling,
my beautiful one, and come with me.
This book depicts the love relationship between King Solomon and the Shulamite woman. One can see the intensity of love forming between this two being from the moment their eyes met. :) (Wonderful). I simply love how the man (lover) encourages her to rise up. By doing this, he is showing her hope to see beyond herself, her past and to see that a new season has come, a new Kingdom has arrived.
I believe the Lord wants me to be "present". To dare to let the past buried in the past. We cannot allow the past to haunt us and cripple us from living in the present. It takes one who loves us to bring us and remind us of the hope in the future and also to see a new season is here to stay.
As I cremate my "past", I sense a new found freedom, joy and light forming in me. I sense a new beginning. What I do today will influence my future. What I do NOT do today will result in me not achieving the purpose that is prepare for me.
I will choose to seize the day and live my life to the fullest. It's time to RUN.
Lord God, I pray for an undivided heart. I pray for focus. I do not want to hold on to the dead past. This is meaningless and it is not me. I'm meant to run wild like the horse and be free to roam the valleys. Like an eagle, I'm meant to soar above the the mountains. Like the cheetah, I'm meant to run with great speed. Lord, I pray for an undivided heart. In this I pray, Amen.
Loving you,
Ur precious
Thursday, February 19, 2009
To be loved.....
Scriptures (Songs of Solomon 1:7-8)
Beloved (Beautiful Maiden)
7 Tell me, you whom I love, where you graze your flock
and where you rest your sheep at midday.
Why should I be like a veiled woman
beside the flocks of your friends?
8 If you do not know, most beautiful of women,
follow the tracks of the sheep
and graze your young goats
by the tents of the shepherds.
This book depicts the loving relationship between King Solomon and this beautiful maiden. The "friends" is another group that supports the forming of this relationship. It is beautiful. From what I observed, the maiden is wanting to get to know King Solomon and she is seeking ways to be with him. Here, the friends are directing her to do just that. :)
For a healthy relationship to grow, it must be supported by the love and care of the community even from a very early stage of courtship. The community can be close and trusted friends/families who journey with the couple. No couples are meant to stand alone as when storms come, the community are the one who will provide a place of refuge for the couple. To be more specific, when a couple faces problem, whether a relationship breaks or grow, the input/support/encouragement from the community are very crucial. External parties (matured and who have been journeying with the couples) are able to see "clearer" and provide helpful feedback to the couple during time of conflict.
No wonder Joey always encourages us to be surrounded by the community so that we will not end up in our tiny world.
I realise the value of close and trusted people whom I can get support and love from. External parties are able to see through the conflict. I realise the importance of building long lasting relationship with this people. It is very important to build relationship not only between me and Joey but with my community. It is very important to be accountable to them as well.
Now, I truly understand why God wants us to form a healthy relationship internally and outwardly. It is for His glory that His people stands together and support one another during time of chaos.
Father, I thank you for your counsel. Indeed, you are above all things. Yes, father, you have bring people like Auntie Kim and my mom to show me a bigger picture than just the conflict on its own. The enemy wants us to HOLD onto it but you wants us to BREAK our past and be free. Indeed, I will do my best to hold on to you and also to cherish the relationships that you have placed around me. Let me not take them for granted but to love them like you do and how they do to me.
Thank you Father, for bringing them to me to make me wiser as a woman in a relationship. Yes, I will keep on learning and growing to partner with you and Joey.
Loving you always,
Beloved (Beautiful Maiden)
7 Tell me, you whom I love, where you graze your flock
and where you rest your sheep at midday.
Why should I be like a veiled woman
beside the flocks of your friends?
8 If you do not know, most beautiful of women,
follow the tracks of the sheep
and graze your young goats
by the tents of the shepherds.
This book depicts the loving relationship between King Solomon and this beautiful maiden. The "friends" is another group that supports the forming of this relationship. It is beautiful. From what I observed, the maiden is wanting to get to know King Solomon and she is seeking ways to be with him. Here, the friends are directing her to do just that. :)
For a healthy relationship to grow, it must be supported by the love and care of the community even from a very early stage of courtship. The community can be close and trusted friends/families who journey with the couple. No couples are meant to stand alone as when storms come, the community are the one who will provide a place of refuge for the couple. To be more specific, when a couple faces problem, whether a relationship breaks or grow, the input/support/encouragement from the community are very crucial. External parties (matured and who have been journeying with the couples) are able to see "clearer" and provide helpful feedback to the couple during time of conflict.
No wonder Joey always encourages us to be surrounded by the community so that we will not end up in our tiny world.
I realise the value of close and trusted people whom I can get support and love from. External parties are able to see through the conflict. I realise the importance of building long lasting relationship with this people. It is very important to build relationship not only between me and Joey but with my community. It is very important to be accountable to them as well.
Now, I truly understand why God wants us to form a healthy relationship internally and outwardly. It is for His glory that His people stands together and support one another during time of chaos.
Father, I thank you for your counsel. Indeed, you are above all things. Yes, father, you have bring people like Auntie Kim and my mom to show me a bigger picture than just the conflict on its own. The enemy wants us to HOLD onto it but you wants us to BREAK our past and be free. Indeed, I will do my best to hold on to you and also to cherish the relationships that you have placed around me. Let me not take them for granted but to love them like you do and how they do to me.
Thank you Father, for bringing them to me to make me wiser as a woman in a relationship. Yes, I will keep on learning and growing to partner with you and Joey.
Loving you always,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Outbreak => Towards the path of healing
Owwwcchh!!!! Took a sip of my V-drink and the pain is indescribable. !!!!!! Multiple ulcers, the size of 5 cents grow on 2 front parts of my tongue. I can't take in hot or cold drinks and on liquid diet. Have not been eating food food larger than my teeny finger.
Am waiting for my blood test result this friday. I pray all will be alright with me. Been having this ulcers problem for nearly 2 years and it's the worst these 2 months. As a result, Ive lost around 2-3 kgs.
Lord God, I pray for a speedy recovery. I do understand the importance of having a healthy and balance lifestyle. Thank you for letting me know that I'm important, my body is important, my mind is important. Thank you for teaching me that I have to steward my own well being as an adult and not give excuses anymore. Thank you for this grace.
I will continue to love you, to adore you, to obey you, to focus on you. I believe that you have placed me in Melbourne for a reason and that reason is to get to know you more, to fulfill my purpose in dance and painting. Yes, I will not be sway to the left and right. I will hang on and persevere.
Loving you much,
Doreen C.
Am waiting for my blood test result this friday. I pray all will be alright with me. Been having this ulcers problem for nearly 2 years and it's the worst these 2 months. As a result, Ive lost around 2-3 kgs.
Lord God, I pray for a speedy recovery. I do understand the importance of having a healthy and balance lifestyle. Thank you for letting me know that I'm important, my body is important, my mind is important. Thank you for teaching me that I have to steward my own well being as an adult and not give excuses anymore. Thank you for this grace.
I will continue to love you, to adore you, to obey you, to focus on you. I believe that you have placed me in Melbourne for a reason and that reason is to get to know you more, to fulfill my purpose in dance and painting. Yes, I will not be sway to the left and right. I will hang on and persevere.
Loving you much,
Doreen C.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Missing Mom
Hallo Diary,
I'm feeling betta today. Am learning to look at the brighter side. :) Though my ulcers are breaking out again.
Wish mom is here soon. Missing her terribly.
Missing you God.
I'm feeling betta today. Am learning to look at the brighter side. :) Though my ulcers are breaking out again.
Wish mom is here soon. Missing her terribly.
Missing you God.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Forgiveness begets forgiveness
" Blessed are the merciful, for they will be shown mercy" Matthew 6:14-15
"You must be merciful, as your Father is merciful. Don't judge other people and you will not be judged yourselves. Don't condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive others and people will forgive you. Luke 6:36-37 (NIV)
( The Message) Luke 37-38"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity."
Lord, just as you have taught me. I will obey your ways. Let me response and not react. My identity is in you. Let me know be tested beyond what I can bear but Father, bring me into a deeper level with you. Loving and trusting in you.
Your beloved
"You must be merciful, as your Father is merciful. Don't judge other people and you will not be judged yourselves. Don't condemn and you will not be condemned. Forgive others and people will forgive you. Luke 6:36-37 (NIV)
( The Message) Luke 37-38"Don't pick on people, jump on their failures, criticize their faults— unless, of course, you want the same treatment. Don't condemn those who are down; that hardness can boomerang. Be easy on people; you'll find life a lot easier. Give away your life; you'll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way. Generosity begets generosity."
Lord, just as you have taught me. I will obey your ways. Let me response and not react. My identity is in you. Let me know be tested beyond what I can bear but Father, bring me into a deeper level with you. Loving and trusting in you.
Your beloved
Felt Cheated
This morning was a big blow to me. I felt cheated. I do not know what to make up for it but I can not deny the ways I feel now. What I can do now to hide my emotion is to substitute it with work. Other than that, I will let God heal my sorrow. Jc, JC, you have kept pushing the boundaries. I'm losing hope.
If only God knows. But I believe God does. In fact HE has pre-empt me from the below:
"Stop trusting in man,
who has but a breath in his nostrils.
Or what account is he?" Isaiah 2:22
I'm beginning to be awaken. My eyes are seeing. My heart is feeling. I'm growing. Learning to place my hope and trust in the Lord and stop hearing about lies. No more lies. I hate liars.
To forgive or not to? Too much talk, no action. Show me actions and I will see.
Loving you father,
It hurts to be where I am. I don't understand why and I'm not sure what have I done wrong. Have I not been obeying you, papa? Ive I not? But, I still believe in you. I know all things will work out for those who trust in you only.
If only God knows. But I believe God does. In fact HE has pre-empt me from the below:
"Stop trusting in man,
who has but a breath in his nostrils.
Or what account is he?" Isaiah 2:22
I'm beginning to be awaken. My eyes are seeing. My heart is feeling. I'm growing. Learning to place my hope and trust in the Lord and stop hearing about lies. No more lies. I hate liars.
To forgive or not to? Too much talk, no action. Show me actions and I will see.
Loving you father,
It hurts to be where I am. I don't understand why and I'm not sure what have I done wrong. Have I not been obeying you, papa? Ive I not? But, I still believe in you. I know all things will work out for those who trust in you only.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Good day at work
wahseh.. a very good and productive day at work.. All pending stuff are follow-thru. :) phewww..:)
i'm drinking loads of water, barley, crysanthemum.... there are 3 ulcers on my tongue, a few on front of my mouth and left and right side of my mouth.. sakitnya,.. whenever i eat my food, the pain makes me want to tear my tongue apart..
its that painful..
tolongg GOd..
i'm drinking loads of water, barley, crysanthemum.... there are 3 ulcers on my tongue, a few on front of my mouth and left and right side of my mouth.. sakitnya,.. whenever i eat my food, the pain makes me want to tear my tongue apart..
its that painful..
tolongg GOd..
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