Friday, February 27, 2009

Learning a new way of living

Scriptures (Ephesians 4:31-32 & Philippians 2:3-4)

Let there be no more bitter resentment or anger; no more shouting and slander, and let there be no bad feeling of any kind among you. Be kind to each other; be compassionate. Be ready to forgive others as God for Christ's sake has forgiven you. Ephesians 4:31-32

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others. Philippians 2:3-4

Honestly, it is so easy for us to hold the scepter and cast judgment on others. I find it hard as we become closer to a person, the weaknesses of the person intensify. Sometimes, it makes me loose my patience and I just want to tell them off. Yet, at the same time, I have to question myself on why am I resenting them? I also believe it takes 2 to tango which means that it is never one persons' fault. It always take two to make something go wrong, even for something that is not important at all. I find it interesting to see how our Creator always ask us to forgive one another even up to 77 times. I'm coming to term that we are "weak" in our ways and EVERYONE deserves a second chance. It takes one with a big heart to see above the scars of another soul.

The above scriptures teach me to be patient, humble and forgiving. It is stupid to allow fear to control us. Discomfort and strife come when our "safety zone" has been cross over. As a result, we tend to put up our defense guard to protect ourselves. But, the above teach me to see things in a broader perspective versus my own small viewpoint. God teaches me to see things in HIS PERSPECTIVE. To love and cherish, to forgive, to build a rock solid foundation in me as an individual.

To REACT in anger, thoughtlessness, fear and defensiveness will only makes what is originally pure; impure and ugly. It does not build trust and healing in the relationship but only further erodes the relationship.

I will obey. Father is in the process of free-ing me. I will listen and obey and grow. His way is bigger than mine and I want to learn and grow. I'm redeemed by you, O Lord and I am forever thankful and grateful for this. :)

My Lord, you are faithful. You are my wonderful counsellor. There is none like you. Yes, let me know what it takes to be your child; a woman of God. I pray for more of your grace and peace as I learn to "unlearn" from the knowledge of the world. I want to learn a new way about life, a life that is worth me living for. A life where I can be real in Christ-like ways and not living the life of what the world made me to believe. Give me an undivided heart, O Lord. Purify my thoughts. Refresh my heart as I place my trust in you ALONE.

Loving you,
Doreen C.

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