Thursday, June 3, 2010

I steward, God Grows


3 Put God in charge of your work,
then what you've planned will take place. (Proverbs 16:3) The Msg


I love the word. The word that set one FREE. Indeed the reason I am still "alive" is because of the Truth. I love it.
One thing that I need to consider here is to list out what the word "work" meant for me. Work to me are all things or services that are done by me with whole intention and heart-filled passion. Work to me must be given the utmost care from the beginning till the end of it. As a whole, work to me must combine both heart and purpose.

What is my "work" atm? (Work = Passion = Suffering)
- Relationship with Joey
- Dance

What will I venture into for Sem 2?
- Arts

The above teaches me to give Father 101% total control of my "work", which means that I am to be the steward of the work while Father is the Giver of my work and also the one who fulfill the outcome of my work. It is exactly like a farmer. The farmers' work is to take the seed, plant it, and take care of the plant. The outcome of the plant will depend entirely on the DNA that is inside it and also the environment. In short, that is when you will hear this phrase: Let Nature takes it course".


Alright.. I understand the first line. I am to allow God to take care of my "work". God gives, I steward, He grows..
Just like Doctor treats, God Heals.. :) I love it.. :)
Just like Doreen stewards, God Grows...:) hehehehe

It is only when I let God does His part, and I do my part, our work will flourish. Okay then, I will partner with my Creator from this very moment. Wow..How great it is to know that I have one amazing partner to do this with me. I will let Nature/God runs it course while I steward what I have been given.

Father Lord, I trust in you.
You are my Lord, my God. :)
U are Sovereign and I place my "works" unto your hand.
I choose Freedom, I choose the Truth.
I choose you, but no one else.

Loving you always,
Doreen C.

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