Monday, October 11, 2010

Be Still

Be Still and know that I AM the Lord.

Lord God, purify my thoughts.
Give me a new heart
Let me desire you, My Lord from deep within me

Father, may my eyes be focus unto you ONLY
Let me not be sway left and right
but let me pursue you with all that I have

Lord God, I am weak
I am lowly
I am nothing but mere chaff in the wind
But, who am I that you made me higher than the angels

Father, seek me, draw near to me as I do vice versa
Never leave me alone, I implore you, My Lord
Father, give me a new heart
Give me a new mind

Let all that I have, I surrender it to you
My love life, my work, my study, my family, my finances
To you, I return it all back to you
Let me hold nothing so tightly until I'm too far away from you

Father, seek me
draw close to me as I do so, vice versa
Father, let me not be a judge
or one who thinks I know better than others

Give me a humble heart,
A heart that see others better than myself
Give me a good conscience
Give me wisdom
Give me PEACE & JOY

IN You, I place my TRUST
In you, I adore
In you, Alone

Loving you always,
Your one and only Doremi

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