'The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the former house,' says the LORD Almighty. 'And in this place I will grant peace,' declares the LORD Almighty." Haggai 2:9
The Lord continues to speak to His people through Haggai. The Lord revealed that He will shake the foundation of the earth and He affirmed that He will continue to cover his chosen people in regardless whether they have been defiled. The Israelites are the chosen people of the Lord and I see the Lord has great compassion in his people when they repent and obey the Lord.
Gods' promises never failed and assures his people over and over again.
Ive two definition for the "house". 1st=> Temple ie Life XP and 2nd=> me, the temple of God. I will dwell on the 2nd.
God promises that we, His children will be greater than our forefathers. We have the Holy Spirit with us as our guide, counsellor, protector, prompter..etc. Father, promises that in regards of the situations around us, He will grants us peace deep within us. Nothing will shake us because we are standing on Him , the ROCK.
I will continue to focus in HIM for I know I will never been shaken. All those deceptions, I will cast away. My past is in the past.
Pointless to dwell in the past. I want to receive the PRESENT for it is a gift to me. Any hindrances and past emotional ties I cast it away in the name of Jesus Christ. Father has already RE-DEEM me and Ive nothing to fear.
Father is my Prince of Peace, Wise Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father. If He is protecting me, who can be against me?
Father, thank you reminding me that I AM YOUR daughter and I'm standing firm in you ALONE. Who I am, my identity is not in JC, my work, my relationships, my surrounding, my country but I'm in you. You say I am beautiful, love, cherish, admire, care for, protected, esteem, secure...My life and destiny is in your hand. I trust you to bring me to a whole new journey in life. Guide me on this journey and prepare me to be there for others as well.
Loving you heaps,
Dolemi..;) muaks
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
There are many types of dreams. Some dreams are the result of movies that we watch, some from something that happens during the day, some are from our emotions. There are also some dreams that are from the above ie GOD. For eg: Joseph in the Bible.
I dreamt last nite and I know that it is a dream that states the inner state of my heart and emotion.
I hate it that I'm still struggling with the same issue for nearly a year. In my dream, emotions of jealousy, betrayal, anger, frustration and fear surfaced.
God, why am I still having to carry this luggage. I know that the enemy wants to tie me down and at the same time, my Lord wants me to break this bondage. I know no one can help me, no even JC. So, I'm left with HIM to defend this battle together.
Lord, I want to get out of this black hole. I do not want to be suck in, believe in the lies and never get out. I need you to be my lamp onto my feet and light onto my path. I don't think I can settle this on my own. Help me Papa.
Waiting and trusting you for a better freedom,
ur beloved.....
I dreamt last nite and I know that it is a dream that states the inner state of my heart and emotion.
I hate it that I'm still struggling with the same issue for nearly a year. In my dream, emotions of jealousy, betrayal, anger, frustration and fear surfaced.
God, why am I still having to carry this luggage. I know that the enemy wants to tie me down and at the same time, my Lord wants me to break this bondage. I know no one can help me, no even JC. So, I'm left with HIM to defend this battle together.
Lord, I want to get out of this black hole. I do not want to be suck in, believe in the lies and never get out. I need you to be my lamp onto my feet and light onto my path. I don't think I can settle this on my own. Help me Papa.
Waiting and trusting you for a better freedom,
ur beloved.....
Monday, December 22, 2008
My Life, My Ministry, My Passion
Ive committed my life to serve His Kingdom. Many may not understand the choices Ive made but deep within I know I'm on the right track, His track. The reason why I'm here is not for my self. I'm re-deemed. I'm re-born. I owe my life to Him alone.
All that have been given to me; my family, education, relationships, work & ministry, I will commit it to Him.
My purpose in life is to be one who does the work He has called me to. Work => Passion.
Dated: Monday, 22nd Dec 2008
This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways. 8 Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build the house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored," says the LORD. Haggai 1:7-8
The Lord has spoken his commission through Haggai to the rulers in Judah on the 1st of 6th month. The ruler feared the Lord and obey to build His Temple together with the whole country on the 24th day of the same month. I'm amazed at the heart of obedience of the Ruler.
As for me, I know deep within my commission is to build the creative arts ministry in Life Expedition Inc. I would like to honour Ps Tim for giving me this opportunity to also involve myself in the events management. I love it and I will cease this opportunity immediately. I'm also glad that I can partner with Ellie to work on this area.
My aim: To build his temple to honour and glorify my Lord.
My Question: What do I want to see happening on Sunday?
- Let all things begin through Prayers.
- Support for our people.
- Creativity
- Eyes on Him only
I'm going to plan forward for year 2009.
- Events management
- Creative Arts (Drama, Dance, Art, Poetry)
- Finance
What do I do now?
- Pray, Pray, Pray,
- Seek resources: Books on Events Management (Sponsor), Creative Arts..etc
My beloved Father, I know that you will not call me out without equipping me and my family. I am here, ready. Thank you Father for this opportunity to build your temple. My eyes is open to see, My ears are open to hear, my heart is waiting in eager anticipation for you to do your work.
Father, may you continue to be the centre focus in my life. Let not the work take a toil over our relationship. Just like Daniel, I want to prosper and may this prosperity comes out from our relationship. Show, guide, direct me in all the ways that I should go.
Loving you heaps,
Your beloved
All that have been given to me; my family, education, relationships, work & ministry, I will commit it to Him.
My purpose in life is to be one who does the work He has called me to. Work => Passion.
Dated: Monday, 22nd Dec 2008
This is what the LORD Almighty says: "Give careful thought to your ways. 8 Go up into the mountains and bring down timber and build the house, so that I may take pleasure in it and be honored," says the LORD. Haggai 1:7-8
The Lord has spoken his commission through Haggai to the rulers in Judah on the 1st of 6th month. The ruler feared the Lord and obey to build His Temple together with the whole country on the 24th day of the same month. I'm amazed at the heart of obedience of the Ruler.
As for me, I know deep within my commission is to build the creative arts ministry in Life Expedition Inc. I would like to honour Ps Tim for giving me this opportunity to also involve myself in the events management. I love it and I will cease this opportunity immediately. I'm also glad that I can partner with Ellie to work on this area.
My aim: To build his temple to honour and glorify my Lord.
My Question: What do I want to see happening on Sunday?
- Let all things begin through Prayers.
- Support for our people.
- Creativity
- Eyes on Him only
I'm going to plan forward for year 2009.
- Events management
- Creative Arts (Drama, Dance, Art, Poetry)
- Finance
What do I do now?
- Pray, Pray, Pray,
- Seek resources: Books on Events Management (Sponsor), Creative Arts..etc
My beloved Father, I know that you will not call me out without equipping me and my family. I am here, ready. Thank you Father for this opportunity to build your temple. My eyes is open to see, My ears are open to hear, my heart is waiting in eager anticipation for you to do your work.
Father, may you continue to be the centre focus in my life. Let not the work take a toil over our relationship. Just like Daniel, I want to prosper and may this prosperity comes out from our relationship. Show, guide, direct me in all the ways that I should go.
Loving you heaps,
Your beloved
Today, Ive obeyed the prompting in my heart to "let go". Ive obeyed and let go.
I'm eager now to know him. To know my creator. My sole lover of my heart and soul. I know that noone is able to take over His love.
Sometimes, I wonder whether this is alright now that Ive Joey as my bf. Perhaps, I need to get this clarify with someone who is mature spiritually.
Went to Joeys' home church this afternoon and I'm deeply encouraged by the conviction the preacher has for the congregation. I'm even surprised to see the congregation left almost immediately right after the preacher finished his last word. My gosh, Ive never seen such speed before. It reminded me to the crowd who stood up and left a wedding banquet once the host declare the end of a wedding. Anyway, I deeply admired the conviction the preacher had and truly, we are not to build QUANTITY church but to build and disciple Gods' people who walk the talk.
As for now, there is this deep hunger in me when Ive obeyed to let go. I want to know my Lord. I want to know you deeply, papa. Let no temptation of the flesh brings me further away from you. I'm so glad to know that you have seeked me and chose me. Where will I be if its without you?
Life is meaningless. Life is purposeless. In you, I found myself. In you, I learnt to grow up. In you, I learnt life experiences. In you, all things work for the good for those who love you.
Father, let me place my trust and hope in you. Let me yearn more for you. Direct and show me towards you. Let there be no insecurity and fear of losing what I have now.
Ive found this today and it has encouraged me:
"Dance like no one's watching.
Sing like no one's listening.
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt before.
Live like there's no tomorrow."
Is it possible to love like ive never been hurt before?
To find love, then you must know understanding, trust and forgiveness.
I'm finding out...
In you, I place my trust and hope,
p.s: thank you father, for sending JC into my life. He is a man with a big heart and I'm so glad that you are molding him to be just like you. Amen...! :)
I'm eager now to know him. To know my creator. My sole lover of my heart and soul. I know that noone is able to take over His love.
Sometimes, I wonder whether this is alright now that Ive Joey as my bf. Perhaps, I need to get this clarify with someone who is mature spiritually.
Went to Joeys' home church this afternoon and I'm deeply encouraged by the conviction the preacher has for the congregation. I'm even surprised to see the congregation left almost immediately right after the preacher finished his last word. My gosh, Ive never seen such speed before. It reminded me to the crowd who stood up and left a wedding banquet once the host declare the end of a wedding. Anyway, I deeply admired the conviction the preacher had and truly, we are not to build QUANTITY church but to build and disciple Gods' people who walk the talk.
As for now, there is this deep hunger in me when Ive obeyed to let go. I want to know my Lord. I want to know you deeply, papa. Let no temptation of the flesh brings me further away from you. I'm so glad to know that you have seeked me and chose me. Where will I be if its without you?
Life is meaningless. Life is purposeless. In you, I found myself. In you, I learnt to grow up. In you, I learnt life experiences. In you, all things work for the good for those who love you.
Father, let me place my trust and hope in you. Let me yearn more for you. Direct and show me towards you. Let there be no insecurity and fear of losing what I have now.
Ive found this today and it has encouraged me:
"Dance like no one's watching.
Sing like no one's listening.
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt before.
Live like there's no tomorrow."
Is it possible to love like ive never been hurt before?
To find love, then you must know understanding, trust and forgiveness.
I'm finding out...
In you, I place my trust and hope,
p.s: thank you father, for sending JC into my life. He is a man with a big heart and I'm so glad that you are molding him to be just like you. Amen...! :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
True Love is.............................
Scripture (Psalm 118
2 Let Israel say:
"His love endures forever."
The psalmist was tested. He was hunted by his enemies. But, he never fails to place his trust in the Lord. He still continues to praise and worship the Lord. As a result, God saved him from the snare of his enemies. His enemies are Gods' enemies. God will protect those who belongs to Him, those who run to Him for refuge.
What does it truly means that His love lasts forever. I find it hard sometimes to understand this. Does this means even if we are to fall into sins, He still loves us forever?
My mind is constantly in a battle to understand my relationship with God. Sometimes, it seems that I have to do things to makes things good to earn this love. But, deep within, I know my Papa is not like this. He loves me even without me having to do things to please Him.
I will continue to find this love without deeds. Love that is for eternal. If indeed I'm able to truly understand this unconditional love, perhaps, one day I will be able to give this unconditional love to those around me who I care and love.
Papa, teach me and guide me to your ways everlasting. Teach me what it means to understand this love that you have for me. Please bring me away from legalism but bring me to your everlasting grace and love.
Papa, I want to pursue understanding, wisdom. I desire this. Show me your ways. I want to keep learning and unlearning things.
Papa, I want to cast all my fears to you. I want to place my trust in you. Not in myself and the people around me.
Papa, I want to place my courage in you alone.
Father, let me lean not on my own understanding but in all things, let me seek you ways and you shall direct my path.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
2 Let Israel say:
"His love endures forever."
The psalmist was tested. He was hunted by his enemies. But, he never fails to place his trust in the Lord. He still continues to praise and worship the Lord. As a result, God saved him from the snare of his enemies. His enemies are Gods' enemies. God will protect those who belongs to Him, those who run to Him for refuge.
What does it truly means that His love lasts forever. I find it hard sometimes to understand this. Does this means even if we are to fall into sins, He still loves us forever?
My mind is constantly in a battle to understand my relationship with God. Sometimes, it seems that I have to do things to makes things good to earn this love. But, deep within, I know my Papa is not like this. He loves me even without me having to do things to please Him.
I will continue to find this love without deeds. Love that is for eternal. If indeed I'm able to truly understand this unconditional love, perhaps, one day I will be able to give this unconditional love to those around me who I care and love.
Papa, teach me and guide me to your ways everlasting. Teach me what it means to understand this love that you have for me. Please bring me away from legalism but bring me to your everlasting grace and love.
Papa, I want to pursue understanding, wisdom. I desire this. Show me your ways. I want to keep learning and unlearning things.
Papa, I want to cast all my fears to you. I want to place my trust in you. Not in myself and the people around me.
Papa, I want to place my courage in you alone.
Father, let me lean not on my own understanding but in all things, let me seek you ways and you shall direct my path.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
Loving Ourselves
Drove home last night from Bangsar after meeting 2 of Dear Dears' friends.
I had 98.88 switched on to accompany my ride home. A lady with a sweet voice was in on air. Callers are welcomed to call in to share their lives with the public.
A young girl (Age: 18) called in. She sound depressed and from her voice, I can sensed that she had just cried.
Her story:
She met her 1st boyfriend when she accidentally made a wrong call with her mobile. Hence, a relationship was generated from there onwards. As the relationship progressed, the parents asked her to get married with him. Both the DJ & I were shocked at the conduct of the parents.
She is now having a 2nd boyfriend. This gal confessed that she is having sexual relationship with him everyday. The worst came when she found out that she was pregnant. What she did to get rid of the baby was by having pills. Her current boyfriend does not truly treats her consistently. Sometimes, he treats her well and sometimes notThe current boyfriend is 6 years older than her and during their love making, the boyfriend never wears condom. From here, the DJ now understand why the parents made the request for her to get married. The reason is because this gal does not love herself to protect her own purity and dignity as a woman.
She adviced the girl to take preventions if they are to continue with having unprotective sex. During the whole time, the gal listens to her advices.
Im truly amazed by this DJ. I find her strongly professional and shown genuine & deep concern for this gal. To add, she gives very good advice and shown lots of wisdom. This is one person who works not for the money but who has the passion in her work. I'm inspired by her. It is true that in all the work that we are at, there is a purpose. I see her helping many who are trapped in the darkness. Truly, light can be shined through in whatever work that we are in.
My observation:
What does it means to Love ourselves? I realise in this society today, we are always bombarded by attractions. For eg: food, advertisements and movies with sexual references to it. It teaches to gratify our desires NOW. Don't wait or else you will missed out. Perhaps, this young lady thinks that to to be loved, she is to give her ALL to this man who seems to love her body more than protecting her chastity.
It is not until we realise that there is someone who truly loves us, we would not be able to understand what love truly meant. hmmm.... Will we ever realise that GOD is the ONLY one who truly loves us? Do we love ourselves to protect ourselves as much as God does?
Still finding out,
I had 98.88 switched on to accompany my ride home. A lady with a sweet voice was in on air. Callers are welcomed to call in to share their lives with the public.
A young girl (Age: 18) called in. She sound depressed and from her voice, I can sensed that she had just cried.
Her story:
She met her 1st boyfriend when she accidentally made a wrong call with her mobile. Hence, a relationship was generated from there onwards. As the relationship progressed, the parents asked her to get married with him. Both the DJ & I were shocked at the conduct of the parents.
She is now having a 2nd boyfriend. This gal confessed that she is having sexual relationship with him everyday. The worst came when she found out that she was pregnant. What she did to get rid of the baby was by having pills. Her current boyfriend does not truly treats her consistently. Sometimes, he treats her well and sometimes notThe current boyfriend is 6 years older than her and during their love making, the boyfriend never wears condom. From here, the DJ now understand why the parents made the request for her to get married. The reason is because this gal does not love herself to protect her own purity and dignity as a woman.
She adviced the girl to take preventions if they are to continue with having unprotective sex. During the whole time, the gal listens to her advices.
Im truly amazed by this DJ. I find her strongly professional and shown genuine & deep concern for this gal. To add, she gives very good advice and shown lots of wisdom. This is one person who works not for the money but who has the passion in her work. I'm inspired by her. It is true that in all the work that we are at, there is a purpose. I see her helping many who are trapped in the darkness. Truly, light can be shined through in whatever work that we are in.
My observation:
What does it means to Love ourselves? I realise in this society today, we are always bombarded by attractions. For eg: food, advertisements and movies with sexual references to it. It teaches to gratify our desires NOW. Don't wait or else you will missed out. Perhaps, this young lady thinks that to to be loved, she is to give her ALL to this man who seems to love her body more than protecting her chastity.
It is not until we realise that there is someone who truly loves us, we would not be able to understand what love truly meant. hmmm.... Will we ever realise that GOD is the ONLY one who truly loves us? Do we love ourselves to protect ourselves as much as God does?
Still finding out,
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tested Him again
Ive tested Him again. I do not know why I'm so weak but yes, Ive tested Him again.
Not too sure how long I can do so or on whether He will keep forgiving me again everytime I fail Him.
I'm not sure.
My heart is not at peace. So, is my mind.
All I know is that Ive tested HIM again.
Lord, I'm not sure how many times I can stand from failing you again. Is there any way out? Any way out at all?
I wish this part of me is easier to tame but no, it's not that easy.
I know I can do nothing apart from you. Therefore, Lord God, Help..
Trusting in you,
Not too sure how long I can do so or on whether He will keep forgiving me again everytime I fail Him.
I'm not sure.
My heart is not at peace. So, is my mind.
All I know is that Ive tested HIM again.
Lord, I'm not sure how many times I can stand from failing you again. Is there any way out? Any way out at all?
I wish this part of me is easier to tame but no, it's not that easy.
I know I can do nothing apart from you. Therefore, Lord God, Help..
Trusting in you,
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Do Not Worry
I was looking through my finances for this year and next year. It always dampen me a bit to see where my finances are growing to. Hmm..
But, deep within, I know my Father is the provider. I know that He will not put me in a place that I'm not able to sustain. Even last night, He has reminded me of the following:
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?...... Matthew 6:25-27
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34
I'm amazed by how my Father answers me even before I know what I want. The above reminds me that my Father is my provider. He wants me to see him not with the human eyes and the attitude of the world, " Lets face the reality" attitude but to see and believe in Him with eyes of Faith. Here, He reminds me to seek Him above all else, above my needs. He reminds me to cast my fear and worries upon Him for his yoke is light. He reminds me that by worrying, it's not going to help me at all but it will only dampen my spirit. HE reminds me that if he can even take care of the birds in the air, how much more is me, Her daughter who is made in the image of God, himself.
I remember my identity. I'm your princess. I'm your daughter. In you alone, I will never lack, not in needs, not in my desires. I will remember my place of belonging and dependance. And all these shall be provided to me because my origin is in you, from you. I will seek your Kingdom above all things. In my relationships, my work, my talents, my life...... all of these, I commit it to you.
Father, I love you. I love you. Thank you for this Godly perspective. I know that I have all the abundance in heaven and it's already provided to me when I ask of you. Father, therefore, I want to ask of you to provide me favour and generosity from men wherever I'm in. Father, in you, I will never lack. IN fact, in you, we will triumph together. Father, I love you very much. Father, in all the things that I do, I want your name to be glorified. FAther, thank you for life, for this life. Thank you for rescuing me from the pit of "death". Thank you, Papa. Thank you, Jesus.
Loving you..
muaks muaks muaks..
But, deep within, I know my Father is the provider. I know that He will not put me in a place that I'm not able to sustain. Even last night, He has reminded me of the following:
25"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more important than food, and the body more important than clothes? 26Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life[b]?...... Matthew 6:25-27
33But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. 34Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:33-34
I'm amazed by how my Father answers me even before I know what I want. The above reminds me that my Father is my provider. He wants me to see him not with the human eyes and the attitude of the world, " Lets face the reality" attitude but to see and believe in Him with eyes of Faith. Here, He reminds me to seek Him above all else, above my needs. He reminds me to cast my fear and worries upon Him for his yoke is light. He reminds me that by worrying, it's not going to help me at all but it will only dampen my spirit. HE reminds me that if he can even take care of the birds in the air, how much more is me, Her daughter who is made in the image of God, himself.
I remember my identity. I'm your princess. I'm your daughter. In you alone, I will never lack, not in needs, not in my desires. I will remember my place of belonging and dependance. And all these shall be provided to me because my origin is in you, from you. I will seek your Kingdom above all things. In my relationships, my work, my talents, my life...... all of these, I commit it to you.
Father, I love you. I love you. Thank you for this Godly perspective. I know that I have all the abundance in heaven and it's already provided to me when I ask of you. Father, therefore, I want to ask of you to provide me favour and generosity from men wherever I'm in. Father, in you, I will never lack. IN fact, in you, we will triumph together. Father, I love you very much. Father, in all the things that I do, I want your name to be glorified. FAther, thank you for life, for this life. Thank you for rescuing me from the pit of "death". Thank you, Papa. Thank you, Jesus.
Loving you..
muaks muaks muaks..
Thursday, November 27, 2008
To obey You
It is my heart desire to obey the Lord. I do not want to go about doing things that I believe is good for my eyes, my mind, my desire of my flesh but I want to honour my Lord by seeking Him first above all things.
Thus, when I'm spending time with Him this afternoon, I specifically put aside all the things that need my urgent attention. I want to place him first. I want to know my Lord.
God is true to His word. When we open our hearts to seek after His ways, He will show us the way.
Hence, this is what He has reveal to me.
Isaiah 8: 6-8
6"Because this people has rejected
the gently flowing waters of Shiloah
and rejoices over Rezin
and the son of Remaliah,
7 therefore the Lord is about to bring against them
the mighty floodwaters of the River -
the king of Assyria with all his pomp.
8 and sweep on into Judah, swirling over it,
passing through it and reaching up to the neck.
Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land,
O Immanuel!
My observation for the above is Isaiah is proclaiming the destruction of Jerusalem because Gods' people chose to reject the gentle guidance from Him. In another word, the people made a choice not to obey Gods' loving guidance and gentle care but chose to go about to do what they think is best for them.
As a result, Gods' used discipline to discipline his children. He used the enemy as a tool to bring His people back to humility and dependance on Him. We know that eventually, Jerusalem was invaded, and God's people was capture as exile. As a result of their willful pride, they lost their land.
Whatever that does not brings life to his children, a loving father will have to discipline his children, so that they will once more come into an ongoing relationship with Him.
I do know that there is something that I have to let go. I do know that my Pap wants me to let go the root of of weaknesses to Him. Therefore, I will. My choice now is to let go and spend time building my life. I do know that being in a relationship is one part of my bigger picture in life. I can and I will guard this freedom that the Lord wants me to dwell and grow stronger in. We are two individual put together as one to build His Kingdom. Relationship between a man and a woman is never meant to be inward-looking but to be outward looking and each of us have the responsibility to continue to seek the Lord to know what are the core things that this relationship is building on, to know what He wants both of us to be, to do and to look forward to.
Father, I thank you that you are so loving and caring. You are my Lord and really, I do not want to box u in my selfish desire. In all the things that you have given me, I do not want to hold tightly. I treasure you, my giver, not my gift. You are more valuable than other temporal things.
Therefore, Papa.. my heart is where you will dwell in. I will surrender all. I will cherish you. I will love you. I will adore you. I will obey you. I will fear you. I will stand here. I will be ready.
Loving you.
Thus, when I'm spending time with Him this afternoon, I specifically put aside all the things that need my urgent attention. I want to place him first. I want to know my Lord.
God is true to His word. When we open our hearts to seek after His ways, He will show us the way.
Hence, this is what He has reveal to me.
Isaiah 8: 6-8
6"Because this people has rejected
the gently flowing waters of Shiloah
and rejoices over Rezin
and the son of Remaliah,
7 therefore the Lord is about to bring against them
the mighty floodwaters of the River -
the king of Assyria with all his pomp.
8 and sweep on into Judah, swirling over it,
passing through it and reaching up to the neck.
Its outspread wings will cover the breadth of your land,
O Immanuel!
My observation for the above is Isaiah is proclaiming the destruction of Jerusalem because Gods' people chose to reject the gentle guidance from Him. In another word, the people made a choice not to obey Gods' loving guidance and gentle care but chose to go about to do what they think is best for them.
As a result, Gods' used discipline to discipline his children. He used the enemy as a tool to bring His people back to humility and dependance on Him. We know that eventually, Jerusalem was invaded, and God's people was capture as exile. As a result of their willful pride, they lost their land.
Whatever that does not brings life to his children, a loving father will have to discipline his children, so that they will once more come into an ongoing relationship with Him.
I do know that there is something that I have to let go. I do know that my Pap wants me to let go the root of of weaknesses to Him. Therefore, I will. My choice now is to let go and spend time building my life. I do know that being in a relationship is one part of my bigger picture in life. I can and I will guard this freedom that the Lord wants me to dwell and grow stronger in. We are two individual put together as one to build His Kingdom. Relationship between a man and a woman is never meant to be inward-looking but to be outward looking and each of us have the responsibility to continue to seek the Lord to know what are the core things that this relationship is building on, to know what He wants both of us to be, to do and to look forward to.
Father, I thank you that you are so loving and caring. You are my Lord and really, I do not want to box u in my selfish desire. In all the things that you have given me, I do not want to hold tightly. I treasure you, my giver, not my gift. You are more valuable than other temporal things.
Therefore, Papa.. my heart is where you will dwell in. I will surrender all. I will cherish you. I will love you. I will adore you. I will obey you. I will fear you. I will stand here. I will be ready.
Loving you.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Leaning on the Source
Scripture (Proverbs 22)
4 Humility is the fear of the LORD;
its wages are riches and honor and life.
6 Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
11 One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace
will have the king for a friend.
15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child,
but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.
Vs 4
- What does it takes to be humble?
Humility towards another person means that I'm willing to lay down my pride and own ways to willingly submit all of these to this someone.
What does it mean to be humble before the Lord?
To submit and surrender our KOGAE to the Lord and with attentive ears and heart, to obey Him.
I do know that to humble ourselves before the Lord always work out for the best.
A lot of times we find it hard to obey Him is because subconsciously, we have yet to trust in the Lord. Indirectly, we are saying that our ways far supersede His ways. Indirectly, we are saying that our knowledge and ability to judge the situations are far better than His.
This scripture reveals the beauty of humbling ourselves to the Lord. And that is, we will receive riches, honor (respect) and life. Riches to me here does not truly mean physical wealth but richness in obtaining wisdom. This I see is far more valuable than diamonds and rubies or even luxurious houses/cars/$$$$$. What is the use of accumulating this so-called success we deep within, we know that the vacuum in our soul can only be filled by Him?
Vs 6&15
- There are 2 categories of "children" that I see here:
i) Parents => Children/ Kids
ii) Leaders=> New International Students/Young believers
In the midst of building the community and the next generation, it is crucial for us, the future parents & leaders to start educating and nurturing our "children" in the ways of the Lord. I believe that it is easier to teach, train, encourage and discipline our "children" when they are young. Be it by age or by faith.
Vs 11
- One who is pure in heart, speak and acts in grace will have friendship from well-esteemed authority.
- To draw near to God. To fear Him because I love him and wants to please Him. To obey Him when He speaks.
- To be responsible to those who is following me. To be accountable to my mentors. To look forward to teaching and educating my children in the ways of the Lord.
- To pursue purity of heart and wise speech, not necessarily to gain friendship from higher authority but to imitate Christ' ways in life.
Father, you never failed to amaze me. Your words are beautiful and they give me meaning. Father, you are the only one who can fill the yearning in my heart and soul. Father, I pray that I will not loose focus on other things but to run to you, yearning after you and to draw from you. I know that I can do NOTHING apart from you, my Father. Therefore, let the source of all my thoughts, words and actions come from you alone.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
4 Humility is the fear of the LORD;
its wages are riches and honor and life.
6 Start children off on the way they should go,
and even when they are old they will not turn from it.
11 One who loves a pure heart and who speaks with grace
will have the king for a friend.
15 Folly is bound up in the heart of a child,
but the rod of discipline will drive it far away.
Vs 4
- What does it takes to be humble?
Humility towards another person means that I'm willing to lay down my pride and own ways to willingly submit all of these to this someone.
What does it mean to be humble before the Lord?
To submit and surrender our KOGAE to the Lord and with attentive ears and heart, to obey Him.
I do know that to humble ourselves before the Lord always work out for the best.
A lot of times we find it hard to obey Him is because subconsciously, we have yet to trust in the Lord. Indirectly, we are saying that our ways far supersede His ways. Indirectly, we are saying that our knowledge and ability to judge the situations are far better than His.
This scripture reveals the beauty of humbling ourselves to the Lord. And that is, we will receive riches, honor (respect) and life. Riches to me here does not truly mean physical wealth but richness in obtaining wisdom. This I see is far more valuable than diamonds and rubies or even luxurious houses/cars/$$$$$. What is the use of accumulating this so-called success we deep within, we know that the vacuum in our soul can only be filled by Him?
Vs 6&15
- There are 2 categories of "children" that I see here:
i) Parents => Children/ Kids
ii) Leaders=> New International Students/Young believers
In the midst of building the community and the next generation, it is crucial for us, the future parents & leaders to start educating and nurturing our "children" in the ways of the Lord. I believe that it is easier to teach, train, encourage and discipline our "children" when they are young. Be it by age or by faith.
Vs 11
- One who is pure in heart, speak and acts in grace will have friendship from well-esteemed authority.
- To draw near to God. To fear Him because I love him and wants to please Him. To obey Him when He speaks.
- To be responsible to those who is following me. To be accountable to my mentors. To look forward to teaching and educating my children in the ways of the Lord.
- To pursue purity of heart and wise speech, not necessarily to gain friendship from higher authority but to imitate Christ' ways in life.
Father, you never failed to amaze me. Your words are beautiful and they give me meaning. Father, you are the only one who can fill the yearning in my heart and soul. Father, I pray that I will not loose focus on other things but to run to you, yearning after you and to draw from you. I know that I can do NOTHING apart from you, my Father. Therefore, let the source of all my thoughts, words and actions come from you alone.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Steadfast Obedience
20 The wise store up choice food and oil,
but fools gulp theirs down.
21 Whoever pursues righteousness and love
finds life, prosperity [c] and honor.
30 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
that can succeed against the LORD.
31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the LORD.
- It is important to cultivate the heart of saving for long term purposes/rainy days.
- Righteousness & Love => Life, Prosperity (Peace) and Honor (Respect)
- The Lord rules all our plans.
- Even when we have equip ourselves, the Lord will be the one who determine the final outcome of the battle that we are in.
- I want to truly steward the monies that the Lord has given me. I want to be prudent and wise with my $$$$$.
- In all the things that I'm doing, I want to do it right in the eyes of the Lord. I want to choose to love. I want to truly live in the freedom that He has for me, to live in peace. I want to know that I'm standing firm, holding on to his ways even in the midst of pressure. As cool as cucumber..:) hehehe
- My plans, my ways, my future, my works and relationships: I want to commit and surrender it to my Lord. only He will knows where I am heading. I want to walk by faith and not by sight. I want to truly trust and respect Him, His authority and his timing.
Father, thank you for your words, your truth. Father, let me not take you for granted but I want to stand tall and firmly planted in you. I want to say that you are my light that shines the way for me. Father, just as you have guide me, show me how I can be a role model to those who are searching for you. Thank you Papa, for you have given me a purpose in life that is bigger than just earning huge amount of $$$$/gaining power and authority. All these are what the world system view as success. But, my Lord, to follow and obey you are far more valuable & meaningful than all of these.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
20 The wise store up choice food and oil,
but fools gulp theirs down.
21 Whoever pursues righteousness and love
finds life, prosperity [c] and honor.
30 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
that can succeed against the LORD.
31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the LORD.
- It is important to cultivate the heart of saving for long term purposes/rainy days.
- Righteousness & Love => Life, Prosperity (Peace) and Honor (Respect)
- The Lord rules all our plans.
- Even when we have equip ourselves, the Lord will be the one who determine the final outcome of the battle that we are in.
- I want to truly steward the monies that the Lord has given me. I want to be prudent and wise with my $$$$$.
- In all the things that I'm doing, I want to do it right in the eyes of the Lord. I want to choose to love. I want to truly live in the freedom that He has for me, to live in peace. I want to know that I'm standing firm, holding on to his ways even in the midst of pressure. As cool as cucumber..:) hehehe
- My plans, my ways, my future, my works and relationships: I want to commit and surrender it to my Lord. only He will knows where I am heading. I want to walk by faith and not by sight. I want to truly trust and respect Him, His authority and his timing.
Father, thank you for your words, your truth. Father, let me not take you for granted but I want to stand tall and firmly planted in you. I want to say that you are my light that shines the way for me. Father, just as you have guide me, show me how I can be a role model to those who are searching for you. Thank you Papa, for you have given me a purpose in life that is bigger than just earning huge amount of $$$$/gaining power and authority. All these are what the world system view as success. But, my Lord, to follow and obey you are far more valuable & meaningful than all of these.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Surrendering all
Scripture (Proverbs 20)
3 It is to one's honor to avoid strife,
but every fool is quick to quarrel.
6 Many claim to have unfailing love,
but a faithful person who can find?
9 Who can say, "I have kept my heart pure;
I am clean and without sin"?
24 A person's steps are directed by the LORD.
How then can anyone understand their own way?
28 Love and faithfulness keep a king safe;
through love his throne is made secure.
- How quick it is for each of us to be angry at someone. You can certainly feel your blood boiling when anger arises within you. But Gods' word said in many of his earlier advices that when we allow anger to take control of the situation, the consequences are bad. It takes one with a steady character to be calm and in control. Ive got to learn lots in this area on how to be patient and not let my emotion takes control over me.
- Faithfulness, Loyalty, Sincerity & Purity of Heart. A lot of us seems to say they have all these, but truly when time of testings come, will these traits shine as brightly? I sound like a cynic. gee
- The Lord is the only one who knows where we are going and where we will ends up to. Who are we, to say that I want to go this ways and succeed in this area?
-Love and faithfulness secures ones heart.
It is so important to choose to be loving and stay faithful. Anger in any relationships will only makes it worst. How good it is to stay loving and faithful in the relationship that I'm called to. It gives me security.
I will choose to place my trust in God and JC. To trust solely and keep loving and be faithful. I ve to refocus my heart not on the circumstances and the past but on what is true, lovely, admirable, long lasting.
Lord God, give me eyes, ears, heart of faith to know that you are in the midst of this. May you begin to bring me closer to you. To seek you first above all things. Father, I want to surrender my all to you. What I treasure I want to surrender it to you. Trusting you. Obeying you.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
3 It is to one's honor to avoid strife,
but every fool is quick to quarrel.
6 Many claim to have unfailing love,
but a faithful person who can find?
9 Who can say, "I have kept my heart pure;
I am clean and without sin"?
24 A person's steps are directed by the LORD.
How then can anyone understand their own way?
28 Love and faithfulness keep a king safe;
through love his throne is made secure.
- How quick it is for each of us to be angry at someone. You can certainly feel your blood boiling when anger arises within you. But Gods' word said in many of his earlier advices that when we allow anger to take control of the situation, the consequences are bad. It takes one with a steady character to be calm and in control. Ive got to learn lots in this area on how to be patient and not let my emotion takes control over me.
- Faithfulness, Loyalty, Sincerity & Purity of Heart. A lot of us seems to say they have all these, but truly when time of testings come, will these traits shine as brightly? I sound like a cynic. gee
- The Lord is the only one who knows where we are going and where we will ends up to. Who are we, to say that I want to go this ways and succeed in this area?
-Love and faithfulness secures ones heart.
It is so important to choose to be loving and stay faithful. Anger in any relationships will only makes it worst. How good it is to stay loving and faithful in the relationship that I'm called to. It gives me security.
I will choose to place my trust in God and JC. To trust solely and keep loving and be faithful. I ve to refocus my heart not on the circumstances and the past but on what is true, lovely, admirable, long lasting.
Lord God, give me eyes, ears, heart of faith to know that you are in the midst of this. May you begin to bring me closer to you. To seek you first above all things. Father, I want to surrender my all to you. What I treasure I want to surrender it to you. Trusting you. Obeying you.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
Friday, November 7, 2008
I surrender all
Scripture (Proverbs 14)
10 Each heart knows its own bitterness,
and no one else can share its joy.
-One who is bitter know the state that they are in. Noone will truly understand how and why they feel the way they do. An onlooker will try to encourage by giving good advices to this person but truly, it is unnecessary. Bitterness goes beyond anxiety. Bitterness is one step before resentment. One who is bitter prefer to have someone close to them to just be with them.
When a bitter person finally comes out from the shell, the joy of overcoming bitterness can only be understood by the person. No one will truly understand this joy except for God himself. No man will understand this joy when one has come out victoriously out of the bitterness.
I do not understand why I am in where I am now. But, I do know that there is sunshine behind the clouds. I know that I will come out victoriously and experience the true found joy and freedom, very soon.
Lord God, I'm glad that I'm here in where you have placed me in. There are so many things that I have to hold and I truly want to release all of it to you. You alone are my desire. You alone are my place of refuge. Therefore, I surrender all to you now.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
10 Each heart knows its own bitterness,
and no one else can share its joy.
-One who is bitter know the state that they are in. Noone will truly understand how and why they feel the way they do. An onlooker will try to encourage by giving good advices to this person but truly, it is unnecessary. Bitterness goes beyond anxiety. Bitterness is one step before resentment. One who is bitter prefer to have someone close to them to just be with them.
When a bitter person finally comes out from the shell, the joy of overcoming bitterness can only be understood by the person. No one will truly understand this joy except for God himself. No man will understand this joy when one has come out victoriously out of the bitterness.
I do not understand why I am in where I am now. But, I do know that there is sunshine behind the clouds. I know that I will come out victoriously and experience the true found joy and freedom, very soon.
Lord God, I'm glad that I'm here in where you have placed me in. There are so many things that I have to hold and I truly want to release all of it to you. You alone are my desire. You alone are my place of refuge. Therefore, I surrender all to you now.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Listening Ears
Listening Ears Edit 02:57PM Wednesday 05 Nov '08
Scripture (Proverbs 12)
25 Anxiety weighs down the heart,
but a kind word cheers it up.
27 The lazy do not roast [b] any game,
but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.
- Anxiety is usually cause by fear. Anxiety stops one from truly living in freedom. When one is surrounded by anxiety, they usually do not see a way out; hopelessness drives he/she to look inward and sometimes, the problem is magnify more than it is meant to be.
Where does "a kind word" comes from?
It usually comes from someone who cares for us. Someone who work with us. Someone whom we are in relationship with ie: partners/friends. That is why it is so important for each of us to journey together with someone. That is why we are never meant to cultivate individualism or to be a lone ranger. God places people around us to support us when we are not able to cope with circumstances. We need people. We desire to have supportive relationships.
- Laziness, laziness. Where does it comes from? Is it intentional or simply out of ignorance? As written in the Gods' word, it clearly states the consequences of laziness. Those who are lazy will loose out while the diligent ones will feast on the fruits of his/her labour.
-I'm glad that Ive friends to turn to. People whom I can trust to pour out to. I'm glad that Ive intentionally chose to build relationships with those whom God has placed around me. I see the reason now as opposed to previous years. I particularly want to say thank A. Kim, Joey, Tracy.... for being there when I needed them most. Thank you for your wisdom, listening ears and love. :)
- I want to "roast" my hunt and share the fruits of my labour. *full stop*
Lord God, I will obey you. You are the reason why I'm here. Father, continue to guide me. I'm listening.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
Scripture (Proverbs 12)
25 Anxiety weighs down the heart,
but a kind word cheers it up.
27 The lazy do not roast [b] any game,
but the diligent feed on the riches of the hunt.
- Anxiety is usually cause by fear. Anxiety stops one from truly living in freedom. When one is surrounded by anxiety, they usually do not see a way out; hopelessness drives he/she to look inward and sometimes, the problem is magnify more than it is meant to be.
Where does "a kind word" comes from?
It usually comes from someone who cares for us. Someone who work with us. Someone whom we are in relationship with ie: partners/friends. That is why it is so important for each of us to journey together with someone. That is why we are never meant to cultivate individualism or to be a lone ranger. God places people around us to support us when we are not able to cope with circumstances. We need people. We desire to have supportive relationships.
- Laziness, laziness. Where does it comes from? Is it intentional or simply out of ignorance? As written in the Gods' word, it clearly states the consequences of laziness. Those who are lazy will loose out while the diligent ones will feast on the fruits of his/her labour.
-I'm glad that Ive friends to turn to. People whom I can trust to pour out to. I'm glad that Ive intentionally chose to build relationships with those whom God has placed around me. I see the reason now as opposed to previous years. I particularly want to say thank A. Kim, Joey, Tracy.... for being there when I needed them most. Thank you for your wisdom, listening ears and love. :)
- I want to "roast" my hunt and share the fruits of my labour. *full stop*
Lord God, I will obey you. You are the reason why I'm here. Father, continue to guide me. I'm listening.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Bring it ON...:)
Just as Ive chose to obey Him, here comes another bigger challenge. Deep within my heart, I know God has been preparing my heart to embrace this challenge.
During our house church prayer meeting on Monday, Greg prophesied that I need to re-focus my eyes again on my Lord and let him colour me once again. At the moment, I am a silhouette that is colour-less. Just yesterday, during my devotion, my Lord advised me to "bind His command & teachings on my fingers; and write them on the tablet of my heart" Proverb 7:3.
Getting back to my bigger challenge, yup, I will be facing my challenge starting this coming Saturday, 1st Nov 08. The best part is that God is with me since Day 1.
Time to release!
Time to let go!
Time to SOAR again
Time to Fly high
Time to be FREE
Time to Love
Time to Share
Time to Pour His Light into the WORLD.
Rejoice in the Lord, I will say again, Rejoice! Phillipians 4:4
If God is for me, Who can be against me..:) AMEN!!! :)
Loving you always, Papa.
During our house church prayer meeting on Monday, Greg prophesied that I need to re-focus my eyes again on my Lord and let him colour me once again. At the moment, I am a silhouette that is colour-less. Just yesterday, during my devotion, my Lord advised me to "bind His command & teachings on my fingers; and write them on the tablet of my heart" Proverb 7:3.
Getting back to my bigger challenge, yup, I will be facing my challenge starting this coming Saturday, 1st Nov 08. The best part is that God is with me since Day 1.
Time to release!
Time to let go!
Time to SOAR again
Time to Fly high
Time to be FREE
Time to Love
Time to Share
Time to Pour His Light into the WORLD.
Rejoice in the Lord, I will say again, Rejoice! Phillipians 4:4
If God is for me, Who can be against me..:) AMEN!!! :)
Loving you always, Papa.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Dying to Self

God was already at work in molding and refining my character a few days before our "40th days of Fasting & Prayers" commenced.I do know that Father would not allow any impurity to rest in me. Therefore, after much heated drama mixed with tears over the weekend, (Accumulative Events), Ive got my listening point this morning. Ive made choices immediately. As His image barrier, I chose to be vigilant with "cleaning" out the impurities that are in me.
My Listening Point
John 4:46-54 (New International Version)
"...The man took Jesus at his word and departed." Luke 4:50
The above passage depicts Jesus' healing of a Government Official's son who is dying from sickness. The man came all the way from Capernaum to Cana to beg Jesus to heal his dying son. Although Jesus made a sarcastic remark at him, this man persisted with his pleas. Out of compassion, Jesus asked him to leave and said that his son will be healed.
This man believed and returned home. I marveled at the faith that this man have in Jesus. When Jesus asked him to leave and said that his son will be healed, he simply obey and left just as Jesus said that. He left immediately. Let me detail the process of faith that this man had.
(1) It only took one story where Jesus turned water into wine for this man to believe that Jesus can heal his son (Faith to Believe)
(2) He travelled over a distance of more than 1 day & over the mountains to meet Jesus. (Courage)
(3) He (a Government Official) begged Jesus to heal his dying son (Act of humility)
(4) The man persisted in his pleas even when he was told off. (Persistency)
(5) He heard, believed and obeyed Jesus' word to leave and that his son will be healed. (Obedience)
Result of Faith
His faith (belief), courage, act of humility, persistency, obedience in Jesus saved his son.
Ive been struggling in letting go of this "controlling" behaviour that resulted from my past hurts. I realized that my controlling behaviour came from fear.
Today Ive made a choice. A choice to overcome. To Let Go of my fear. To let my past DIED for Good. To be renewed. I believe that the Lord wants me to be free from this bondage. I'm deeply encouraged by the faith that the man has in Christ. I will obey just like the man, in faith, courage, humility, persistency and obedience. In Him, I will overcome and be free. This conviction only comes from His Words and by the power of the spirit and not by my own might/strength.
Dearest father, thank you for setting me free to truly trust, be vulnerable and to dare to love the very person that you have blessed me with. In you, I will obey. I will trust in you and JC.
Doreen C.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
What is True Love?

I was angry this morning at ********. Upset at the indecisiveness of *******. After what we talked and agreed upon went down the drain. Grrrrr.. Instead of me pouring my anger at *******, I cast my anger to GOD instead. After all, He is my father and he knows me inside out. I'm not afraid to pour out to Him.
I'm trying to dissect the reasons for my anger. Will it be because of pride wounded, feeling abandoned from the agreed plan, disappointment, mis-managed expectations or just plan angry???? Anyway, I know that I do not want my anger to cause the sun to set. (can't remember which proverbs this is from).
I was in the midst of letting out my steam to GOD and at the same time, there is this still voice in me that kept repeating this, "Gentle guidance. Give gentle guidance to ******". This is the listening point that is trying to still my mind, my emotion. Ive a choice to either REACT to my supposingly Righteous Anger or simply choose to obey the still small voice yet with authority in me.
I chose the latter. I know this is the way. To lay down my pride and self-righteously and response to what is right. Thus, I text ****** gentle guidance that can help ****** to make the right choice for everyone.
What a day to start with? But I truly believe if all of us truly build a relationship with God, He will guide us even when we are in the edge of bursting/ facing an unforseen circumstances.
GOD is Love and So are WE.
Love is patient,
Love is kind.
It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud,
It is not rude, it is not self-seeking,
it is not EASILY ANGERED, it keeps no record of wrongs.
Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects,
always trusts,
always hopes,
always perseveres.
Love never fails. 1 Corinthians 13:4-8
Dear God,
I thank you for guiding me this morning. If it's not because of you, I will have make the situation worst by RE-Acting to it. Father, you are my Lord, my God, in whom I will put my trust. Yes, papa, I will learn to Love like you. To response to the Spirit instead of reacting to my emotions and KOGAE.
Thank you Papa. I will obey..
Muaks Muaks..
Monday, October 13, 2008
Faith Faith Faith

To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. Daniel 1:17
Daniel and 3 of his friends were among the many young men who were chosen to serve King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. We all know that Jerusalem was besieged by Babylon and together with the rest of the artifacts, these men went into exile.
Daniel still hold fast to God and did not defiled himself with the best food and wine served to him and the rest of the young men chosen to serve King Nebuchadnezzar. He asked the man who is in-charged of his food to allow him and his 3 friends to have only vegetables and water. In the end, it turned out that they were looked healthier compared to the rest of the men.
Gods' favor was with them and HE gave them understanding and knowledge of all kinds ie wisdom from above and on earth. God sees that although they are in the world, but this is the world that God is sovereign and is in control in. God chose to give wisdom to those who obey and serve HIM faithfully.
Daniel was given the gifts of understanding of visions and dreams of all kind.
I'm amazed by God. His love, His compassion. Is true that the Lord is wanting to bless His children. Although Daniel was surrounded by pagans/chaos, but God is in control of the world and his faithful few. To those whom He loved, He will blessed and protect.
I will obey and be faithful to my Father. What He does not like me to do, I will not do. I'm here to do the works of my Father. Ive a purpose in Life* Expedition Inc and not on how much I earn. If I have chosen $$$, I will not be in LE. It is for His purpose that I'm here in LE. Serving wholesomely, with passion, with purpose and TRUSTING HIM For provision.
Father, I thank you for your love. I thank you for guiding me all the way and never leaving me. Just like you have protected Daniel, you have protected me. You are my place of refuge and the reason for my song. Father, oh my beloved Father, is there anyone like you? No one will ever take your place in my heart. I thank you for Joey, my family, my work, my gifts, my health.. my every being, the people around me, friends.....
Thank you that Ive can choose to LIVE LIFE to the Fullest yet at the same time, you have given me the GRACE to wrestle with uncertainties, dissatisfaction in life...
Papa, be with me..:)
Saturday, October 4, 2008
no more Vroommm!
Sob sob sob.. I won't be having my car anymore. Just got it sold today, just like that. But thank God, I will still get extra $$$ for salary.
God, u are generous hoh?
I will trust and wait.. :)
God, u are generous hoh?
I will trust and wait.. :)
Friday, October 3, 2008
A Time to Dance

" 4 a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance," Ecclesiastes 3:4 NIV
"A right time to lament and another to cheer" Ecclesiastes 3:4 The Message
There is time for every activity under the sun. There is a time to cry and a time to be joyful. There is a time to mourn and a time to dance and be cheerful. Let me remember when was the last time I truly enjoy myself. If I'm not mistaken, that will be back in February 2008 when I was back home in KL, enjoying my annual leave for a month. Hey, let me recall. The last time I truly enjoyed myself was during my ski trip with Joey and the Melbourne Uni kids in August. That was soo enjoyable.
To count by fingers, this year will be a year of growth in my relationship with Joey. Ive gained and lost "myself". Cried loads yet I'm joyful under all these circumstances. It was indeed a joy to see Joey growing in the Lord without me meddling in the process. Indeed, God is merciful. He is compassionate and full of grace.
I believe Father wants me to dance, to be cheerful and enjoy all the things that He has given in front of me. It is not the time to look back at my past and let it control me. Things have changed. I have changed. Joey is not the same person. Ive gained and become wiser in many areas. God has changed me inside out and had prepared me throughout my single years. Who dares to meddle in this process that the Lord has prepared for me?
Father, I want to commit my life into your hands. I have to admit that I'm bought at a price and you owe me wholly and solely. Let me never forget those challenges that you have brought me out off. As a result, I'm different and am a lot more stronger and wiser. I thank you for your continuous guidance in allowing me to grow in stature, wisdom and character. Father, I pray that you continue to guide, counsel, teach, educate me in all the ways that I should go.
Loving you always,
Your beloved daughter
To trust or not to trust

Another day gone by. Am waiting for my dance class to start. Been a semi-hectic day at work. Am in charge over this 100+ conference during the weekend. Yes, I'm an event coordinator cum treasurer, dance coordinator, administrator, counsellor (peers)...etc.. Yea, I'm jack of all trade.
To say I love this job, not really. To say I dislike this job, that's not true. Honestly, I'm still finding the really things that matters in my heart. One thing is for sure I love dancing. The rest are skills that I can acquired in life. For this season, I know I'm to be here serving this community and to reside in Melbourne.
I do not know what will be next but I will be here for this season. I do not know where will God brings me next in the near future, be it to go back to KL or to stay here in Melbourne but I do know one thing: I am to trust in the Lord to guide me all the way in my relationship, career, family and in the community that He will be planting me in.
As for now, I will just TRUST Him, one step at a time.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Welcome Back!
Dearest all,
This is none other than the Great Chew. Ive not been blogging for a looong time and I would like to try again. :) Ive always love to write down my thoughts. Hope things will be better now. :)
Welcome ..:)
Doreen C.
This is none other than the Great Chew. Ive not been blogging for a looong time and I would like to try again. :) Ive always love to write down my thoughts. Hope things will be better now. :)
Welcome ..:)
Doreen C.
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