To these four young men God gave knowledge and understanding of all kinds of literature and learning. And Daniel could understand visions and dreams of all kinds. Daniel 1:17
Daniel and 3 of his friends were among the many young men who were chosen to serve King Nebuchadnezzar in Babylon. We all know that Jerusalem was besieged by Babylon and together with the rest of the artifacts, these men went into exile.
Daniel still hold fast to God and did not defiled himself with the best food and wine served to him and the rest of the young men chosen to serve King Nebuchadnezzar. He asked the man who is in-charged of his food to allow him and his 3 friends to have only vegetables and water. In the end, it turned out that they were looked healthier compared to the rest of the men.
Gods' favor was with them and HE gave them understanding and knowledge of all kinds ie wisdom from above and on earth. God sees that although they are in the world, but this is the world that God is sovereign and is in control in. God chose to give wisdom to those who obey and serve HIM faithfully.
Daniel was given the gifts of understanding of visions and dreams of all kind.
I'm amazed by God. His love, His compassion. Is true that the Lord is wanting to bless His children. Although Daniel was surrounded by pagans/chaos, but God is in control of the world and his faithful few. To those whom He loved, He will blessed and protect.
I will obey and be faithful to my Father. What He does not like me to do, I will not do. I'm here to do the works of my Father. Ive a purpose in Life* Expedition Inc and not on how much I earn. If I have chosen $$$, I will not be in LE. It is for His purpose that I'm here in LE. Serving wholesomely, with passion, with purpose and TRUSTING HIM For provision.
Father, I thank you for your love. I thank you for guiding me all the way and never leaving me. Just like you have protected Daniel, you have protected me. You are my place of refuge and the reason for my song. Father, oh my beloved Father, is there anyone like you? No one will ever take your place in my heart. I thank you for Joey, my family, my work, my gifts, my health.. my every being, the people around me, friends.....
Thank you that Ive can choose to LIVE LIFE to the Fullest yet at the same time, you have given me the GRACE to wrestle with uncertainties, dissatisfaction in life...
Papa, be with me..:)
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