God was already at work in molding and refining my character a few days before our "40th days of Fasting & Prayers" commenced.I do know that Father would not allow any impurity to rest in me. Therefore, after much heated drama mixed with tears over the weekend, (Accumulative Events), Ive got my listening point this morning. Ive made choices immediately. As His image barrier, I chose to be vigilant with "cleaning" out the impurities that are in me.
My Listening Point
John 4:46-54 (New International Version)
"...The man took Jesus at his word and departed." Luke 4:50
The above passage depicts Jesus' healing of a Government Official's son who is dying from sickness. The man came all the way from Capernaum to Cana to beg Jesus to heal his dying son. Although Jesus made a sarcastic remark at him, this man persisted with his pleas. Out of compassion, Jesus asked him to leave and said that his son will be healed.
This man believed and returned home. I marveled at the faith that this man have in Jesus. When Jesus asked him to leave and said that his son will be healed, he simply obey and left just as Jesus said that. He left immediately. Let me detail the process of faith that this man had.
(1) It only took one story where Jesus turned water into wine for this man to believe that Jesus can heal his son (Faith to Believe)
(2) He travelled over a distance of more than 1 day & over the mountains to meet Jesus. (Courage)
(3) He (a Government Official) begged Jesus to heal his dying son (Act of humility)
(4) The man persisted in his pleas even when he was told off. (Persistency)
(5) He heard, believed and obeyed Jesus' word to leave and that his son will be healed. (Obedience)
Result of Faith
His faith (belief), courage, act of humility, persistency, obedience in Jesus saved his son.
Ive been struggling in letting go of this "controlling" behaviour that resulted from my past hurts. I realized that my controlling behaviour came from fear.
Today Ive made a choice. A choice to overcome. To Let Go of my fear. To let my past DIED for Good. To be renewed. I believe that the Lord wants me to be free from this bondage. I'm deeply encouraged by the faith that the man has in Christ. I will obey just like the man, in faith, courage, humility, persistency and obedience. In Him, I will overcome and be free. This conviction only comes from His Words and by the power of the spirit and not by my own might/strength.
Dearest father, thank you for setting me free to truly trust, be vulnerable and to dare to love the very person that you have blessed me with. In you, I will obey. I will trust in you and JC.
Doreen C.
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