- A community of Christian dancers
learning to represent and uphold the values of Christ
through our identity in Christ alone,
through our pursuit of excellence in all of our creative arts performances
for the purpose of reforming the culture
within the creative arts industry.
- We desire
to represent His values and be equipped in the foundation of Christ through teachings, words and prayers,
to reveal the "convicting truth" & the purpose of Christ (Redeeming Saviour) through our creative arts performances and
to pursue excellence in all of our creative arts' expressions so that we can represent the same integrity and creativeness of God
within the creative arts industry.
- Discipline in
i) Words + Prayers (Individual/Community Spiritual Growth) integrated with Worship session
ii) Teaching on the "Foundation on Worship" (Biblical Understanding) + Time for individual engagements
iii) Technical Skills (In-House Training or External Training)
- 40 Days Prayer & Fasting
- Teaching on the Foundation of Dance
- Indoor: Creative Dance Workshops
- Outdoor Exposure: Movies/Stage Production/Creative Arts Gathering with other creative artists
1) Who are we?
- Christian Dancers
2) Where are we now?
- Pending for new transformation( from the old to the new way of what it means to be a christian dancer)
3) What can we all look forward to?
- To build our core foundation in the word & prayer
- To equip ourselves in the understanding of worship (through teaching)
- To pursue the art of excellence in all of our creative performances.
4) What can we all do now?
- To gather in the word + prayer (40 days Prayer & Fasting)
- To gain understanding through teaching
Friday, September 9, 2011
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Good morning Lord,
Thank you so much for the clarity this morning.
You are right, I must intercede for what I need to ask from TG for. I desire to build the creative arts ministry and I want to start exploring that artistic hub for Life. Father, you have shown me clearly from the below that I must start to pray , ask wisdom from you and ask TG about it.
"If are you willing to let me bury my dead, then listen to me and INTERCEDE with Ephron son of Zohar on my behalf so he will sell me the cave of Macpelah, which belongs to him and is at the end of his field. Ask him to sell it to me for the full price as a burial site among you." Genesis 23:8-9
Sarah passed away at the age of 127. Abraham & the rest of the family were mourning for her death and he was looking for a place to bury her body. In the town, he asked forth for a place of burial from the local. Being a foreigner to the land of Canaanites, he know that he need to bargain openly with the locals.
I can see that Abraham knew what he wanted and he asked forth for it.
I am at this junction of "what I am going to focus on" for the new few months of my life. I know very clearly that God has called me to come home and start a Prayer Room for his beloved dancers. I know that my trimester is postponed until Feb 2012, which is in 5 months time. Splendid! This leave me ample of time to invest in this Prayer Room.
Looking from the above, I believe Father wants me to intercede for favour from men, particularly favor from TG. I also know that the below is important too:
"ASK and IT will be given to You; SEEK and You will FIND; KNOCK and the door will be OPENED to YOU. For everyone who asks RECEIVES; he who seeks FINDS; and to him who knocks, the door will be OPENED." Matthew 7:7-8.
When I ask in accordance to Gods' will, I will receive. Looking from our list yesterday, I know God has opened door for the Artistic HUB to be recognised and pursue. So, it is up to me now...
1) To INTERCEDE: favour from TG; wisdom & boldness on planning for the next 4 months
2) Out of the above: to plan for the year
My Lord, my lord, there is none like you. I love and adore you so much. My Lord, you are indeed a fresh new scent and water that fills the vacuum in my heart. I can not live without you. Father, I am in you and you are in me. Make my heart, your dwelling place. Purify my thoughts and make me faithful again. Father, I desire to know you and what bring delight to your heart. My Lord, there is none like you. Give me a genuine heart that desires your way, your will for me and those whom is going to be influence from this flow. Father, clean me inside out. Draw close to me as I draw closer to you.
Thank you, Father Abba for your abundance, unconditional LOVE and most AMAZING GRACE, MERCY and FORGIVENESS. Thank you for your patience.. :) Thank you for loving me and letting me know that no depth, height, width will compare to the LOVE that you have for me..:) Muaks muaks muaks.... ~ Selah
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
Thank you so much for the clarity this morning.
You are right, I must intercede for what I need to ask from TG for. I desire to build the creative arts ministry and I want to start exploring that artistic hub for Life. Father, you have shown me clearly from the below that I must start to pray , ask wisdom from you and ask TG about it.
"If are you willing to let me bury my dead, then listen to me and INTERCEDE with Ephron son of Zohar on my behalf so he will sell me the cave of Macpelah, which belongs to him and is at the end of his field. Ask him to sell it to me for the full price as a burial site among you." Genesis 23:8-9
Sarah passed away at the age of 127. Abraham & the rest of the family were mourning for her death and he was looking for a place to bury her body. In the town, he asked forth for a place of burial from the local. Being a foreigner to the land of Canaanites, he know that he need to bargain openly with the locals.
I can see that Abraham knew what he wanted and he asked forth for it.
I am at this junction of "what I am going to focus on" for the new few months of my life. I know very clearly that God has called me to come home and start a Prayer Room for his beloved dancers. I know that my trimester is postponed until Feb 2012, which is in 5 months time. Splendid! This leave me ample of time to invest in this Prayer Room.
Looking from the above, I believe Father wants me to intercede for favour from men, particularly favor from TG. I also know that the below is important too:
"ASK and IT will be given to You; SEEK and You will FIND; KNOCK and the door will be OPENED to YOU. For everyone who asks RECEIVES; he who seeks FINDS; and to him who knocks, the door will be OPENED." Matthew 7:7-8.
When I ask in accordance to Gods' will, I will receive. Looking from our list yesterday, I know God has opened door for the Artistic HUB to be recognised and pursue. So, it is up to me now...
1) To INTERCEDE: favour from TG; wisdom & boldness on planning for the next 4 months
2) Out of the above: to plan for the year
My Lord, my lord, there is none like you. I love and adore you so much. My Lord, you are indeed a fresh new scent and water that fills the vacuum in my heart. I can not live without you. Father, I am in you and you are in me. Make my heart, your dwelling place. Purify my thoughts and make me faithful again. Father, I desire to know you and what bring delight to your heart. My Lord, there is none like you. Give me a genuine heart that desires your way, your will for me and those whom is going to be influence from this flow. Father, clean me inside out. Draw close to me as I draw closer to you.
Thank you, Father Abba for your abundance, unconditional LOVE and most AMAZING GRACE, MERCY and FORGIVENESS. Thank you for your patience.. :) Thank you for loving me and letting me know that no depth, height, width will compare to the LOVE that you have for me..:) Muaks muaks muaks.... ~ Selah
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
Monday, September 5, 2011
IN another 2 days
In another 2 days, I will be turning 32.
To come to think of it, what have I achieved thus far?
Honestly, loads but I cannot put them down in writing.
I will try...
I tried obeying my Lord by coming to Melbourne with only $2K.
I seek my Lord in all that I do and responded by the Spirit when I was faced by challenges.
At the same time, I tried putting my hands into all things
And in return, I got "burned"/"dried".
I know that I am not doing so many things to "please" my boss.
I have acknowledged that last time and I don't think I want to go back to that season of "busyness" again.
As at present, I just want to sow what I am called to do.
i) The Art of Worship Dance
----> Creating space for others to rise up.
----> Creating a safe space for others to be vulnerable.
----> Creating a space for accountability
----> Creating a space for others to return back to Father's heart through words and prayers
----> Creating opportunities for dance worshipper to worship the Lord with all their might and spirit
----> Creating a space for excellence in our artistic skill
ii) Finance: Booking keeping
----> Overseeing the health of Expedition Accounts
----> Ensure accountability/transparency through XERO online accounting
iii) Administrator
----> Ensure the running and stability of all the administrative work in relation to the office matter only
What I want to see happening for myself?
-- To start PAINTING
-- To build meaningful peer to peer relationship
Father, I desire peer friendship. I do not desire one sided relationship. I want to have friends who I can lean on and vice versa. Father, I believe that you have someone in mind already. They are the people whom I can trust 100%, spiritual strong and healthy and are passionate people who loves and am willing to lay down their lives for your Kingdom. Someone who is like me. Steady, focused, passionate, not people pleaser, people who know their calling and also passionate about life n letting their hair down. I need friends who knows how to enjoy life too...
-- To eat healthy
-- To swim
-- To dance
In another 2 days, I will be turning 32. What have I achieved?
Nothing Papa, except that I can say that I have follow you whole-heartedly.
That you have taught me many lessons and that I have grow a lot over the last few years of dying to self.
Indeed, my security comes only from you and not my work, my studies, my calling, my friends, my families, my wealth, my health, my car....
You are the only one who are IMPORTANT to Me..
I value friends..
I value you..
I value my family..
Loving you,
doreen C.
Surprise me. PApa.. :)
To come to think of it, what have I achieved thus far?
Honestly, loads but I cannot put them down in writing.
I will try...
I tried obeying my Lord by coming to Melbourne with only $2K.
I seek my Lord in all that I do and responded by the Spirit when I was faced by challenges.
At the same time, I tried putting my hands into all things
And in return, I got "burned"/"dried".
I know that I am not doing so many things to "please" my boss.
I have acknowledged that last time and I don't think I want to go back to that season of "busyness" again.
As at present, I just want to sow what I am called to do.
i) The Art of Worship Dance
----> Creating space for others to rise up.
----> Creating a safe space for others to be vulnerable.
----> Creating a space for accountability
----> Creating a space for others to return back to Father's heart through words and prayers
----> Creating opportunities for dance worshipper to worship the Lord with all their might and spirit
----> Creating a space for excellence in our artistic skill
ii) Finance: Booking keeping
----> Overseeing the health of Expedition Accounts
----> Ensure accountability/transparency through XERO online accounting
iii) Administrator
----> Ensure the running and stability of all the administrative work in relation to the office matter only
What I want to see happening for myself?
-- To start PAINTING
-- To build meaningful peer to peer relationship
Father, I desire peer friendship. I do not desire one sided relationship. I want to have friends who I can lean on and vice versa. Father, I believe that you have someone in mind already. They are the people whom I can trust 100%, spiritual strong and healthy and are passionate people who loves and am willing to lay down their lives for your Kingdom. Someone who is like me. Steady, focused, passionate, not people pleaser, people who know their calling and also passionate about life n letting their hair down. I need friends who knows how to enjoy life too...
-- To eat healthy
-- To swim
-- To dance
In another 2 days, I will be turning 32. What have I achieved?
Nothing Papa, except that I can say that I have follow you whole-heartedly.
That you have taught me many lessons and that I have grow a lot over the last few years of dying to self.
Indeed, my security comes only from you and not my work, my studies, my calling, my friends, my families, my wealth, my health, my car....
You are the only one who are IMPORTANT to Me..
I value friends..
I value you..
I value my family..
Loving you,
doreen C.
Surprise me. PApa.. :)
The Lord is King over the Whole Earth
Dear Papa,
When I am frustrated, you calm me down .
When I am angry, your WORDS flow into me.
When I am so "inward-looking", you call me to see beyond myself and your creation.
Father, indeed you are the King over the WHOLE EARTH,
You are the Lord of all Lords.
Father, I want to surrender my emotions and feelings to you.
I release it to you.
You say that your yoke is easy, your burden is light.
I hold on to what you say.
Father, guide me in your ways always.
Give me the peace that you say.
I want that now. I desire you oh so much more.
Teach me what it means to enjoy all that I have at the moment,
There is noone like you.
I desire you.
I need you.
I want you.
Father, you are the only one who can heal the brokenness that I have.
What are those? I am not sure.
Fill me. Complete me.
Fill me to the brim with your spirit.
I desire you.
I want you.
I love you.
Your dearest,
I Need You More - Kim Walker
When I am frustrated, you calm me down .
When I am angry, your WORDS flow into me.
When I am so "inward-looking", you call me to see beyond myself and your creation.
Father, indeed you are the King over the WHOLE EARTH,
You are the Lord of all Lords.
Father, I want to surrender my emotions and feelings to you.
I release it to you.
You say that your yoke is easy, your burden is light.
I hold on to what you say.
Father, guide me in your ways always.
Give me the peace that you say.
I want that now. I desire you oh so much more.
Teach me what it means to enjoy all that I have at the moment,
There is noone like you.
I desire you.
I need you.
I want you.
Father, you are the only one who can heal the brokenness that I have.
What are those? I am not sure.
Fill me. Complete me.
Fill me to the brim with your spirit.
I desire you.
I want you.
I love you.
Your dearest,
I Need You More - Kim Walker
Saturday, August 20, 2011
It is INDEED Good to be Home~
I'm home finally. I am still recuperating from the long flight that I had a few days ago. My body is trying to adapt to the new changes and I am hoping that I will be back to my normal routine very soon. I realise that when one choose to do something, no amount of reasoning or excuses can stop one from doing so. I'm looking forward to a better and healthier lifestyle for the long haul. I'm glad I can cultivate this in Australia.
What I have learnt today.
i) Loving my enemies
- God is love. He loves all who are made in his images. He has called us to love him with all our soul, might and mind and to love others like we love ourselves. We are called to love our "enemies" and this is what made us different. "Hurting people" hurt others without realising it themselves. God has shown me that a greater way of loving them is by laying down ourselves at the cross. This is how we can overcome evil. Not by being evil but by loving them as how we love ourselves. Even those with the hearts of stones are in desperate need of hope and above all, love. I want to choose to love, despite all things. This love is unconditional. This love is AGAPE. This is Gods' love.
ii) Obeying God is better than sacrifice
- God knows what is the best for us. He directs and guides us in accordance to His will. His will frees us to be the best of what we can be. I want to choose to obey Him and not what I think is good for me at the moment. Father, give me the courage to act in accordance to your guidance. I know your way is better than mine and I want to obey you humbly. You know what is best for me and I want to just follow you. Thank you for your love, for wanting the best for me.
Today is a NEW DAY,
What was yesterday is GONE,
What is tomorrow is yet to COME,
Today is the day that the Lord has made
and I shall REJOICE & BE GLAD IN IT.
Loving you always,
What I have learnt today.
i) Loving my enemies
- God is love. He loves all who are made in his images. He has called us to love him with all our soul, might and mind and to love others like we love ourselves. We are called to love our "enemies" and this is what made us different. "Hurting people" hurt others without realising it themselves. God has shown me that a greater way of loving them is by laying down ourselves at the cross. This is how we can overcome evil. Not by being evil but by loving them as how we love ourselves. Even those with the hearts of stones are in desperate need of hope and above all, love. I want to choose to love, despite all things. This love is unconditional. This love is AGAPE. This is Gods' love.
ii) Obeying God is better than sacrifice
- God knows what is the best for us. He directs and guides us in accordance to His will. His will frees us to be the best of what we can be. I want to choose to obey Him and not what I think is good for me at the moment. Father, give me the courage to act in accordance to your guidance. I know your way is better than mine and I want to obey you humbly. You know what is best for me and I want to just follow you. Thank you for your love, for wanting the best for me.
Today is a NEW DAY,
What was yesterday is GONE,
What is tomorrow is yet to COME,
Today is the day that the Lord has made
and I shall REJOICE & BE GLAD IN IT.
Loving you always,
Friday, August 19, 2011
Home is where the Heart is......
I am here. After having been away for 3 whole weeks, I am finally home to where my heart belongs. Indeed, I am contented that God has placed me in this place that I can called my 2nd home. I love my current home, amazing housemates and the amazing supportive community that I'm at.
Indeed, my eyes have been opened and I have gained many amazing insights and experiences that no money can buy. I have gained clarity and I must say, confidence in myself throughout the 3 weeks. Indeed when God opens doors, the smartest thing to do is to cease the opportunity immediately. :)
I am still a bit lethargic from the 20+ flight from the States, yet at the same time, I am excited in getting down to learn the topic on "marriage" from my Christian Life II subject. The timing is perfect indeed. As God has already begin a NEW chapter in my life, I want to confirm that I will no longer whole onto the past. What is gone is gone. My heart is now open for new things and I am eager to learn and grow in the new things that are coming my ways.
Ooo... am feeling tired all of a sudden. Guess that I'm still having jet lag. I may just take a short nap to recover my strength again. Oh well, I shall continue with this later.
Yours faithfully,
I am here. After having been away for 3 whole weeks, I am finally home to where my heart belongs. Indeed, I am contented that God has placed me in this place that I can called my 2nd home. I love my current home, amazing housemates and the amazing supportive community that I'm at.
Indeed, my eyes have been opened and I have gained many amazing insights and experiences that no money can buy. I have gained clarity and I must say, confidence in myself throughout the 3 weeks. Indeed when God opens doors, the smartest thing to do is to cease the opportunity immediately. :)
I am still a bit lethargic from the 20+ flight from the States, yet at the same time, I am excited in getting down to learn the topic on "marriage" from my Christian Life II subject. The timing is perfect indeed. As God has already begin a NEW chapter in my life, I want to confirm that I will no longer whole onto the past. What is gone is gone. My heart is now open for new things and I am eager to learn and grow in the new things that are coming my ways.
Ooo... am feeling tired all of a sudden. Guess that I'm still having jet lag. I may just take a short nap to recover my strength again. Oh well, I shall continue with this later.
Yours faithfully,
Friday, July 22, 2011
Words of wisdom
i) CS Lewis
"Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man.
We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good looking, but they are not. They are proud of being RICHER, or CLEVERER, or BETTER LOOKING than others.
If everyone else became EQUALLY rich, or clever, or good looking, there would be nothing to be proud about.
"It is the COMPARISON that makes you proud: the pleasure of being ABOVE THE REST." CS Lewis..
ii) Franky Schaeffer from "Sham Pearls for Real Swine".
"Our securities lies in the fact that God knows us, not in how we "feel" about ourselves.
Our salvation is not measured by how we "feel" or whether we feel "whole" or "fulfilled", but whether we have obey Christ's clear instructions. How we "feel" about things is usually unimportant as feelings are unreliable. "
"Worship experience" is not love of God; it is obeying His law is. It what we "do" that counts. This is faith. " Franky Schaeffer
"Pride gets no pleasure out of having something, only out of having more of it than the next man.
We say that people are proud of being rich, or clever, or good looking, but they are not. They are proud of being RICHER, or CLEVERER, or BETTER LOOKING than others.
If everyone else became EQUALLY rich, or clever, or good looking, there would be nothing to be proud about.
"It is the COMPARISON that makes you proud: the pleasure of being ABOVE THE REST." CS Lewis..
ii) Franky Schaeffer from "Sham Pearls for Real Swine".
"Our securities lies in the fact that God knows us, not in how we "feel" about ourselves.
Our salvation is not measured by how we "feel" or whether we feel "whole" or "fulfilled", but whether we have obey Christ's clear instructions. How we "feel" about things is usually unimportant as feelings are unreliable. "
"Worship experience" is not love of God; it is obeying His law is. It what we "do" that counts. This is faith. " Franky Schaeffer
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Loving you for eternity
Good morning, Abba Father. Yes, I have obeyed the voice inside me to take a day off for myself. I needed it and without me knowing it, you have ordered me to take this day off. :) I must remember to take care of myself and to remember that I am running a marathon, not a 100m race. ;) Praise be to you, my Lord of all Lords. :)
Father, I want to spend today with you. Indeed, life is meaningless without you. In you, I have everything. To think that I can achieve all things on my own is pure nonsense. In you, I have all things. :) In you, I have everything. :) In you, I am complete.
~ Selah~
2 Chronicles 31:20
20 This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and right and faithful before the LORD his God. 21 In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.
James 4:7-10
7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:11-12
11 Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?
God is calling his people. God loves King Hezekiah because in whatever he did, it pleased God tremendously. He followed and obeyed God wholeheartedly. He abided in God without fail.
God is calling many who have "neglected" him to return to him wholeheartedly. Indeed, God is compassionate. His mercy is bountiful. His love for his children cannot be expressed with just mere words.
God is the judge, not you or myself. Who is human who thinks they can sit on the throne and judge one another. God has the final say, not us. We leave justice to God. Keep a close watch to what we allow into our minds and what comes out from our mouth.
I will return to you, my Lord.
I will surrender my "beans" to you, Father Abba.
I will be quick to think, slow to talk.
When I judge, I am "replacing" you as the King who truly know what justice means. I don't, you do.
Dearest Father, forgive me for I have lost my focus in you. Father, thank you for calling me home. I'm home and I desire to do all things to please you alone. Father, I surrender my heart to you. Please make my heart, your home, your dwelling place. Holy Spirit, my best friend, do come in and make my heart, your home too. Father, in all that I do, I surrender it to you. I want to seek for your affirmation before I go into it. My Lord, my Father Abba, may you guide me as I draw near to you. Thank you for your abundant unconditional love, grace and mercy.
Indeed, your Joy is my Strength.
Loving you for eternity,
Father, I want to spend today with you. Indeed, life is meaningless without you. In you, I have everything. To think that I can achieve all things on my own is pure nonsense. In you, I have all things. :) In you, I have everything. :) In you, I am complete.
~ Selah~
2 Chronicles 31:20
20 This is what Hezekiah did throughout Judah, doing what was good and right and faithful before the LORD his God. 21 In everything that he undertook in the service of God’s temple and in obedience to the law and the commands, he sought his God and worked wholeheartedly. And so he prospered.
James 4:7-10
7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
James 4:11-12
11 Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?
God is calling his people. God loves King Hezekiah because in whatever he did, it pleased God tremendously. He followed and obeyed God wholeheartedly. He abided in God without fail.
God is calling many who have "neglected" him to return to him wholeheartedly. Indeed, God is compassionate. His mercy is bountiful. His love for his children cannot be expressed with just mere words.
God is the judge, not you or myself. Who is human who thinks they can sit on the throne and judge one another. God has the final say, not us. We leave justice to God. Keep a close watch to what we allow into our minds and what comes out from our mouth.
I will return to you, my Lord.
I will surrender my "beans" to you, Father Abba.
I will be quick to think, slow to talk.
When I judge, I am "replacing" you as the King who truly know what justice means. I don't, you do.
Dearest Father, forgive me for I have lost my focus in you. Father, thank you for calling me home. I'm home and I desire to do all things to please you alone. Father, I surrender my heart to you. Please make my heart, your home, your dwelling place. Holy Spirit, my best friend, do come in and make my heart, your home too. Father, in all that I do, I surrender it to you. I want to seek for your affirmation before I go into it. My Lord, my Father Abba, may you guide me as I draw near to you. Thank you for your abundant unconditional love, grace and mercy.
Indeed, your Joy is my Strength.
Loving you for eternity,
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
35 When the LORD made a covenant with the Israelites, he commanded them: “Do not worship any other gods or bow down to them, serve them or sacrifice to them. 36 But the LORD, who brought you up out of Egypt with mighty power and outstretched arm, is the one you must worship. To him you shall bow down and to him offer sacrifices. 37 You must always be careful to keep the decrees and regulations, the laws and commands he wrote for you. Do not worship other gods. 38 Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods. 39 Rather, worship the LORD your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.” 2 Kings 17:35-39
King Ahaz was the worst king after King David who defiled and turned the people of Israelites away from God. 2 Corinthians 28
[b]1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c] Psalm 46:1-3
10 “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
11 The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress. Psalm 46:10-11
9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. James 3:9
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. James 9:17
- God loves our whole attention. For us to be diverted and worship others is like the action of digging our own graves.
- God is with us when we go through trials and tribulation. He reminded us that He is in control and he protects.
- The tongue has the power to "kill". We have to be careful, think before we speak.
- Peacemaker, pure, considerate, obedient, have compassion...true.. genuine
- To focus in God alone. To serve Him whole-heartedly. To worship him alone.
- To trust by faith :)
- To think before I speak eventhough the person is bad.
- To have the values of Christ.
Father, thank you for your guidance. Holy spirit, remind me in the above.. I'm tired by my mind is awaken to the truth. Thank you for everything.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
35 When the LORD made a covenant with the Israelites, he commanded them: “Do not worship any other gods or bow down to them, serve them or sacrifice to them. 36 But the LORD, who brought you up out of Egypt with mighty power and outstretched arm, is the one you must worship. To him you shall bow down and to him offer sacrifices. 37 You must always be careful to keep the decrees and regulations, the laws and commands he wrote for you. Do not worship other gods. 38 Do not forget the covenant I have made with you, and do not worship other gods. 39 Rather, worship the LORD your God; it is he who will deliver you from the hand of all your enemies.” 2 Kings 17:35-39
King Ahaz was the worst king after King David who defiled and turned the people of Israelites away from God. 2 Corinthians 28
[b]1 God is our refuge and strength,
an ever-present help in trouble.
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way
and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea,
3 though its waters roar and foam
and the mountains quake with their surging.[c] Psalm 46:1-3
10 “Be still, and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations,
I will be exalted in the earth.”
11 The LORD Almighty is with us;
the God of Jacob is our fortress. Psalm 46:10-11
9 With the tongue we praise our Lord and Father, and with it we curse human beings, who have been made in God’s likeness. James 3:9
17 But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. 18 Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness. James 9:17
- God loves our whole attention. For us to be diverted and worship others is like the action of digging our own graves.
- God is with us when we go through trials and tribulation. He reminded us that He is in control and he protects.
- The tongue has the power to "kill". We have to be careful, think before we speak.
- Peacemaker, pure, considerate, obedient, have compassion...true.. genuine
- To focus in God alone. To serve Him whole-heartedly. To worship him alone.
- To trust by faith :)
- To think before I speak eventhough the person is bad.
- To have the values of Christ.
Father, thank you for your guidance. Holy spirit, remind me in the above.. I'm tired by my mind is awaken to the truth. Thank you for everything.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
God..Have Mercy on us
I am sad on what is happening back home in Malaysia now. Although I'm safe here in Melbourne but I'm worry about my family and friends back home.
Father, I pray for your hands of protection over them and the country. Father, please do not let peaceful ones suffer. Father, I believe that you are in control of all things. Father, do protect my beloved ones. Protect the country. The future of Our Rakyat is in your hands.
Hear my prayers, O God.
Your beloved daughter,
Doreen C.
Father, I pray for your hands of protection over them and the country. Father, please do not let peaceful ones suffer. Father, I believe that you are in control of all things. Father, do protect my beloved ones. Protect the country. The future of Our Rakyat is in your hands.
Hear my prayers, O God.
Your beloved daughter,
Doreen C.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Time is the essence
I want to make time. I do have the time.
Why am I sleepy? Heavy? Perhaps, it is the thought of the mountaneous work that I have with me now.
God, I need your AMAZING GRACE, STRENGTH and above all, PEACE AND JOY to be with me.
Father, so many things to do but I am going to CONQUER it one by one, not by my own strength but by the SPIRIT and POWER of the LORD.
My Lord, I love you. I desire you. Teach me who to keep as friend and who can I let go during this time. I do not want to have "friendship maintenance" but to have peer to peer friendship. Father, I trust that you have hear my prayers. I pray that Tracy will be taken care of. Same as Audrey. Also. JS.
Ok la.. very random post here.. dunno why am i sleepy..
i think i must balance my working hours, studies and leisure time.
no 1: time with you.. early in the mornings
leisure time: Sunday...:)
wahseh.. ok la.. gtg... don't feel like blogging.. just want to zzzzz :)
Why am I sleepy? Heavy? Perhaps, it is the thought of the mountaneous work that I have with me now.
God, I need your AMAZING GRACE, STRENGTH and above all, PEACE AND JOY to be with me.
Father, so many things to do but I am going to CONQUER it one by one, not by my own strength but by the SPIRIT and POWER of the LORD.
My Lord, I love you. I desire you. Teach me who to keep as friend and who can I let go during this time. I do not want to have "friendship maintenance" but to have peer to peer friendship. Father, I trust that you have hear my prayers. I pray that Tracy will be taken care of. Same as Audrey. Also. JS.
Ok la.. very random post here.. dunno why am i sleepy..
i think i must balance my working hours, studies and leisure time.
no 1: time with you.. early in the mornings
leisure time: Sunday...:)
wahseh.. ok la.. gtg... don't feel like blogging.. just want to zzzzz :)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Just woke up after 8 hours of sleep. How am I feeling now? All sorts. There are excitement, anticipation, joy, restlessness plus a couple of panic attack modes. If you haven't already know, I will be heading off to Houston, Texas in less than a month. Indeed when God moves, He moves with the speed of lighting. I am going by faith, trusting that God is my sole provider in ALL things.
The Lord is indeed my shepherd. He knows my every needs and wants. Selah ~
Father, why am I feeling the way I feel now. I realise that I have to let go of this "emotional" entanglement that has been with me for the last 3 years +. I need to move on but do I want to? Father, let your will be my will. Let me choose the way of the Spirit and not of my flesh. Even as I am preparing for this trip, I realise deep within that I am to slowly step away from what has been towards what is yet to come. It is indeed EXCITING to be in this 3 weeks journey out there in the WILD. I have to let go of my Egypt. Once again, I feel like Abraham now, been asked to leave the country and travel where God wanted him to. Once again, I realise God is urging to activate my faith to go to a foreign land to be equipped. So much excitement yet there's a tad of fear. Why do I fear when I know God is right by my side and my best friend is in me. :)
Father please teach me not to depend on my own understanding but in everything acknowledge you and you will DIRECT my path. Proverbs 3:5.
My Lord, indeed the salvation is here already. This year is a year of great joy and the Lords' favor. I want to experience all of it. Last 3 years were years of chaos, toiling, sufferings, patience and perseverance but Lord God, this year is different. Now as I reflect upon it, your grace has been amazing. :) Love ya. Father, I do not want to go back to the same thing. I want something more. I want to be appreciated and truly love as a woman of God and I know that I can find that from you. :)
"In the time of my favour I heard you,
and in the time of salvation I helped you."
"I tell you, now is the time of Gods' favor, now is the day of salvation" 2 Corinthians 6:2
Father, I love you. I adore you. Even for today, I surrender it to you. Father, I set my eyes upon you only and not on anything that will sway me away from you. Indeed you are my role model. Your are my all. Father, all that I have, I surrender it back to you and for the glory of your name. All that I have, I will cherish it and use it for your people. Father, show me how can I love you. How can I adore you more and more each day. What I have, my heart, I surrender it to you. :) Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be your ambassador. Thank you for your trust and belief in me. :)
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.
-JESUS in John 3:17
At peace,
The Lord is indeed my shepherd. He knows my every needs and wants. Selah ~
Father, why am I feeling the way I feel now. I realise that I have to let go of this "emotional" entanglement that has been with me for the last 3 years +. I need to move on but do I want to? Father, let your will be my will. Let me choose the way of the Spirit and not of my flesh. Even as I am preparing for this trip, I realise deep within that I am to slowly step away from what has been towards what is yet to come. It is indeed EXCITING to be in this 3 weeks journey out there in the WILD. I have to let go of my Egypt. Once again, I feel like Abraham now, been asked to leave the country and travel where God wanted him to. Once again, I realise God is urging to activate my faith to go to a foreign land to be equipped. So much excitement yet there's a tad of fear. Why do I fear when I know God is right by my side and my best friend is in me. :)
Father please teach me not to depend on my own understanding but in everything acknowledge you and you will DIRECT my path. Proverbs 3:5.
My Lord, indeed the salvation is here already. This year is a year of great joy and the Lords' favor. I want to experience all of it. Last 3 years were years of chaos, toiling, sufferings, patience and perseverance but Lord God, this year is different. Now as I reflect upon it, your grace has been amazing. :) Love ya. Father, I do not want to go back to the same thing. I want something more. I want to be appreciated and truly love as a woman of God and I know that I can find that from you. :)
"In the time of my favour I heard you,
and in the time of salvation I helped you."
"I tell you, now is the time of Gods' favor, now is the day of salvation" 2 Corinthians 6:2
Father, I love you. I adore you. Even for today, I surrender it to you. Father, I set my eyes upon you only and not on anything that will sway me away from you. Indeed you are my role model. Your are my all. Father, all that I have, I surrender it back to you and for the glory of your name. All that I have, I will cherish it and use it for your people. Father, show me how can I love you. How can I adore you more and more each day. What I have, my heart, I surrender it to you. :) Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be your ambassador. Thank you for your trust and belief in me. :)
For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.
-JESUS in John 3:17
At peace,
Monday, July 4, 2011
Good morning, world. Indeed, by just hearing the sound of the birds chirping outside my window, it has certainly made my day. When we open our eyes to hear and see the beauty of all creations, it truly humbles me that human is not the only one who lives on this planet. God is good, and He certainly is all the time.
I'm currently doing a self-reading of the book of 2 Corinthians. Paul wrote this letter to the community of believers at Corinthians because there had been rumors of false preachers who challenged Pauls' authority. With great persuasion and wisdom, Paul wrote to the people to remind them of his love and the purpose of his work is to preach all about Jesus. He was sent to preach about Jesus and not to alleviate himself. False preachers were the complete opposite.
As I was reading chapter 5 of this book, it has reminded me again that I have been reconciled with Jesus Christ from the moment I accepted him as my personal Saviour. All my sins were washed, cleansed and forgotten. Jesus has already paid the price for my past, present and future sins. I am a new creation. Just as written in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION; the old has gone, the new has COME!". How thoroughly amazing is that, all. :) Paul also affirmed that "we are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us in verse 20. My goodness, I am a representative of Christ, his values, his characters and all that he loves. Which means that all that I do, think, act, converse are to exemplify my beloved. God is my MASTER now, not the God of the world. I'm not to fear what the world can do to me because I know that I am under the protection of the Almighty. I come from this kingdom that has eternity in it, where no power of death is able to contain this priceless life from truly living and conquering death.
Paul urged the community to be reconciled to God for God made his son who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (vs 21). Praise the Lord. :)
My Lord my lord, there is none like you. Indeed Father and holy spirit, please remind me that I'm not my own anymore. You have redeemed me and cleansed me inside out. Indeed, I am a NEW CREATION. There is no condemnation to those who have Christ in them now (Roman 8:1). Father, thank you for freeing me from the tyranny of this world that seeks to "destroy" me. Indeed, I'm worth more than I can imagine. Thank you for your love, grace and mercy.
Loving you more each day..:)
I'm currently doing a self-reading of the book of 2 Corinthians. Paul wrote this letter to the community of believers at Corinthians because there had been rumors of false preachers who challenged Pauls' authority. With great persuasion and wisdom, Paul wrote to the people to remind them of his love and the purpose of his work is to preach all about Jesus. He was sent to preach about Jesus and not to alleviate himself. False preachers were the complete opposite.
As I was reading chapter 5 of this book, it has reminded me again that I have been reconciled with Jesus Christ from the moment I accepted him as my personal Saviour. All my sins were washed, cleansed and forgotten. Jesus has already paid the price for my past, present and future sins. I am a new creation. Just as written in 2 Corinthians 5:17, "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a NEW CREATION; the old has gone, the new has COME!". How thoroughly amazing is that, all. :) Paul also affirmed that "we are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us in verse 20. My goodness, I am a representative of Christ, his values, his characters and all that he loves. Which means that all that I do, think, act, converse are to exemplify my beloved. God is my MASTER now, not the God of the world. I'm not to fear what the world can do to me because I know that I am under the protection of the Almighty. I come from this kingdom that has eternity in it, where no power of death is able to contain this priceless life from truly living and conquering death.
Paul urged the community to be reconciled to God for God made his son who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God (vs 21). Praise the Lord. :)
My Lord my lord, there is none like you. Indeed Father and holy spirit, please remind me that I'm not my own anymore. You have redeemed me and cleansed me inside out. Indeed, I am a NEW CREATION. There is no condemnation to those who have Christ in them now (Roman 8:1). Father, thank you for freeing me from the tyranny of this world that seeks to "destroy" me. Indeed, I'm worth more than I can imagine. Thank you for your love, grace and mercy.
Loving you more each day..:)
Friday, June 17, 2011
Honouring You
Ive woke up this morning, determine to spend time with my Lord. Although it is short, I know Papa loves it. Father, thank you for your patience with your dear gal here. :) I love you. I adore you. I AMORE you.
Father, I have read the below this morning.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
You are right. When I have first accepted you, I have also accepted this precious gift, my very own Holy Spirit from you. Now that my best friend lives in me, you are in me as well. The spirit lives side by side with my physical body. If I do not take care of my physical body, it will definitely affect the spirit. When I fall sick, it indicates that I have neglected my physical body. I'm sorry, Father for doing this intentionally. I thought I can cope with the multiple of late nights. Clearly, it has not.
The scripture above relates to sexual immorality that had happened in the Corinthians' church. As sex was rampant in the society, undeniably, it had also crept into some members of the church. Paul wrote the above as a "wake-up" call to them who were sinning intentionally. Paul reminded them that they are brought at a price where their soul, spirit and body belongs to Christ now. Indeed we are free from "sin" and our old practices but this freedom must not be taken advantage of to do what will harm our body in the long run. Sexual promiscuity will harm everyone including the sinner, loved ones and the community as a whole.
What I have received from this passage is that I am a steward of this body. I want to take care of you, Doreens' body that is brought at a price by Jesus Christ. To take care of you is to honour God with it.
What is good for the body?
- Breakfast
- Healthy Meals (More vege, fruits.. less meat)
- Eat earlier say (6pm)
- Sleep earlier (11pm- 7.30am)
- Exercise (Dancing; Swimming)
My Lord, give me this discipline to honour you in all that I do. As at now, it will be for my health..:) Father, guide me and mold me.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
Father, I have read the below this morning.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)
You are right. When I have first accepted you, I have also accepted this precious gift, my very own Holy Spirit from you. Now that my best friend lives in me, you are in me as well. The spirit lives side by side with my physical body. If I do not take care of my physical body, it will definitely affect the spirit. When I fall sick, it indicates that I have neglected my physical body. I'm sorry, Father for doing this intentionally. I thought I can cope with the multiple of late nights. Clearly, it has not.
The scripture above relates to sexual immorality that had happened in the Corinthians' church. As sex was rampant in the society, undeniably, it had also crept into some members of the church. Paul wrote the above as a "wake-up" call to them who were sinning intentionally. Paul reminded them that they are brought at a price where their soul, spirit and body belongs to Christ now. Indeed we are free from "sin" and our old practices but this freedom must not be taken advantage of to do what will harm our body in the long run. Sexual promiscuity will harm everyone including the sinner, loved ones and the community as a whole.
What I have received from this passage is that I am a steward of this body. I want to take care of you, Doreens' body that is brought at a price by Jesus Christ. To take care of you is to honour God with it.
What is good for the body?
- Breakfast
- Healthy Meals (More vege, fruits.. less meat)
- Eat earlier say (6pm)
- Sleep earlier (11pm- 7.30am)
- Exercise (Dancing; Swimming)
My Lord, give me this discipline to honour you in all that I do. As at now, it will be for my health..:) Father, guide me and mold me.
Loving you,
Doreen C.
Saturday, June 11, 2011
May All honour and glory be unto you, My LORD! :)
Dear Lord,
I just want to thank you for all that you have given me. Without you, I will surely boast of what I can do or achieve with my own strength. But you know what, this is not the case. I thank you because of your unconditional love and that You are true to your promises. In fact, you ARE what you say you are ==>My Provider in all that I need and want. You care about every little things about me. You draw pleasure from my faith and trust in You, don't You?
Ever since You embraced me into your Kingdom, You have never failed to guide me. Though many times, I tend to be distracted by mere "deeds", You are patient enough to wait for me. If only many will come to know You that You are for them, not against them. You are calling out for lost souls who are trap in the meaninglessness of this world. Only in You alone, can humanity find themselves and the purposes in their lives. Thanks to You, my Lord, I have found Passion and LIFE worth living for.
Dear Friends,
Have you ever wonder why those who call "Jesus as their Lord", seem to be more joyful and youthful in appearance? I was just chatting with my friends a few day ago and the answer is this. It is because the "Joy of the Lord, is their STRENGTH" (From the Bible: Book of Nehemiah Chapter 8: Verse 10). When one knows and walk closely with God, his DNAs' of love, peace, joy, hope, forgiveness and freedom (among many) are in them inside out. Sadly, not many desire to let go of the power of the world just to have these, even among those who know Him. It makes me wonder why?
Don't you desire to know what drives you ie. your passion and the purpose you are born in this world? Surely, we are more than just "robots" having to churn repetitive works so that we can "survive", earn more money, work our youth away and retired at the age of 60? Honestly, do we have the strength to enjoy our hard-earned money then? Even if you don't believe in this God, and if you sincerely love your life, don't you desire to truly live life NOW instead of worrying about what you don't have, to meet wants that you don't need?
I sincerely do hope that in whichever season you are at, I pray that you are blessed in your faith journey as well. I know God loves all who are made in His image and that includes you. It is an honour to be able to share this journey with you:) Cherish and LOVE LIFE and those around you.:)

"There is still HOPE"
With Love,
"For God so loved the world that He gave his ONE and ONLY Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perished but have eternal life." John 3:16
I just want to thank you for all that you have given me. Without you, I will surely boast of what I can do or achieve with my own strength. But you know what, this is not the case. I thank you because of your unconditional love and that You are true to your promises. In fact, you ARE what you say you are ==>My Provider in all that I need and want. You care about every little things about me. You draw pleasure from my faith and trust in You, don't You?
Ever since You embraced me into your Kingdom, You have never failed to guide me. Though many times, I tend to be distracted by mere "deeds", You are patient enough to wait for me. If only many will come to know You that You are for them, not against them. You are calling out for lost souls who are trap in the meaninglessness of this world. Only in You alone, can humanity find themselves and the purposes in their lives. Thanks to You, my Lord, I have found Passion and LIFE worth living for.
Dear Friends,
Have you ever wonder why those who call "Jesus as their Lord", seem to be more joyful and youthful in appearance? I was just chatting with my friends a few day ago and the answer is this. It is because the "Joy of the Lord, is their STRENGTH" (From the Bible: Book of Nehemiah Chapter 8: Verse 10). When one knows and walk closely with God, his DNAs' of love, peace, joy, hope, forgiveness and freedom (among many) are in them inside out. Sadly, not many desire to let go of the power of the world just to have these, even among those who know Him. It makes me wonder why?
Don't you desire to know what drives you ie. your passion and the purpose you are born in this world? Surely, we are more than just "robots" having to churn repetitive works so that we can "survive", earn more money, work our youth away and retired at the age of 60? Honestly, do we have the strength to enjoy our hard-earned money then? Even if you don't believe in this God, and if you sincerely love your life, don't you desire to truly live life NOW instead of worrying about what you don't have, to meet wants that you don't need?
I sincerely do hope that in whichever season you are at, I pray that you are blessed in your faith journey as well. I know God loves all who are made in His image and that includes you. It is an honour to be able to share this journey with you:) Cherish and LOVE LIFE and those around you.:)

"There is still HOPE"
With Love,
"For God so loved the world that He gave his ONE and ONLY Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perished but have eternal life." John 3:16
Thursday, June 9, 2011
My Car Hunting Adventure
The below detailed my car hunting adventure and how God has intervened in this adventure. ;)
Was asking God on whether when will I get my car.
Somehow, there was this voice directing me to check the car websites on the same nite. Did that on the night. Saw the car. Low mileage, low amount, Got the plate with number 2 & 8 on it. :)
Was reading the bible and landed on this verse.
7I will look to the Lord.
I will wait for God to save me.
I will wait for my God to listen to me. "Micah 7:7
After reading this verse, I know that God has heard my prayer and will act SWIFTLY. :)
Was still pondering about it.
Finally, asked Jo to help me in emailing her from the website.
Owner called me in the morning and said she is free on Wed. Something in me directing me to transfer my money from UBank to my HSBC account so that I have the money to pay for the car.
I did in the early afternoon and I have the money by Tuesday night.
Go for inspection and got the car on spot.
- was doubting but yet, thank God for Jo for he said not to listen to doubt.
- was praying to God have someone who is honest and oh my, she was honest from the moment we met her. She said that she does that because she would like someone to treat her like that too. :)
It all happened within a sec.
FRIDAY (A week later)
Prepared my bank cheque.
Ready to collect my car today! :)
God is faithful and His promises as our provider always prevailed. :)
In Christ alone,
Was asking God on whether when will I get my car.
Somehow, there was this voice directing me to check the car websites on the same nite. Did that on the night. Saw the car. Low mileage, low amount, Got the plate with number 2 & 8 on it. :)
Was reading the bible and landed on this verse.
7I will look to the Lord.
I will wait for God to save me.
I will wait for my God to listen to me. "Micah 7:7
After reading this verse, I know that God has heard my prayer and will act SWIFTLY. :)
Was still pondering about it.
Finally, asked Jo to help me in emailing her from the website.
Owner called me in the morning and said she is free on Wed. Something in me directing me to transfer my money from UBank to my HSBC account so that I have the money to pay for the car.
I did in the early afternoon and I have the money by Tuesday night.
Go for inspection and got the car on spot.
- was doubting but yet, thank God for Jo for he said not to listen to doubt.
- was praying to God have someone who is honest and oh my, she was honest from the moment we met her. She said that she does that because she would like someone to treat her like that too. :)
It all happened within a sec.
FRIDAY (A week later)
Prepared my bank cheque.
Ready to collect my car today! :)
God is faithful and His promises as our provider always prevailed. :)
In Christ alone,
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Heart of a true worshipper
No wonder I have been feeling so "dry" these few days. I have been longing to spend some quality time with Father and I was simply too busy to set aside this precious moment. Oh man, I can feel the downside already. Therefore, no matter how busy I am, I lock this time to sit by His side and draw from my Lord. :)
"You are my lamp, O Lord
the Lord turns my darkness into light." 2 Samuel 22:29
"It it God who arms me with strength
and makes my way perfect." 2 Samuel 22:33
"The Lord lives! Praise be to my ROCK!
Exalted be God, the ROCK, my Saviour!" 2 Samuel 22:47
"The God of Israel spoke,
the ROCK of Israel said to me:
When one rules over men in righteousness,
when he rules in fear of God,
he is light of morning at sunrise,
on a cloudless morning,
like the brightness after rain
that brings the grass from the earth". 2 Samuel 23: 3-4
King David certainly knew how to praise God to the max. When His Kingdom prospered, He praised God. When He was hard-pressed, He praised God. In all situation, He worshipped and praised God. He knew that God is the one who is in control of ALL things. He knew that there would always be HOPE no matter whether Death is at his door step.
I am amazed by his faith and hope in God. Many of us will blame God for our suffering and when we prosper, God is far away from our mind.
I want to be like David.
God, there is many things to do now. God I pray that I will not be too busy and forgets you. Father, thank you for your love and provision. Thank you for holding me when I am weak. In all things, guide and direct me. I am here, my Lord. Waiting for you.
Wanting you. Loving you.
"You are my lamp, O Lord
the Lord turns my darkness into light." 2 Samuel 22:29
"It it God who arms me with strength
and makes my way perfect." 2 Samuel 22:33
"The Lord lives! Praise be to my ROCK!
Exalted be God, the ROCK, my Saviour!" 2 Samuel 22:47
"The God of Israel spoke,
the ROCK of Israel said to me:
When one rules over men in righteousness,
when he rules in fear of God,
he is light of morning at sunrise,
on a cloudless morning,
like the brightness after rain
that brings the grass from the earth". 2 Samuel 23: 3-4
King David certainly knew how to praise God to the max. When His Kingdom prospered, He praised God. When He was hard-pressed, He praised God. In all situation, He worshipped and praised God. He knew that God is the one who is in control of ALL things. He knew that there would always be HOPE no matter whether Death is at his door step.
I am amazed by his faith and hope in God. Many of us will blame God for our suffering and when we prosper, God is far away from our mind.
I want to be like David.
God, there is many things to do now. God I pray that I will not be too busy and forgets you. Father, thank you for your love and provision. Thank you for holding me when I am weak. In all things, guide and direct me. I am here, my Lord. Waiting for you.
Wanting you. Loving you.
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
My Source of LIFE!
Year 2000 was the year where I finally graduated with a degree of Bachelor of Marketing and Management from one of the prestigious universities in Melbourne. Alas, I fulfilled my parents’ wishes. I remembered looking at my graduate certificate and this thought came to my mind, “Where do I go from here?”. This piece of “paper” costed my parent’s few hundred thousands of Australian dollars which I know deep within, I will have no way of repaying them. Just like all fresh graduates, my future lies in the reality of securing a well-paid job, be married to a good husband, build a happy family, grow old and eventually, ending up in the cold hard earth. “Is this all that “life” can offer me?” was the question that I had always asked myself since I was as young as ten years old. The answer is no. I do have a choice.
God has a purpose for every person who is made in the image of God. He came to save, redeem and restore His original purposes to all who come to believe and accept Him as their personal saviour. Little did I know, God had set his eyes upon me since I was in my mothers’ womb and had “woo” me until I finally received Him wholeheartedly in May 2000. Just as He gave Adam the responsibilities to be “fruitful and increase in number; fill and subdue the earth and rule over all the living beings and plants on earth” (Genesis 1:28-30), He revealed my calling in developing the dance ministry in Melbourne in October 2002.
As a believer in Christ, I believe in seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness, just as written in Matthew 6:33 and also to do all things for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 31). Without God as our main priority in life, it is very easy for us to be distracted by the ways of the world. The world desires power and beauty. Wealth and the ability to control and manipulate others, fall under the category of power and beauty. To be honest, the society at the present is not very much different from the time during the Judges, as everyone does what is pleasing to their eyes. But God is looking for those whose hearts are seeking after Him. In all that I think, act and speak, it really depends on the foundation of my relationship with God. Without Him as the lover of my soul, all that I do is meaningless.
“To man belong the plan of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.” Proverbs 16:1. Ever since I began investing my time to develop my dancing skill and drawn plans to invest in this calling, I am careful that as much as I am able to develop strategies and plans, I hold these plans and surrender all that I do, to Him. God is the one who will determine my steps (Proverbs 16: 9). God gives us mission on this earth for the purpose of benefiting the people on the land and to bring glory to Him. That is why we must not hold on to our calling, as if, it is only for our own benefit. The talents are to be utilised and invested into others for the sole purpose of bringing glory to God instead of us. All that we own and have, and even our life, belongs entirely to Him.
We are called by Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations..” as written in the book of Matthew 28:19. I believe that Jesus has not only call us to bring people into a church compound but to represent Him in our relationships with our colleagues, neighbours, friends and even, strangers. God has given me the opportunity to participate in a non-church dance company in Melbourne since last year, where I was able to minister to a dancer who was going through a tremendous challenge in completing one of her dance routines. We supported each other through prayers and she managed to overcome her fears and anxieties. I was so glad that I had listened to the prompting of the Lord to participate in this dance company or else, I would not be able to witness God’s power in redeeming my friend from the bondages of fear and shame that had held her down in the past. It has become crystal clear to me that my presence in this dance company is more than just being a performer but I realise that God’s love and compassion for His people is far more important at this stage. Hence, I make the point to make friends with my dance companions and when the opportunities do come, I am able to be there to encourage, build and support them.
I also believe that being in this non-church dance company, I will be allocated to dance routines or perhaps having to wear dance attires, which may not necessarily bring glory to God. Just last weekend, I was chosen to perform in a Samba dance routine where the dancers are requested to wear skimpy attires. At the same time, I was asked about this situation by one of my church friend who recently joined the dance company. I was so glad that I put forward this dilemma to God during my personal devotion time with Him and He revealed to me to drop the routine. The thoughts of rejection and disapproval from the choreographer did cross my mind initially, but I chose to fear God instead of men. So, I obeyed and immediately withdrew from the dance routine.
My dream is to one day be able to choreograph routines that reveal the many great stories of love, hope, compassion and freedom that God wants to bring to all those who have yet to know Him. Just as a picture that speaks a thousand words, I believe dance that expressed the very heart of God, is able to penetrate hearts that are in search of truth, hope and love. At the end of the day, all that I have, I surrender them to God and all that I do, I do it so that Gods’ name will be glorified. Amen! ☺
God has a purpose for every person who is made in the image of God. He came to save, redeem and restore His original purposes to all who come to believe and accept Him as their personal saviour. Little did I know, God had set his eyes upon me since I was in my mothers’ womb and had “woo” me until I finally received Him wholeheartedly in May 2000. Just as He gave Adam the responsibilities to be “fruitful and increase in number; fill and subdue the earth and rule over all the living beings and plants on earth” (Genesis 1:28-30), He revealed my calling in developing the dance ministry in Melbourne in October 2002.
As a believer in Christ, I believe in seeking first His Kingdom and His righteousness, just as written in Matthew 6:33 and also to do all things for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 31). Without God as our main priority in life, it is very easy for us to be distracted by the ways of the world. The world desires power and beauty. Wealth and the ability to control and manipulate others, fall under the category of power and beauty. To be honest, the society at the present is not very much different from the time during the Judges, as everyone does what is pleasing to their eyes. But God is looking for those whose hearts are seeking after Him. In all that I think, act and speak, it really depends on the foundation of my relationship with God. Without Him as the lover of my soul, all that I do is meaningless.
“To man belong the plan of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue.” Proverbs 16:1. Ever since I began investing my time to develop my dancing skill and drawn plans to invest in this calling, I am careful that as much as I am able to develop strategies and plans, I hold these plans and surrender all that I do, to Him. God is the one who will determine my steps (Proverbs 16: 9). God gives us mission on this earth for the purpose of benefiting the people on the land and to bring glory to Him. That is why we must not hold on to our calling, as if, it is only for our own benefit. The talents are to be utilised and invested into others for the sole purpose of bringing glory to God instead of us. All that we own and have, and even our life, belongs entirely to Him.
We are called by Jesus to “go and make disciples of all nations..” as written in the book of Matthew 28:19. I believe that Jesus has not only call us to bring people into a church compound but to represent Him in our relationships with our colleagues, neighbours, friends and even, strangers. God has given me the opportunity to participate in a non-church dance company in Melbourne since last year, where I was able to minister to a dancer who was going through a tremendous challenge in completing one of her dance routines. We supported each other through prayers and she managed to overcome her fears and anxieties. I was so glad that I had listened to the prompting of the Lord to participate in this dance company or else, I would not be able to witness God’s power in redeeming my friend from the bondages of fear and shame that had held her down in the past. It has become crystal clear to me that my presence in this dance company is more than just being a performer but I realise that God’s love and compassion for His people is far more important at this stage. Hence, I make the point to make friends with my dance companions and when the opportunities do come, I am able to be there to encourage, build and support them.
I also believe that being in this non-church dance company, I will be allocated to dance routines or perhaps having to wear dance attires, which may not necessarily bring glory to God. Just last weekend, I was chosen to perform in a Samba dance routine where the dancers are requested to wear skimpy attires. At the same time, I was asked about this situation by one of my church friend who recently joined the dance company. I was so glad that I put forward this dilemma to God during my personal devotion time with Him and He revealed to me to drop the routine. The thoughts of rejection and disapproval from the choreographer did cross my mind initially, but I chose to fear God instead of men. So, I obeyed and immediately withdrew from the dance routine.
My dream is to one day be able to choreograph routines that reveal the many great stories of love, hope, compassion and freedom that God wants to bring to all those who have yet to know Him. Just as a picture that speaks a thousand words, I believe dance that expressed the very heart of God, is able to penetrate hearts that are in search of truth, hope and love. At the end of the day, all that I have, I surrender them to God and all that I do, I do it so that Gods’ name will be glorified. Amen! ☺
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Day of REST.. YAY!!!! :)
Dear God,
Arggh.. it's only 5.41am now and I am awake. Imagine that. Truthfully, I think I am stress. This kind of feeling reminded me of my uni time, a day before an assignment of mine is due. As usual, what I did was I will give myself a "stress-free" activity just to chillex despite knowing that I need to hand in the assignment in less than a day. I told myself that I do have the time, so no worries.
Back at the present state, I believe that I need to take the "chillex/breather" time again and so, I declare today as my REST Day. I shall go to my dance class in the morning and proceed to attend the King Tut and the rest of the permanent exhibitions in Melbourne Museum. Yay!
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29
Dearest Father, I will rest today just as you had on the 7th day. I declare today as my sabbatical day. I desire to be surrounded by your work of arts, nature and your creations. Father, I know I will find many of your finger prints left by you long before I was borne. Father, thank you for your unconditional love. I will remember and receive this love. I will cherish all that you have given me, family and friends and miow. :) Even in this situation, you are my rest. I will return to you for strength and rest.
Loving you always,
Arggh.. it's only 5.41am now and I am awake. Imagine that. Truthfully, I think I am stress. This kind of feeling reminded me of my uni time, a day before an assignment of mine is due. As usual, what I did was I will give myself a "stress-free" activity just to chillex despite knowing that I need to hand in the assignment in less than a day. I told myself that I do have the time, so no worries.
Back at the present state, I believe that I need to take the "chillex/breather" time again and so, I declare today as my REST Day. I shall go to my dance class in the morning and proceed to attend the King Tut and the rest of the permanent exhibitions in Melbourne Museum. Yay!
28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-29
Dearest Father, I will rest today just as you had on the 7th day. I declare today as my sabbatical day. I desire to be surrounded by your work of arts, nature and your creations. Father, I know I will find many of your finger prints left by you long before I was borne. Father, thank you for your unconditional love. I will remember and receive this love. I will cherish all that you have given me, family and friends and miow. :) Even in this situation, you are my rest. I will return to you for strength and rest.
Loving you always,
Friday, May 6, 2011
Posture of my heart
Oh my, I'm glad that my school work is chugging smoothly. This is actually an "understatement". I am using the word "smoothly" in faith. :):):) Or a better scenario of how I am holding on now is kinda similar to a "duck in a pond". On the surface, she looks calm and happily spending her time on the pond but from the view of her cute tiny feet, she is frantically moving her tiny feet just to stay afloat. :) :) :) Hahahaha It's not that bad really. I believe we are made to face and withstand challenges. As in the scripture, we are MORE THAN CONQUEROR. :)
What's for breakfast today, Lord?
- 2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 51; Matthew 23
- "But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD" 2 Samuel 11:27
- "Create in me a PURE heart, O God,
and RENEW a STEADFAST SPIRIT within me." Psalm 51:11
- "The sacrifices of GOD are a BROKEN SPIRIT;
a broken and CONTRITE heart,
O God you will not despise." Psalm 51:17
- It happened in spring which was the time where King David would normally joined his armies for battle against Israelites' enemies. Instead he stayed home to rest. He followed the lust of his eyes and slept with Bathsheba. King David fell deeper and deeper into sin where he tried to manipulate Uriah to sleep with his wife (Bathsheba) and when unsuccessful, he came up with an evil scheme to have Uriah killed in the frontline. A letter was sent to His commanding army, Joab to place Uriah at that position where the fight was at its worst. Uriah died and King David took Bathsheba as his concubine.
It is scary when we allow sin to creep in slowly into our life. When we fail to take notice of it or brush it aside intentionally, the sin will eventually grow bigger and eat us up. It is just like having a python as a pet. It may be cute and adorable in the beginning but when its size overshadow us, we will be eaten up by it.
- Psalm 51 was written by King David as a psalm of repentance for the sin that he did. I can see that David truly repented from his heart and he sincerely regretted the crimes that he committed. After he was rebuked by Nathan, the sin that so greatly blinded him was revealed in the light. I am amazed that God will not allow us to continue with our sin and truly, it is because of his love for David, Nathan was sent to rebuke him. God forgave David but not without consequences though.
In all that I do, I want to seek first His direction. This goes the same to the dance item that I am involved in. At the end of day, the dances that I do is to reflect his glory and not vice-versa.
Father, please continue to guide me. See right through me and reveal to me what I need to be aware of. Sometimes I may be "blinded" by my own desires and therefore, I need you, Holy Spirit to reveal my actions to me. Just as you say, your sheeps know your voice. I do.
Loving you,
Your beloved....
What's for breakfast today, Lord?
- 2 Samuel 11-12; Psalm 51; Matthew 23
- "But the thing that David had done displeased the LORD" 2 Samuel 11:27
- "Create in me a PURE heart, O God,
and RENEW a STEADFAST SPIRIT within me." Psalm 51:11
- "The sacrifices of GOD are a BROKEN SPIRIT;
a broken and CONTRITE heart,
O God you will not despise." Psalm 51:17
- It happened in spring which was the time where King David would normally joined his armies for battle against Israelites' enemies. Instead he stayed home to rest. He followed the lust of his eyes and slept with Bathsheba. King David fell deeper and deeper into sin where he tried to manipulate Uriah to sleep with his wife (Bathsheba) and when unsuccessful, he came up with an evil scheme to have Uriah killed in the frontline. A letter was sent to His commanding army, Joab to place Uriah at that position where the fight was at its worst. Uriah died and King David took Bathsheba as his concubine.
It is scary when we allow sin to creep in slowly into our life. When we fail to take notice of it or brush it aside intentionally, the sin will eventually grow bigger and eat us up. It is just like having a python as a pet. It may be cute and adorable in the beginning but when its size overshadow us, we will be eaten up by it.
- Psalm 51 was written by King David as a psalm of repentance for the sin that he did. I can see that David truly repented from his heart and he sincerely regretted the crimes that he committed. After he was rebuked by Nathan, the sin that so greatly blinded him was revealed in the light. I am amazed that God will not allow us to continue with our sin and truly, it is because of his love for David, Nathan was sent to rebuke him. God forgave David but not without consequences though.
In all that I do, I want to seek first His direction. This goes the same to the dance item that I am involved in. At the end of day, the dances that I do is to reflect his glory and not vice-versa.
Father, please continue to guide me. See right through me and reveal to me what I need to be aware of. Sometimes I may be "blinded" by my own desires and therefore, I need you, Holy Spirit to reveal my actions to me. Just as you say, your sheeps know your voice. I do.
Loving you,
Your beloved....
Thursday, May 5, 2011
What a crazy week. Ive never danced so much in a week, in my entire life. Danced for 1.5hrs on Sat, 3hrs on Sun and 4hrs on Monday night. By the end of Monday, I was soooo tired. But, the feeling was GREAT. :)
Here I am again, on a lovely Thursday morning, a day after my weekly Wednesday night dancing class. :) Am recuperating physically and am loving my time, drawing upon the word of the Lord.
Todays' scriptures are:
i) 2 Samuel 8, 9, 10
ii) 1 Chronicles 18, 19, 20
iii) Psalm 20
iv) Matthew 21, 22
Psalm 20:4-5
"May He give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the Lord grant all your requests".
Matthew 21:22
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you asked for in prayer".
i) King David requested God to give him success in his battles. He asked in boldness and in great faith, trusting that Gods' favour is with Him. Indeed, God was with him in all of his battles. Davids' heart was with God. This was seen from how David offered all the plunder to God at the end of each victory. This psalm gives us encouragement and hope, believing that God will be the one who will fulfill the desire that is in our heart. A desire that is in accordance to His purpose.
ii) Jesus challenged His disciples to ask in boldness and faith in the things of Gods' Kingdom. God listens and will grant our prayers that are in alignment to His purpose.
i) First and foremost before I ask God, I need to know that what I'm asking for, is in alignment with His purpose. At the moment, I am going through "battles" that was not of great urgency but there are things that I am asking God for. For example, a car. My next question is, do I really need one? I know that God is a God who cares for all things, which include what we need and desire. How about necessity such as a car?
What do I need a car for?
i) To travel to my dance practices (Hawthorn, Kew) - Every Sundays from now until October
ii) To travel to my dance practices (Southbank/City) - Every Saturdays (2 Trimester)
iii) To travel to work and from work. Usually, I need a car to go home when I stayed late at work.
iv) Ease of bringing my dance stuff and laptops.
Which car should I get?
i) Honda Jazz 2010
- Near new
- Spacious
- Economical
- Total Cost: $15K. Slightly expensive by $2K
- High maintenance cost?
ii) Holden Barina Spark
- New
- Affordable cost
- Low maintenance cost
- Very small
- Dislike the clutch handling
iii) Toyota
- Less $$$
- More space
- Low Maintenance Cost
- Old car
Lord, I offer this desire to you. Father, you alone know whether this is worth consuming my time. Father, I have seen the Honda Jazz two days in a row. Father, can you guide and direct me. Father I know you care for the big things as well as the small things in my life. Father, all that I do, let it be in accordance to your purpose for me. Father, I do not want to worry but I trust that you will show me the way. I trust in you.
Loving you always,
Here I am again, on a lovely Thursday morning, a day after my weekly Wednesday night dancing class. :) Am recuperating physically and am loving my time, drawing upon the word of the Lord.
Todays' scriptures are:
i) 2 Samuel 8, 9, 10
ii) 1 Chronicles 18, 19, 20
iii) Psalm 20
iv) Matthew 21, 22
Psalm 20:4-5
"May He give you the desire of your heart
and make all your plans succeed.
We will shout for joy when you are victorious
and will lift up our banners in the name of our God.
May the Lord grant all your requests".
Matthew 21:22
"If you believe, you will receive whatever you asked for in prayer".
i) King David requested God to give him success in his battles. He asked in boldness and in great faith, trusting that Gods' favour is with Him. Indeed, God was with him in all of his battles. Davids' heart was with God. This was seen from how David offered all the plunder to God at the end of each victory. This psalm gives us encouragement and hope, believing that God will be the one who will fulfill the desire that is in our heart. A desire that is in accordance to His purpose.
ii) Jesus challenged His disciples to ask in boldness and faith in the things of Gods' Kingdom. God listens and will grant our prayers that are in alignment to His purpose.
i) First and foremost before I ask God, I need to know that what I'm asking for, is in alignment with His purpose. At the moment, I am going through "battles" that was not of great urgency but there are things that I am asking God for. For example, a car. My next question is, do I really need one? I know that God is a God who cares for all things, which include what we need and desire. How about necessity such as a car?
What do I need a car for?
i) To travel to my dance practices (Hawthorn, Kew) - Every Sundays from now until October
ii) To travel to my dance practices (Southbank/City) - Every Saturdays (2 Trimester)
iii) To travel to work and from work. Usually, I need a car to go home when I stayed late at work.
iv) Ease of bringing my dance stuff and laptops.
Which car should I get?
i) Honda Jazz 2010
- Near new
- Spacious
- Economical
- Total Cost: $15K. Slightly expensive by $2K
- High maintenance cost?
ii) Holden Barina Spark
- New
- Affordable cost
- Low maintenance cost
- Very small
- Dislike the clutch handling
iii) Toyota
- Less $$$
- More space
- Low Maintenance Cost
- Old car
Lord, I offer this desire to you. Father, you alone know whether this is worth consuming my time. Father, I have seen the Honda Jazz two days in a row. Father, can you guide and direct me. Father I know you care for the big things as well as the small things in my life. Father, all that I do, let it be in accordance to your purpose for me. Father, I do not want to worry but I trust that you will show me the way. I trust in you.
Loving you always,
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Friday, April 29, 2011
Swollen Feet
Argh. I am not too sure what happen last night but I woke up with a painful left feet. As I recalled from my dream, I remember doing a slight kick to the back with one of my leg and I think I actually kicked in real life without knowing it. Hence, a swollen left feet.
I was limping slightly this morning and fear that I may have to miss some of my dance classes. I was looking forward to it.
Lord God, I accept your diving healing upon my left feet right now. I pray that you will heal my feet in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. I believe and accept your divine healing in Jesus most precious name.
Father, I know that you will not leave me nor forsake me. I trust in your healing power. I know I will not be placed in a situation where I can not handle it. Father, I surrender my feet unto you. *Selah
Loving you always,
Doreen C
I was limping slightly this morning and fear that I may have to miss some of my dance classes. I was looking forward to it.
Lord God, I accept your diving healing upon my left feet right now. I pray that you will heal my feet in the powerful name of Jesus Christ. I believe and accept your divine healing in Jesus most precious name.
Father, I know that you will not leave me nor forsake me. I trust in your healing power. I know I will not be placed in a situation where I can not handle it. Father, I surrender my feet unto you. *Selah
Loving you always,
Doreen C
To live in accordance to Gods' will

I have just read 2 Sam 3,1 Chr 13, Ps 68 and Matt 14 from my daily readings. It left me completely baffled by the things that men could do just to get their ways accomplished. It further confirms that I cannot do anything without first consulting God before hand. To make important decisions without Gods' involvement is like going down an uncharted road trip on my own. It is a no return road trip, I must say.
To see how a man life was taken away just because David did not followed the tradition thoroughly while bringing the Ark of God back to the City of God are quite scary and daunting. God is serious about us following his law. How could a God who I know who is just, compassion and merciful zapped Uzzah to death? Will God do the same if I unknowingly step out of His will? Honestly, I don't think He will do that as Jesus had already bore the punishment of death, long before I'm here. I know God sees what is inside of me, that is within my heart. As long as I humble myself to hear him and am willing to turn from my self-imposing ways, He forgives.
Lord God, please reveal my innermost thoughts that are not from you. Father, please direct me in your ways and if I do ever deviate from the course that you have for me, please send angels and your representative to warn me. Father, my desire is to please you and obey you. My eyes, ears and heart are open to your leading.
Father, I want to praise you. Show me how I can bring others to know and praise you. Show me how to. Teach me to be a worshipper who worship in spirit and in TRUTH. Father, I choose "Life" today. Today is indeed a NEW DAY. What was yesterday, is gone. What is tomorrow, has yet to come. Today, begins the first day of the rest of my Life.
Loving you,
One and only Doreen
Car Car Where R you?!!!
Oh my Car.... my future Car.. where are u?
Are you this?
Miss Holden Barina Spark 2011

Are you this?
Miss Suzuki Alto 2011

How about this?
Miss Toyota Yaris 2007

Lord God, so many to choose! Father, I need your direction to choose which is the best for me. Lord, help me ar.
Are you this?
Miss Holden Barina Spark 2011

Are you this?
Miss Suzuki Alto 2011

How about this?
Miss Toyota Yaris 2007

Lord God, so many to choose! Father, I need your direction to choose which is the best for me. Lord, help me ar.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Loving this design!

Ooooo.. I am really loving my new design for my blog. Loving the colors that really match my personality. :)
I am glad that I can restart everyday as it is new. No point harboring past regrets but to truly live life to the MAX on each single day. Just had an amazing dinner (Roast Duck and Crispy Skin Pork from Ming Xuong, Russell Street just in Chinatown. :)) My homemade soup turned out to be a BLAST! :) My cat, miowsy is simply adorable. :)
What can I say. In another 5 mins, I will be turning in to ZZZZZZ. Am looking forward to a time of rest where I know that God will be overlooking me when I fall asleep. Indeed tomorrow will be a new day. It will be a good Friday indeed.
Alrighty, till we meet again.
Much love,
Lazy Day
I would call today a lazy day.
There is so many homework piling up at the back of my mind and just the thought of it, make me feel so pressurized.
Hence, I declare today "A Day of Rest" for myself.
What Ive done so far:
i) Read Heng Khuens' blog (Life to the Full)
- I love his stories. It is all a "thumbs up" quality. Do check it out. It will blow your mind away. :)
ii) Spent a jolly good time reading the Bible.
- Today chapters were on 2 Samuel 2, Psalm 142 and two more. Gods' word truly brings me to another level of serenity and peace deep within. I pray that many will come to know Him. There is so many things to learn and gain insight in. His word gives me hope, strength, peace and hope. *Selah
iii) Slept the whole afternoon away
-Nothing beats the idea of napping the time away. After my date, I slept until 4.00pm. How good is that? You should try this sometime. :)
What I am looking forward to the rest of the night:
i) Yummilicious Dinner (Duckie duckie porkie porkie)
I want to enjoy doing what I like and that is to watch a movie. I hope there is a good one on TV tonite. Jo is buying back "Roast Duck cum Roast Skin Pork" from the city after work and I am going to be creative and try out a new soup recipe. It is called "The GRAND Spinach with fish balls with Chinese Oysters and Soft Boiled Eggs with Fish anchovies as the base". Gulp! Hope it taste good.. :) *Finger cross*
Oh yes, we are very much still good friends. It is amazing how Gods' grace lives within us. I chose "life" instead of "death" choices. The latter choice leads to anger, self-pity, distancing oneself from the other person while the first option leads to the ability to see beyond ones' hurt, forgiveness, embrace, love and hope for the other person. Therefore, I can summarize it as this:
To have "life"
-> We chose to lay down our lives for the other person
-> We chose to love and forgive
-> We chose to embrace and hold hope in the Lord and in the other person
To have "death"
-> We chose to only see our own pain, regrets, and the years wasted (It is all about Me, Myself & I)
-> We chose to distance ourselves away from the person and similar situation (ie Building a Wall of Suffocation)
-> We chose to blame God for everything.
Your know what, I choose "Life" and paradise that God has promised me. :) God's way is a narrow path but it is where FREEDOM, LOVE and HOPE are found.
I hope that you choose the path that leads to LIFE as I have chosen mine in regardless of the pain and suffering. God has come not to give us a happy and meaningless life but to give us a truly remarkable, self-less life that is so worth the suffering and pain. He promise to bring us through it without forsaking us at all.
Thank you Father Abba for your love and peace. Just as you have forgiven me, I will also forgive others. Show me how to love, have compassion and embrace others just as how you have done so when I was beyond hope.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
There is so many homework piling up at the back of my mind and just the thought of it, make me feel so pressurized.
Hence, I declare today "A Day of Rest" for myself.
What Ive done so far:
i) Read Heng Khuens' blog (Life to the Full)
- I love his stories. It is all a "thumbs up" quality. Do check it out. It will blow your mind away. :)
ii) Spent a jolly good time reading the Bible.
- Today chapters were on 2 Samuel 2, Psalm 142 and two more. Gods' word truly brings me to another level of serenity and peace deep within. I pray that many will come to know Him. There is so many things to learn and gain insight in. His word gives me hope, strength, peace and hope. *Selah
iii) Slept the whole afternoon away
-Nothing beats the idea of napping the time away. After my date, I slept until 4.00pm. How good is that? You should try this sometime. :)
What I am looking forward to the rest of the night:
i) Yummilicious Dinner (Duckie duckie porkie porkie)
I want to enjoy doing what I like and that is to watch a movie. I hope there is a good one on TV tonite. Jo is buying back "Roast Duck cum Roast Skin Pork" from the city after work and I am going to be creative and try out a new soup recipe. It is called "The GRAND Spinach with fish balls with Chinese Oysters and Soft Boiled Eggs with Fish anchovies as the base". Gulp! Hope it taste good.. :) *Finger cross*
Oh yes, we are very much still good friends. It is amazing how Gods' grace lives within us. I chose "life" instead of "death" choices. The latter choice leads to anger, self-pity, distancing oneself from the other person while the first option leads to the ability to see beyond ones' hurt, forgiveness, embrace, love and hope for the other person. Therefore, I can summarize it as this:
To have "life"
-> We chose to lay down our lives for the other person
-> We chose to love and forgive
-> We chose to embrace and hold hope in the Lord and in the other person
To have "death"
-> We chose to only see our own pain, regrets, and the years wasted (It is all about Me, Myself & I)
-> We chose to distance ourselves away from the person and similar situation (ie Building a Wall of Suffocation)
-> We chose to blame God for everything.
Your know what, I choose "Life" and paradise that God has promised me. :) God's way is a narrow path but it is where FREEDOM, LOVE and HOPE are found.
I hope that you choose the path that leads to LIFE as I have chosen mine in regardless of the pain and suffering. God has come not to give us a happy and meaningless life but to give us a truly remarkable, self-less life that is so worth the suffering and pain. He promise to bring us through it without forsaking us at all.
Thank you Father Abba for your love and peace. Just as you have forgiven me, I will also forgive others. Show me how to love, have compassion and embrace others just as how you have done so when I was beyond hope.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
My Lord
My Lord, My Lord, there is none like you.
I desire to keep my relationship with Father daily. Without His words of wisdom and peace, my day is imperfect. At the same time, I make sure that I do not do this out of obligation but to really want to know Him more and more each day. His words are good to my soul. Without His words and guidance, all that I do is meaningless.
Today Ive learnt one thing about love, forgiveness and compassion for your enemies. Ive learnt it from King David in 2 Samuel 1. Both Saul and Jonathan were dead. Saul used to chase and hunt after King David although he was innocent both in men and Gods' eyes. Saul became insane in jealousy as he knew that David will be crowned after Him. He was far from God. Since his death, David and his men mourned for him and David even composed a song for the Kings' anointed.
Such is Davids' Godly characters that he had from the years of building his relationship with God. He knows that God also continues to pour out unconditional love and compassion to his rebellious children and forgive them. David emulated Gods' personalities.
From Psalm 140, David was seeking God for help to protect Him from the evil people. From the psalm, David knows that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. He knew that God will be his deliverer and protect him from the evil ones. I am amazed by his complete trust in God and utter dependance on God to act on his behalf. David only moved after He consulted Gods' directions. This, I like very much to follow as well.
What do I want to do out from this?
- To love, forgive those who have wrong me.
- To emulate Gods' character as above
- To run to God for protection and deliverance every time I am placed in an ugly situation. My hope and trust are build in the solid foundation of my relationship with Christ alone.
- I am secure in Him
- I am cherish and love by Him deeply.
My Lord, there is none like you. Lord, thank you for your directions and model such as King David. Indeed, this world may be ugly but there is hope. My hope is in you and there is where the light will overpower all mini darkness that are meant to sway me away from this journey that you have for me. Father, I will listen to the small still voice within me and Father, my ears are open, my eyes are open, my heart is ready. Father, let me know judge but to surrender the act of judging others unto your hand. You are the judge, my role is to love and support. Father, teach me to be quiet and speak only when necessary and to speak words that exalt others. I see how David never speak badly of Saul but always uphold Saul even in front of his warriors. I want to be like that. The only time when I vent will be with you only. During these moments, I can be free to say anything I like with you. Father, see right through me and teach me. Show me. Guide me.
Loving you always,
Doremi :)
I desire to keep my relationship with Father daily. Without His words of wisdom and peace, my day is imperfect. At the same time, I make sure that I do not do this out of obligation but to really want to know Him more and more each day. His words are good to my soul. Without His words and guidance, all that I do is meaningless.
Today Ive learnt one thing about love, forgiveness and compassion for your enemies. Ive learnt it from King David in 2 Samuel 1. Both Saul and Jonathan were dead. Saul used to chase and hunt after King David although he was innocent both in men and Gods' eyes. Saul became insane in jealousy as he knew that David will be crowned after Him. He was far from God. Since his death, David and his men mourned for him and David even composed a song for the Kings' anointed.
Such is Davids' Godly characters that he had from the years of building his relationship with God. He knows that God also continues to pour out unconditional love and compassion to his rebellious children and forgive them. David emulated Gods' personalities.
From Psalm 140, David was seeking God for help to protect Him from the evil people. From the psalm, David knows that God secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy. He knew that God will be his deliverer and protect him from the evil ones. I am amazed by his complete trust in God and utter dependance on God to act on his behalf. David only moved after He consulted Gods' directions. This, I like very much to follow as well.
What do I want to do out from this?
- To love, forgive those who have wrong me.
- To emulate Gods' character as above
- To run to God for protection and deliverance every time I am placed in an ugly situation. My hope and trust are build in the solid foundation of my relationship with Christ alone.
- I am secure in Him
- I am cherish and love by Him deeply.
My Lord, there is none like you. Lord, thank you for your directions and model such as King David. Indeed, this world may be ugly but there is hope. My hope is in you and there is where the light will overpower all mini darkness that are meant to sway me away from this journey that you have for me. Father, I will listen to the small still voice within me and Father, my ears are open, my eyes are open, my heart is ready. Father, let me know judge but to surrender the act of judging others unto your hand. You are the judge, my role is to love and support. Father, teach me to be quiet and speak only when necessary and to speak words that exalt others. I see how David never speak badly of Saul but always uphold Saul even in front of his warriors. I want to be like that. The only time when I vent will be with you only. During these moments, I can be free to say anything I like with you. Father, see right through me and teach me. Show me. Guide me.
Loving you always,
Doremi :)
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Loving you
Dear Lord,
How do I love you more and more each day, Lord? How do I begin to do this. I just want to say that there is NO ONE like you. You are my lover of my soul, my Joy, my All.
Father, teach me how to come to this secret place where we can share many conversations together, to laugh at each other and to cherish your wisdom that far surpasses the wisdom of this world. Indeed, the wisdom of this world seems foolish now.
Father, in this secret place, I just want to be FREE to be myself, not having to plan, pursue and achieve things. I want to just love you, be loved by you in this secret place that is sacred for just both of us.
Father, this is a love letter from me to you. Show me how I can spend my time early in the mornings with you. How shall I adore you? By dancing? Praying? Just being myself? Or by simply looking at the nature outside my window? Father, thank you for everything that you have given me. I know that I don't deserve them. You have blessed me with these because you love me unconditionally. Father, thank you for your love, provision, never ending love and trust in me. Because you have first love and trust me, I will love and trust you.
Papa, show me how I can transfer this unconditional love to those who are hungry for true love. We love others not because we want something back. This is pure love, selfless love. Show me how to bring this love to others, papa. :)
I adore you.
I love you.
I honour you.
I *heart* you...
Loving you from the bottom of my heart,
Your precious daughter
How do I love you more and more each day, Lord? How do I begin to do this. I just want to say that there is NO ONE like you. You are my lover of my soul, my Joy, my All.
Father, teach me how to come to this secret place where we can share many conversations together, to laugh at each other and to cherish your wisdom that far surpasses the wisdom of this world. Indeed, the wisdom of this world seems foolish now.
Father, in this secret place, I just want to be FREE to be myself, not having to plan, pursue and achieve things. I want to just love you, be loved by you in this secret place that is sacred for just both of us.
Father, this is a love letter from me to you. Show me how I can spend my time early in the mornings with you. How shall I adore you? By dancing? Praying? Just being myself? Or by simply looking at the nature outside my window? Father, thank you for everything that you have given me. I know that I don't deserve them. You have blessed me with these because you love me unconditionally. Father, thank you for your love, provision, never ending love and trust in me. Because you have first love and trust me, I will love and trust you.
Papa, show me how I can transfer this unconditional love to those who are hungry for true love. We love others not because we want something back. This is pure love, selfless love. Show me how to bring this love to others, papa. :)
I adore you.
I love you.
I honour you.
I *heart* you...
Loving you from the bottom of my heart,
Your precious daughter
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Foundations of Power Ministry
One of the book that I am currently reading is "God's Supernatural Power in You".
I would like to list a summary of my listening points from Chapter 2: Foundations of Power Ministry by Dr. Che Ahn with Bessie Watson Rhoades.
i) What is "Power Ministry"?
- remarkable miracles, unusual signs and wonders, exponential salvation and visible demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit, such as healing.
- revelational expressions, such as vision, dreams, interpretations of dreams, words of knowledge and prophesy.
- observational manifestations of the glory and presence of God through the Holy Spirit in supernatural operation. For eg, "being slain in the spirit", apostle Paul was knocked to the ground by God (Acts 9:4), when Peter walked on water (Matt. 14:29) and when Jesus walked through a solid wall or door (John 20:19).
- it is a demonstration of Heavens' normal mode of operation release on earth now by those who believe that the Kingdom is at hand - which literaly means" within our grasp" (Matt 10:7)
ii) Main purpose of PM?
- to glory Christ by leading individuals into revelation, faith and transformation which leads to the transformational of cities and nations.
Things to Note
*Not of Ourselves
- We need to recognise that we are used as a vessel for Gods' supernatural work to be accomplished. At the end of the day, it is the work of the Holy Spirit that does this, not us.
*Our Character
- God is wanting to build our character when we are used for this PM. At the end of the day, we will be lesser, but Gods' glory is to become more. The author wrote that he had became more humble, the more he is used by God in His power.
- Jesus is more interested in the character of the person that will sustain His glory and bring honor to His name than the many successes and "big bang" healing and unusual signs that will occur during the ministry time.
God is Interested in.........
- our character
- we are to count the cost of carrying his cost, less we begin building and not being able to finish the work.
- God loves risk-takers and overcomers
- He is pleased only by those who walk in faith (Heb 11:6)
- He takes no pleasure in those who "shrink back" (Heb 10:38)
- God will also laid out strategies for us to keep us running the race in such a way that we will win the race (1 Cor 9:24)
===> I need to count the cost daily and follow His plan in order to finish well.
How do I begin?
Begin with the Basics
- PRAYER (changes our minds to Gods' will; a lifestyle)
- WORD (Our weapon)
- OBEDIENCE (Our outwork act of faith; faithful in the obeying the small prompting leads to bigger things)
- Seek God FIRST in all matter before we act (King David did before any battles)
== Remember to get accountability with mentor & community.
== Remember to teach other to witness themselves and be minister of PM... ie disciple other to also give what they receive
Faithful with the Little
- we are to steward all that has been given to us (finances, relationships, bosses' work).
- do to others how we would like to be treated.
- Discipline others by teaching them how to steward things wisely. For eg Only give to them what they can handle at that time. (Small car to a reckless teenager; small finances to one who is learning how to steward the money)
===> Choose investment unto family, integrity, honesty, accountability in all that we do even when noone is watching. God does!
A Level & Balanced Life
- Prioritise relationship above ministry as we need to take care of those who are close to us before we can take care of others. For eg. Personal health...etc
Discerning Good and Evil
- God's WORD is a non-negotiable for every believer.
- must focus on Word to study and apply in our everyday lives.
- "Solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of us have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil" (Heb 5:14)
-Word is a record of ministry. (the stories from the bible encourages that we too can operate in this dimension)
- Word allows us to see the growth of a minister's life.
- The Word (word of knowledge; prophesy) releases powerful gifts. (For eg: Jesus' word to the woman at the well brought an entire town to salvation (John 4:1-42)
===> We are to practice through mistakes and not to give up. As we learn to better discern the voice of the Lord from our devotion, prayers and daily tasks, God will use us for his purpose. To add, do read on real life believers who have been operating in this faith-filled ministry.
Practical Growth
- seek guidance in this area
- obtain cds & dvds, online sermons on supernatural & impartation of the power gifts,
- attend conferences
- biographies of great revivalists
- try in small groups/prayer meetings
- try opportunities to ministry and get feedback
- Our relationship with GOD!
- I will move in Power Ministry when I am intimate with GOD. (that is his Modus Operandi)
I would like to list a summary of my listening points from Chapter 2: Foundations of Power Ministry by Dr. Che Ahn with Bessie Watson Rhoades.
i) What is "Power Ministry"?
- remarkable miracles, unusual signs and wonders, exponential salvation and visible demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit, such as healing.
- revelational expressions, such as vision, dreams, interpretations of dreams, words of knowledge and prophesy.
- observational manifestations of the glory and presence of God through the Holy Spirit in supernatural operation. For eg, "being slain in the spirit", apostle Paul was knocked to the ground by God (Acts 9:4), when Peter walked on water (Matt. 14:29) and when Jesus walked through a solid wall or door (John 20:19).
- it is a demonstration of Heavens' normal mode of operation release on earth now by those who believe that the Kingdom is at hand - which literaly means" within our grasp" (Matt 10:7)
ii) Main purpose of PM?
- to glory Christ by leading individuals into revelation, faith and transformation which leads to the transformational of cities and nations.
Things to Note
*Not of Ourselves
- We need to recognise that we are used as a vessel for Gods' supernatural work to be accomplished. At the end of the day, it is the work of the Holy Spirit that does this, not us.
*Our Character
- God is wanting to build our character when we are used for this PM. At the end of the day, we will be lesser, but Gods' glory is to become more. The author wrote that he had became more humble, the more he is used by God in His power.
- Jesus is more interested in the character of the person that will sustain His glory and bring honor to His name than the many successes and "big bang" healing and unusual signs that will occur during the ministry time.
God is Interested in.........
- our character
- we are to count the cost of carrying his cost, less we begin building and not being able to finish the work.
- God loves risk-takers and overcomers
- He is pleased only by those who walk in faith (Heb 11:6)
- He takes no pleasure in those who "shrink back" (Heb 10:38)
- God will also laid out strategies for us to keep us running the race in such a way that we will win the race (1 Cor 9:24)
===> I need to count the cost daily and follow His plan in order to finish well.
How do I begin?
Begin with the Basics
- PRAYER (changes our minds to Gods' will; a lifestyle)
- WORD (Our weapon)
- OBEDIENCE (Our outwork act of faith; faithful in the obeying the small prompting leads to bigger things)
- Seek God FIRST in all matter before we act (King David did before any battles)
== Remember to get accountability with mentor & community.
== Remember to teach other to witness themselves and be minister of PM... ie disciple other to also give what they receive
Faithful with the Little
- we are to steward all that has been given to us (finances, relationships, bosses' work).
- do to others how we would like to be treated.
- Discipline others by teaching them how to steward things wisely. For eg Only give to them what they can handle at that time. (Small car to a reckless teenager; small finances to one who is learning how to steward the money)
===> Choose investment unto family, integrity, honesty, accountability in all that we do even when noone is watching. God does!
A Level & Balanced Life
- Prioritise relationship above ministry as we need to take care of those who are close to us before we can take care of others. For eg. Personal health...etc
Discerning Good and Evil
- God's WORD is a non-negotiable for every believer.
- must focus on Word to study and apply in our everyday lives.
- "Solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of us have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil" (Heb 5:14)
-Word is a record of ministry. (the stories from the bible encourages that we too can operate in this dimension)
- Word allows us to see the growth of a minister's life.
- The Word (word of knowledge; prophesy) releases powerful gifts. (For eg: Jesus' word to the woman at the well brought an entire town to salvation (John 4:1-42)
===> We are to practice through mistakes and not to give up. As we learn to better discern the voice of the Lord from our devotion, prayers and daily tasks, God will use us for his purpose. To add, do read on real life believers who have been operating in this faith-filled ministry.
Practical Growth
- seek guidance in this area
- obtain cds & dvds, online sermons on supernatural & impartation of the power gifts,
- attend conferences
- biographies of great revivalists
- try in small groups/prayer meetings
- try opportunities to ministry and get feedback
- Our relationship with GOD!
- I will move in Power Ministry when I am intimate with GOD. (that is his Modus Operandi)
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Amazing Day
Dear Father,
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you lately that I cannot live without you?
Have I told you lately that you are my only hope and reason for living?
Have I told you lately, all things happen according to your DIVINE TIMING and not mine?
Have I told you lately that I count ALL THINGS RUBBISH.
Father, No one can compare to you.
- during this time of uncertainties, THERE IS CERTAINTIES.
- during this time of darkness, THERE IS LIGHT.
- during this time of sadness, THERE IS JOY.
- you are the reason that I am still living.
- you are the reason that I am still strong.
- you are the reason that I am still sane.
- you are the reason that I must live life to the fullest.
- how could we live without you?
Loving you,
Your beloved daughter...
Have I told you lately that I love you?
Have I told you lately that I cannot live without you?
Have I told you lately that you are my only hope and reason for living?
Have I told you lately, all things happen according to your DIVINE TIMING and not mine?
Have I told you lately that I count ALL THINGS RUBBISH.
Father, No one can compare to you.
- during this time of uncertainties, THERE IS CERTAINTIES.
- during this time of darkness, THERE IS LIGHT.
- during this time of sadness, THERE IS JOY.
- you are the reason that I am still living.
- you are the reason that I am still strong.
- you are the reason that I am still sane.
- you are the reason that I must live life to the fullest.
- how could we live without you?
Loving you,
Your beloved daughter...
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Today begins a new day
Today begins a new chapter in my life.
No point looking back but to continue moving forward.
Am reading this book: Is God really in Control by Jerry Bridges.
Journal Chapter One
It is important to see our hurts and ordeals from Gods' perspective. Despite the situations, we must learn not only to obey God but to also trust in HIM.
We must trust that God is:
i) God is completely SOVEREIGN
ii) God is infinite in WISDOM
iii) God is PERFECT in LOVE.
Record off all the circumstances that reveal Gods' control and guidances in my life
i) God saved me from my previous bad relationship (2002)
ii) God delivered me from a marketing scam (2003)
iii) God delivered a new housemate right (Bing) on time at North Melbourne. (2005)
iv )God provided Tunia and a new place at Parkville (2006)
v) God provided me with a job in ACCF (2005)
vi) God delivered me from my agent (2009)
viii) God saved me from a potential bad car accident and hot air balloon accident (2008-2009)
vii) God provided me with housemates (2010)
viii) God delivered me from another potential hazard in relationship (2011)
The above happened not because I deserve it, in fact, I am the worst sinner that Jesus had to die for me so that I can live.
God I believe and I trust in you.
Loving you always,
Doreen C
No point looking back but to continue moving forward.
Am reading this book: Is God really in Control by Jerry Bridges.
Journal Chapter One
It is important to see our hurts and ordeals from Gods' perspective. Despite the situations, we must learn not only to obey God but to also trust in HIM.
We must trust that God is:
i) God is completely SOVEREIGN
ii) God is infinite in WISDOM
iii) God is PERFECT in LOVE.
Record off all the circumstances that reveal Gods' control and guidances in my life
i) God saved me from my previous bad relationship (2002)
ii) God delivered me from a marketing scam (2003)
iii) God delivered a new housemate right (Bing) on time at North Melbourne. (2005)
iv )God provided Tunia and a new place at Parkville (2006)
v) God provided me with a job in ACCF (2005)
vi) God delivered me from my agent (2009)
viii) God saved me from a potential bad car accident and hot air balloon accident (2008-2009)
vii) God provided me with housemates (2010)
viii) God delivered me from another potential hazard in relationship (2011)
The above happened not because I deserve it, in fact, I am the worst sinner that Jesus had to die for me so that I can live.
God I believe and I trust in you.
Loving you always,
Doreen C
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
O Lord, where are thou?
I have been to a few shopping malls these few days. Had also tried many yummilicous food during my holidays. But, to be honest, the life styles in KL is extremely high. I don't think I want to stay here for long. Living in Melbourne is good in the sense, that I do not have to spend money like I do in KL. I prefer a much simplier lifestyle that I can get in Melbourne.
As I am typing this, I realise that my life is in Gods' hand. I know that He loves me deeply and my future is already in His hand. I want to work in partnership with him just like Mary and Elizabeth.
As I read Luke 2 to 3, I see that God had already orchestrated the birth of His son from day one. He chose Mary who was ready to serve Him wholeheartedly despite knowing the eventual outcome ("And a sword will pierce your soul too." Luke 2:35). Such courage and love for God that she had. Do I have the same courage and love like Mary?
Lord God, I lay aside my own desire to serve you only. Father, I ask forth for clarity for year 2011. I do not want to play with sand anymore but I desire to build. I want to partner with you, O Lord. Please please open my eyes to see the truth, your truth. Please open my ears to hear you and my heart to feel you. Father, I ask forth for clarity for my relationship with JC. I do not know what to expect. I surrender it to you. Indeed, you are my Saviour in all things and you know who is the best for me.
Father, in you, I surrender all to you. Give me a focus heart, a strong one, I ask of you.
Loving you always,
Your dearest lui lui
As I am typing this, I realise that my life is in Gods' hand. I know that He loves me deeply and my future is already in His hand. I want to work in partnership with him just like Mary and Elizabeth.
As I read Luke 2 to 3, I see that God had already orchestrated the birth of His son from day one. He chose Mary who was ready to serve Him wholeheartedly despite knowing the eventual outcome ("And a sword will pierce your soul too." Luke 2:35). Such courage and love for God that she had. Do I have the same courage and love like Mary?
Lord God, I lay aside my own desire to serve you only. Father, I ask forth for clarity for year 2011. I do not want to play with sand anymore but I desire to build. I want to partner with you, O Lord. Please please open my eyes to see the truth, your truth. Please open my ears to hear you and my heart to feel you. Father, I ask forth for clarity for my relationship with JC. I do not know what to expect. I surrender it to you. Indeed, you are my Saviour in all things and you know who is the best for me.
Father, in you, I surrender all to you. Give me a focus heart, a strong one, I ask of you.
Loving you always,
Your dearest lui lui
Saturday, January 29, 2011
My journey for the first part of the year
I have been home for more than a week. To say that I am at peace, that's not entirely true. To say that I am in turmoil, that's not entirely untrue as well. Every moment I lost my gaze from the Lord, that is when I spiral downwards. Just over the weekend, Pastor said that I am loved and accepted in regardless of whether I do or do not do things to please God. I realised that I have been doing religious things to earn Gods' favour without knowing that I am loved since the beginning of time.
This thought has given me strength.
I have vow to stay true to my Creator, to seek Him when I do not feel like it. Why do I go for the riches of the world, be worried about my relationship, work, ministry when I can seek First His Kingdom above all this temporal fulfillment. Indeed, God is here, smack right in front of me. Oh, how could I be so blind?!!
Nevertheless, I will seek Him. I like discipline. I like creativity. I want to be free to love him without doing things to earn brownie points from my Lord.
Here goes:
"For no word from God will ever fail." Luke 1:37
"Blessed is she who believes that the Lord will fulfill His promises to her!!!" Luke 1:45
The book begins with the story of Zechariah, Elizabeth and Mary. Indeed, they were the one who loved and obeyed God wholeheartedly. I see miracle upon miracle happening here throughout the first chapter. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were given a child at old age. Mary became pregnant even though she is a virgin. Gods' timing and promises for this world come at the right timing, in his timing. They believe. They stay faithful and obey Gods' divine appointment/promises.
As I look upon myself, I'm at the age of 32 and have been dating JC for 3 years. Just like many women, I desire to have a family. At this moment, I am at Gods' mercy. Do I have the faith like Mary and Elizabeth? Do I see that I am chosen to fulfill Gods' promises? Do I doubt and panic or simply obey and trust Gods' timing. I see that they obey without doubting.
Lord God, give me the faith just like Elizabeth and Mary. I want to believe without doubting. I want to have this faith that is as small as mustard seed. I want to move the mountain when I say so. Indeed Father, it is not by might or power, but by your spirit. Father, I want to be blessed. I want to stay true to you. Guide me, hold my hand as we journey this together. I know that I am called for something more than myself. Make me stronger and wholesome. Give me your wisdom. Give me grace. Let me be secure inside out. I want to remain in you, and you in me. Just like how Jesus is, in you. I desire that peace that is above all human understanding.
Loving you always,
Your one and only beloved
p.s: Today is a new day, what was yesterday, is gone. What is tomorrow is yet to come. Today, begins the first day of the rest of my life. AMEN!!!! :) :) :) This is the day that the Lord has done, I will REJOICE AND BE GLAD in IT. AMEN!! PRAISE BE TO MY GOD BOTH NOW AND FOREVER MORE... :):):) Halleluyah.......
Praise and Worship
This thought has given me strength.
I have vow to stay true to my Creator, to seek Him when I do not feel like it. Why do I go for the riches of the world, be worried about my relationship, work, ministry when I can seek First His Kingdom above all this temporal fulfillment. Indeed, God is here, smack right in front of me. Oh, how could I be so blind?!!
Nevertheless, I will seek Him. I like discipline. I like creativity. I want to be free to love him without doing things to earn brownie points from my Lord.
Here goes:
"For no word from God will ever fail." Luke 1:37
"Blessed is she who believes that the Lord will fulfill His promises to her!!!" Luke 1:45
The book begins with the story of Zechariah, Elizabeth and Mary. Indeed, they were the one who loved and obeyed God wholeheartedly. I see miracle upon miracle happening here throughout the first chapter. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were given a child at old age. Mary became pregnant even though she is a virgin. Gods' timing and promises for this world come at the right timing, in his timing. They believe. They stay faithful and obey Gods' divine appointment/promises.
As I look upon myself, I'm at the age of 32 and have been dating JC for 3 years. Just like many women, I desire to have a family. At this moment, I am at Gods' mercy. Do I have the faith like Mary and Elizabeth? Do I see that I am chosen to fulfill Gods' promises? Do I doubt and panic or simply obey and trust Gods' timing. I see that they obey without doubting.
Lord God, give me the faith just like Elizabeth and Mary. I want to believe without doubting. I want to have this faith that is as small as mustard seed. I want to move the mountain when I say so. Indeed Father, it is not by might or power, but by your spirit. Father, I want to be blessed. I want to stay true to you. Guide me, hold my hand as we journey this together. I know that I am called for something more than myself. Make me stronger and wholesome. Give me your wisdom. Give me grace. Let me be secure inside out. I want to remain in you, and you in me. Just like how Jesus is, in you. I desire that peace that is above all human understanding.
Loving you always,
Your one and only beloved
p.s: Today is a new day, what was yesterday, is gone. What is tomorrow is yet to come. Today, begins the first day of the rest of my life. AMEN!!!! :) :) :) This is the day that the Lord has done, I will REJOICE AND BE GLAD in IT. AMEN!! PRAISE BE TO MY GOD BOTH NOW AND FOREVER MORE... :):):) Halleluyah.......
Praise and Worship
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Be Holy Just as I AM HOLY
19th Jan 2011
God is good. He reveals the truth to me. Indeed, when we eagerly seek Him, he will reveal himself to us. Was praying during the flight and my best friend led me to page 84 of this booklet that I am reading, "Jesus Freak". The following scripture stands out for me.
1 Peter 5:10-11
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Indeed God will refresh, strengthen, and make me stand on firm ground from my sufferings. Indeed, at the end of day, I believe that I have heard my Lord and have obeyed him since day one when my prayers were answered 3 years ago. Indeed, may all glory be unto you, My Lord.
Today: 20th Jan 2011
Today begins the 1st day of the rest of my life. Woke up at around 7am+ in KL. I feel a sense of joy and freedom now that I am home. Indeed, the joy of being close to God and my family is priceless.
"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:13
What does it truly means to be holy just as how God is holy. Holy is define by purity and all the unblemish goodness and glory that only God has. So, how to we, his children be just like the Father since we are born to be sinners. One fantastic role model that I can think of is Jesus. He is God and Man at the same time. He is born unto Mary and share all the up and downs of being a human. One thing that I can see from his life is how he constantly spend time with Father alone. This is what we believe as prayer, in the modern term.
Jesus spent this time to openly communed with Father. Just like the Father, the son (Jesus) only does what the Father do. So, if I am the daughter to my Father in Heaven, I can be like Jesus too. To be holy just like Father, who is Holy.
To be involved in my past sins, are like forgotting how I look like from the moment I left the mirror. How could I say that I am "Christ-Follower" or claim to be the children of God when my actions are the opposite of who my Father is? I can not go back to how I was in the past for I am a new being now, since I devoted my life to be a part of this Kingdom.
Therefore, just as I am married to this family, I will obey wholeheartedly with love, of the ways of God. Men follow the desire of their flesh but us, as the representative of Christ, follow the desire of the Father, who is our Creator.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. We cannot oppose God and to think that we can, is just plain silly or ignorance.
My Lord, my Lord, just as you are holy, I will be too. I know that there is so many things for me to learn and unlearn but I don't have to worry because I know you are with me.:) Father, when I am weak, u strengthen me. When I seek you wholeheartedly, you reveal yourself to me. Yes, Father, I pursue your ways. I desire to remain you because of this amazing Father and daugther loving relationship. My hope is in you.
Loving you always,
God is good. He reveals the truth to me. Indeed, when we eagerly seek Him, he will reveal himself to us. Was praying during the flight and my best friend led me to page 84 of this booklet that I am reading, "Jesus Freak". The following scripture stands out for me.
1 Peter 5:10-11
And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast. 11 To him be the power for ever and ever. Amen.
Indeed God will refresh, strengthen, and make me stand on firm ground from my sufferings. Indeed, at the end of day, I believe that I have heard my Lord and have obeyed him since day one when my prayers were answered 3 years ago. Indeed, may all glory be unto you, My Lord.
Today: 20th Jan 2011
Today begins the 1st day of the rest of my life. Woke up at around 7am+ in KL. I feel a sense of joy and freedom now that I am home. Indeed, the joy of being close to God and my family is priceless.
"Therefore, with minds that are alert and fully sober, set your hope on the grace to be brought to you when Jesus Christ is revealed at his coming. 14 As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. 15 But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; 16 for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” 1 Peter 1:13
What does it truly means to be holy just as how God is holy. Holy is define by purity and all the unblemish goodness and glory that only God has. So, how to we, his children be just like the Father since we are born to be sinners. One fantastic role model that I can think of is Jesus. He is God and Man at the same time. He is born unto Mary and share all the up and downs of being a human. One thing that I can see from his life is how he constantly spend time with Father alone. This is what we believe as prayer, in the modern term.
Jesus spent this time to openly communed with Father. Just like the Father, the son (Jesus) only does what the Father do. So, if I am the daughter to my Father in Heaven, I can be like Jesus too. To be holy just like Father, who is Holy.
To be involved in my past sins, are like forgotting how I look like from the moment I left the mirror. How could I say that I am "Christ-Follower" or claim to be the children of God when my actions are the opposite of who my Father is? I can not go back to how I was in the past for I am a new being now, since I devoted my life to be a part of this Kingdom.
Therefore, just as I am married to this family, I will obey wholeheartedly with love, of the ways of God. Men follow the desire of their flesh but us, as the representative of Christ, follow the desire of the Father, who is our Creator.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. We cannot oppose God and to think that we can, is just plain silly or ignorance.
My Lord, my Lord, just as you are holy, I will be too. I know that there is so many things for me to learn and unlearn but I don't have to worry because I know you are with me.:) Father, when I am weak, u strengthen me. When I seek you wholeheartedly, you reveal yourself to me. Yes, Father, I pursue your ways. I desire to remain you because of this amazing Father and daugther loving relationship. My hope is in you.
Loving you always,
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Day 7: My Land
Woke with this tremendous unexplainable feeling in me. I woke up, praising my Lord who is my lover of my soul. In another 12 hours time, I will be going to the airport. How time flies indeed. To be honest, I am excited. I believe my Father has a plan for me. I believe that He has already gone ahead of me. Therefore, I have nothing to fear. :) How cool is that, to know that Father is in control and all I need is to trust in Him. :)
Father, at the end of day, let your will be done, not mine. :) Father, I surrender the spirit of pride, of anger, frustration, irritation, insecurity, condemnation, comparison, categorization and cynicism into you. Bye! :)
Chapter 7: Dancing to Possess Our Land and Make it Safe
My Notes
Possessing the land means to win enough people to the Lord and making fruitful church members of them to financially, spiritually and organizationally bring our vision into reality. (pg 70).
DC: Be careful to put people first and not using them to fulfill our vision.
To bring vision to pass, you must learn to fight the spiritual opposition with spiritual weapons. I must TAKE MY LAND and not waiting for people to give it to me, through HIGH PRAISES. Joshua studied the word and engaged in spiritual warfare at Jericho through marching and high praises to Heaven.
"And the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat" (Joshua 6:20)
It is faith that moves us into action. Faith comes from reading the Word of the Lord.
Faith without works is dead also (James 2:26)
VICTORY: Praise and the presence of the Lord
Understanding why we praise is important as written in Psalm 47:7,
"For God is the King of all the earth; sing ye praises with understanding".
Our battles will be won when we learn to praise the Lord with hand-clapping, shouts of triumph, and dancing. And once we understand the spiritual significance of high praises, we must learn to praise. (understanding: Praises please God, gives us joy, trample e on the ground, posess our land)
Teach people to praise and dance, not how to praise and dance.
Dance in high praises when we sense we are in danger. Also rebuke all things we know that is causing the problems. God will deliver us from our situations. This is how I protect my land. Demons of hell cannot successfully trespass upon your land when we make it safe.
God protects and blesses the homeland of people who learn how to build a spiritual hedge of protection through praising the Lord in the dance. By using God's power to bind S and his helpers through praising Him in the dance, I destroyed a wall of S had build to stop Gods' work! (pg 75)
"Neither give place to the devil" (Eph 4:27).
We are to build Godly hedges, like that mentioned in Job 1:10 ( “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.), when we praise the Lord in the dance. God built a spiritual hedge around Job, and we can build spiritual hedges around our property by consistently praising our Lord in the dance and other forms of praises as well.
When Jesus said "Occupy till I come" in luke 19:13, He meant for us to take command of our circumstances, our promises, our possessions, dig in and fight for and protect what God has promised us. And we won't occupy without a fight.
We not only possess our land and make it safe by dancing before the Lord, but we also demonstrate our JOY of the Lords' deliverance from situations in our life by dancing before Him (pg 76)
i) Write down what God has promised me.
My vision (End of 2002)
God has given me a vision to return to Australia to build a headquarter for his dancers. Each dancer will be equipped strongly in the Word of God and skills before they are send off back to their respective countries through East Asia and all over the world. I saw a lot of worshippers who worship the Lord with praise and dancing in a huge arena. There were deep sense of joy and adoration coming from each of them. I saw fires symbolizing the work of Holy Spirit in dance coming from each states in Australia. I saw arrows coming out from Melbourne to all over the world.
My Action
Just like Abraham, I obeyed and left my homeland to come to possess this land that my Lord has called me towards.
Secondly, this relationship.
These are my land and God means for me to POSSESS it. I have to fight to take it like Joshua and the children of Israel did.
ii) Define the term "warrior" and how does a warrior think?
Warrior is someone who is equipped with armors, skills and authority. Most importantly, he REPRESENT the King that he comes for.
Characteristics and Why is it important?
i) Loyal & faithful
When hardship comes, they will not flee away. They will continue to stand in the land given to them
ii) Couragious
Will continue to stand on their ground in regardless of the problems
iii) Know their identity and the King whom they served; FOCUS & PURPOSEFUL
Not easily sway by the distractions around them. They have purposes given by their King to fulfilled.
iv) GROUNDED and EQUIPPED with Skills and armors
- Double edged sword=== Word of God
- Skill to dance..
v) Humility
- Do not take over the role of the King when victories come.
- Give constant praise to their Kings
vi) Expectancy and initiates
- fulfilled the calling and does not wait to be called. They volunteer themselves for a higher calling.
My Prayers
Dear God, I pray for a warrior-like mind. Teach and show me what it means to dance in understanding. Father, I want to please you and possess this land that I have given me. I do not want to be idle but to really pursue this land. Father, give me courage to overcome my own insecurity. Father, I want to commit all my fears unto your hand. Indeed, you have given this land to me since earlier on. I pray for mercy and guidance from you and my best friend. :)
Spirit of fear, insecurity, hopelessness, self-pity, anger, hurt , jealousy in the mighty name of Jesus, I cast you out right now. This body belongs to God alone and you have not place here. In the powerful name of Jesus christ. amen!
Praise and Worship
i) Dance to the FREEDOM We Know (Hillsong)
ii) Jesus Lover of my Soul (Hillsong)
iii) It's All About You, Jesus
I cried when I dance to this song. One picture that stand out for me is the below.

God promises to me
- You will experience joy this year. There will be more joy this year. Last year is a year of suffering but I will give you tremendous joy this year. Live for I will be with you in all things.
Father, at the end of day, let your will be done, not mine. :) Father, I surrender the spirit of pride, of anger, frustration, irritation, insecurity, condemnation, comparison, categorization and cynicism into you. Bye! :)
Chapter 7: Dancing to Possess Our Land and Make it Safe
My Notes
Possessing the land means to win enough people to the Lord and making fruitful church members of them to financially, spiritually and organizationally bring our vision into reality. (pg 70).
DC: Be careful to put people first and not using them to fulfill our vision.
To bring vision to pass, you must learn to fight the spiritual opposition with spiritual weapons. I must TAKE MY LAND and not waiting for people to give it to me, through HIGH PRAISES. Joshua studied the word and engaged in spiritual warfare at Jericho through marching and high praises to Heaven.
"And the people shouted with a great shout, that the wall fell down flat" (Joshua 6:20)
It is faith that moves us into action. Faith comes from reading the Word of the Lord.
Faith without works is dead also (James 2:26)
VICTORY: Praise and the presence of the Lord
Understanding why we praise is important as written in Psalm 47:7,
"For God is the King of all the earth; sing ye praises with understanding".
Our battles will be won when we learn to praise the Lord with hand-clapping, shouts of triumph, and dancing. And once we understand the spiritual significance of high praises, we must learn to praise. (understanding: Praises please God, gives us joy, trample e on the ground, posess our land)
Teach people to praise and dance, not how to praise and dance.
Dance in high praises when we sense we are in danger. Also rebuke all things we know that is causing the problems. God will deliver us from our situations. This is how I protect my land. Demons of hell cannot successfully trespass upon your land when we make it safe.
God protects and blesses the homeland of people who learn how to build a spiritual hedge of protection through praising the Lord in the dance. By using God's power to bind S and his helpers through praising Him in the dance, I destroyed a wall of S had build to stop Gods' work! (pg 75)
"Neither give place to the devil" (Eph 4:27).
We are to build Godly hedges, like that mentioned in Job 1:10 ( “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.), when we praise the Lord in the dance. God built a spiritual hedge around Job, and we can build spiritual hedges around our property by consistently praising our Lord in the dance and other forms of praises as well.
When Jesus said "Occupy till I come" in luke 19:13, He meant for us to take command of our circumstances, our promises, our possessions, dig in and fight for and protect what God has promised us. And we won't occupy without a fight.
We not only possess our land and make it safe by dancing before the Lord, but we also demonstrate our JOY of the Lords' deliverance from situations in our life by dancing before Him (pg 76)
i) Write down what God has promised me.
My vision (End of 2002)
God has given me a vision to return to Australia to build a headquarter for his dancers. Each dancer will be equipped strongly in the Word of God and skills before they are send off back to their respective countries through East Asia and all over the world. I saw a lot of worshippers who worship the Lord with praise and dancing in a huge arena. There were deep sense of joy and adoration coming from each of them. I saw fires symbolizing the work of Holy Spirit in dance coming from each states in Australia. I saw arrows coming out from Melbourne to all over the world.
My Action
Just like Abraham, I obeyed and left my homeland to come to possess this land that my Lord has called me towards.
Secondly, this relationship.
These are my land and God means for me to POSSESS it. I have to fight to take it like Joshua and the children of Israel did.
ii) Define the term "warrior" and how does a warrior think?
Warrior is someone who is equipped with armors, skills and authority. Most importantly, he REPRESENT the King that he comes for.
Characteristics and Why is it important?
i) Loyal & faithful
When hardship comes, they will not flee away. They will continue to stand in the land given to them
ii) Couragious
Will continue to stand on their ground in regardless of the problems
iii) Know their identity and the King whom they served; FOCUS & PURPOSEFUL
Not easily sway by the distractions around them. They have purposes given by their King to fulfilled.
iv) GROUNDED and EQUIPPED with Skills and armors
- Double edged sword=== Word of God
- Skill to dance..
v) Humility
- Do not take over the role of the King when victories come.
- Give constant praise to their Kings
vi) Expectancy and initiates
- fulfilled the calling and does not wait to be called. They volunteer themselves for a higher calling.
My Prayers
Dear God, I pray for a warrior-like mind. Teach and show me what it means to dance in understanding. Father, I want to please you and possess this land that I have given me. I do not want to be idle but to really pursue this land. Father, give me courage to overcome my own insecurity. Father, I want to commit all my fears unto your hand. Indeed, you have given this land to me since earlier on. I pray for mercy and guidance from you and my best friend. :)
Spirit of fear, insecurity, hopelessness, self-pity, anger, hurt , jealousy in the mighty name of Jesus, I cast you out right now. This body belongs to God alone and you have not place here. In the powerful name of Jesus christ. amen!
Praise and Worship
i) Dance to the FREEDOM We Know (Hillsong)
ii) Jesus Lover of my Soul (Hillsong)
iii) It's All About You, Jesus
I cried when I dance to this song. One picture that stand out for me is the below.

God promises to me
- You will experience joy this year. There will be more joy this year. Last year is a year of suffering but I will give you tremendous joy this year. Live for I will be with you in all things.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
5th Day: Praise the Lord
Woke up with a minor headache particularly on my right side. :) As usual, precious waited at the staircase for me. ;) Service was invaluable and had a meaningful time with Miow. :)
Chapter 6: Dancing and Spiritual Warfare
My Notes
-Dancing in praise is a tremendous weapon against Satan.
- Spiritual Warfare (pg 55)
It is a confrontation between classic good and evil, which begun when satan was expelled by God unto earth.
-Scriptural Warfare (pg 57-58)
i) He that commit sin is of the devil: for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the work of the devil. ( 1 John 3:8)
ii) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare is not carnal, but mighty though God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)
iii) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)
iv) We must learn to put S under our feet just like Jesus did (1 John 3:8)
v) To execute upon them the judgment written; this honour have all the saints. Praise ye the Lord (Ps 149:9) (pg 67)
- The honor of executing the Lord's judgment on these spiritual outlaws BELONGS TO US. And one of the weapons He's given us to carry the judgment out is DANCING.
- our intelligence, popularity, influence, reasoning
Spiritual weapons
- Gods' WORD
- Our praises
- The name of Jesus
- The Blood of Jesus
- Agreement (Gods covenant with us)
- Fasting
The prayer of PRAISE releases more of Gods' power than any other form of petition.
When we are attack by S, we must pressed on with "high praises of God in our mouths to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron".
When we begin to praise the Lord with the dance, we begin to pull down the strongholds of the enemy. When we bind the devil, we render him helpless and we can and will PREVAIL.
Spiritual Warfare
"These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils" (Mark 16)
- He is the one who create chaos.
- All the sickness, problems were created by him.
- When we are sick, we must fight the good fight of faith and not submit it the enemy victory.
(Having done all, to stand "Ephesians 6:13)
Satan came to bring death but GOD came and still come to BRING LIFE!
I am not to submit my problems as Gods' will but to overcome with what God said is true... through His words.. !! and prayers.
Read Mark 16
i) What has Jesus orders us to do there?
- "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompanied those who believe:
In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poisons, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well" (Mark 16: 15 - 18)
ii) What kind of supernatural events does He foretell?
- We can drive out demons, speak new tongues, pick up snakes with our hands, remain unhurt from drinking poisons and heal people.
- Assess your own feelings about the supernatural. If these scare you or make you uncomfortable, ask yourself why? Write those reasons down and take them to the Lord. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what's true here.
=> Fear of the unknown darkness and the images portray from my imaginations.
=> Don't realise that I have the authority in the name of Jesus.
=> I am wash in the blood of Jesus Christ and come with His authority. I am an image of Christ. I have Gods' image. I have the power to cast out the darkness and bring light into the situations.
iii) Do you believe the supernatural is not for today's church?
No. It is still for todays' church.
- Pending for scripture..
iv) Take a poll from 4-5 friends who are not charismatic. Ask them what effect carrying out the Great Commission has on Satans' kingdom. Not how many do and don't mention the supernatural events? Ask them why they excluded the supernatural.
v) What part of the Great Commission can you accomplish without the help of the Holy Spirit?
My Prayer
Lord God, I want to praise you. Thank you again for this new understanding from the book.
Praise and Worship
i) Enemys' Camp
ii) Life* Expedition Inc: Annual Dinner 2006: The Wall of Jericho
"First and foremost, I would like to honour and give credits to the creative arts ministry from America and Singapore who have inspired me with this powerful representation of the Bible from the book of "Joshua". Without them, our community will not be impacted by this production. I believed my church back in KL, HSG had also used this for evangelizing purposes. I was convicted to bring this piece to "LIVE" and I believe God wanted us to perform this "STORY" during LifeXP Annual Dinner 2006 to bring the community towards the land that God has given us."
The above description was written when I first uploaded the clip a long time ago. This brings me to realise that relationship with God and with one another is so important. Indeed, God will use his people mightily to break the chain of darkness. Indeed, when we PRAISE AND SHOUT in the name of the LORD, all stronghold shall FALL... This I believe from now on.
Chapter 6: Dancing and Spiritual Warfare
My Notes
-Dancing in praise is a tremendous weapon against Satan.
- Spiritual Warfare (pg 55)
It is a confrontation between classic good and evil, which begun when satan was expelled by God unto earth.
-Scriptural Warfare (pg 57-58)
i) He that commit sin is of the devil: for the devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the work of the devil. ( 1 John 3:8)
ii) For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: For the weapons of our warfare is not carnal, but mighty though God to the pulling down of strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:3-4)
iii) For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places (Ephesians 6:12)
iv) We must learn to put S under our feet just like Jesus did (1 John 3:8)
v) To execute upon them the judgment written; this honour have all the saints. Praise ye the Lord (Ps 149:9) (pg 67)
- The honor of executing the Lord's judgment on these spiritual outlaws BELONGS TO US. And one of the weapons He's given us to carry the judgment out is DANCING.
- our intelligence, popularity, influence, reasoning
Spiritual weapons
- Gods' WORD
- Our praises
- The name of Jesus
- The Blood of Jesus
- Agreement (Gods covenant with us)
- Fasting
The prayer of PRAISE releases more of Gods' power than any other form of petition.
When we are attack by S, we must pressed on with "high praises of God in our mouths to bind their kings with chains, and their nobles with fetters of iron".
When we begin to praise the Lord with the dance, we begin to pull down the strongholds of the enemy. When we bind the devil, we render him helpless and we can and will PREVAIL.
Spiritual Warfare
"These signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils" (Mark 16)
- He is the one who create chaos.
- All the sickness, problems were created by him.
- When we are sick, we must fight the good fight of faith and not submit it the enemy victory.
(Having done all, to stand "Ephesians 6:13)
Satan came to bring death but GOD came and still come to BRING LIFE!
I am not to submit my problems as Gods' will but to overcome with what God said is true... through His words.. !! and prayers.
Read Mark 16
i) What has Jesus orders us to do there?
- "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever who does not believe will be condemned. And these signs will accompanied those who believe:
In my name, they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poisons, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well" (Mark 16: 15 - 18)
ii) What kind of supernatural events does He foretell?
- We can drive out demons, speak new tongues, pick up snakes with our hands, remain unhurt from drinking poisons and heal people.
- Assess your own feelings about the supernatural. If these scare you or make you uncomfortable, ask yourself why? Write those reasons down and take them to the Lord. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you what's true here.
=> Fear of the unknown darkness and the images portray from my imaginations.
=> Don't realise that I have the authority in the name of Jesus.
=> I am wash in the blood of Jesus Christ and come with His authority. I am an image of Christ. I have Gods' image. I have the power to cast out the darkness and bring light into the situations.
iii) Do you believe the supernatural is not for today's church?
No. It is still for todays' church.
- Pending for scripture..
iv) Take a poll from 4-5 friends who are not charismatic. Ask them what effect carrying out the Great Commission has on Satans' kingdom. Not how many do and don't mention the supernatural events? Ask them why they excluded the supernatural.
v) What part of the Great Commission can you accomplish without the help of the Holy Spirit?
My Prayer
Lord God, I want to praise you. Thank you again for this new understanding from the book.
Praise and Worship
i) Enemys' Camp
ii) Life* Expedition Inc: Annual Dinner 2006: The Wall of Jericho
"First and foremost, I would like to honour and give credits to the creative arts ministry from America and Singapore who have inspired me with this powerful representation of the Bible from the book of "Joshua". Without them, our community will not be impacted by this production. I believed my church back in KL, HSG had also used this for evangelizing purposes. I was convicted to bring this piece to "LIVE" and I believe God wanted us to perform this "STORY" during LifeXP Annual Dinner 2006 to bring the community towards the land that God has given us."
The above description was written when I first uploaded the clip a long time ago. This brings me to realise that relationship with God and with one another is so important. Indeed, God will use his people mightily to break the chain of darkness. Indeed, when we PRAISE AND SHOUT in the name of the LORD, all stronghold shall FALL... This I believe from now on.
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