Friday, June 17, 2011

Honouring You

Ive woke up this morning, determine to spend time with my Lord. Although it is short, I know Papa loves it. Father, thank you for your patience with your dear gal here. :) I love you. I adore you. I AMORE you.

Father, I have read the below this morning.

Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies. (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

You are right. When I have first accepted you, I have also accepted this precious gift, my very own Holy Spirit from you. Now that my best friend lives in me, you are in me as well. The spirit lives side by side with my physical body. If I do not take care of my physical body, it will definitely affect the spirit. When I fall sick, it indicates that I have neglected my physical body. I'm sorry, Father for doing this intentionally. I thought I can cope with the multiple of late nights. Clearly, it has not.

The scripture above relates to sexual immorality that had happened in the Corinthians' church. As sex was rampant in the society, undeniably, it had also crept into some members of the church. Paul wrote the above as a "wake-up" call to them who were sinning intentionally. Paul reminded them that they are brought at a price where their soul, spirit and body belongs to Christ now. Indeed we are free from "sin" and our old practices but this freedom must not be taken advantage of to do what will harm our body in the long run. Sexual promiscuity will harm everyone including the sinner, loved ones and the community as a whole.

What I have received from this passage is that I am a steward of this body. I want to take care of you, Doreens' body that is brought at a price by Jesus Christ. To take care of you is to honour God with it.

What is good for the body?
- Breakfast
- Healthy Meals (More vege, fruits.. less meat)
- Eat earlier say (6pm)
- Sleep earlier (11pm- 7.30am)
- Exercise (Dancing; Swimming)

My Lord, give me this discipline to honour you in all that I do. As at now, it will be for my health..:) Father, guide me and mold me.

Loving you,
Doreen C.

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