I just want to thank you for all that you have given me. Without you, I will surely boast of what I can do or achieve with my own strength. But you know what, this is not the case. I thank you because of your unconditional love and that You are true to your promises. In fact, you ARE what you say you are ==>My Provider in all that I need and want. You care about every little things about me. You draw pleasure from my faith and trust in You, don't You?
Ever since You embraced me into your Kingdom, You have never failed to guide me. Though many times, I tend to be distracted by mere "deeds", You are patient enough to wait for me. If only many will come to know You that You are for them, not against them. You are calling out for lost souls who are trap in the meaninglessness of this world. Only in You alone, can humanity find themselves and the purposes in their lives. Thanks to You, my Lord, I have found Passion and LIFE worth living for.
Dear Friends,
Have you ever wonder why those who call "Jesus as their Lord", seem to be more joyful and youthful in appearance? I was just chatting with my friends a few day ago and the answer is this. It is because the "Joy of the Lord, is their STRENGTH" (From the Bible: Book of Nehemiah Chapter 8: Verse 10). When one knows and walk closely with God, his DNAs' of love, peace, joy, hope, forgiveness and freedom (among many) are in them inside out. Sadly, not many desire to let go of the power of the world just to have these, even among those who know Him. It makes me wonder why?
Don't you desire to know what drives you ie. your passion and the purpose you are born in this world? Surely, we are more than just "robots" having to churn repetitive works so that we can "survive", earn more money, work our youth away and retired at the age of 60? Honestly, do we have the strength to enjoy our hard-earned money then? Even if you don't believe in this God, and if you sincerely love your life, don't you desire to truly live life NOW instead of worrying about what you don't have, to meet wants that you don't need?
I sincerely do hope that in whichever season you are at, I pray that you are blessed in your faith journey as well. I know God loves all who are made in His image and that includes you. It is an honour to be able to share this journey with you:) Cherish and LOVE LIFE and those around you.:)

"There is still HOPE"
With Love,
"For God so loved the world that He gave his ONE and ONLY Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perished but have eternal life." John 3:16
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