Monday, March 22, 2010


Dear Doreen's Blog,

This morning is a particularly special one for me. As I lay awake on my mattress with Tracy half-asleep beside me, there was this strong urge to pray deep within myself. Thoughts of wanting to get to know God and to desire Him more and more each day kept churning from within me. Oh, how I miss the intimacy that I have had with my Creator. I vow to pursue this intimacy again and this begin from my heart.

My beloved is faithful as always. It is nearly a month since I returned to this homeland of mine and yes, I have been (an still am) busy. I see so many opportunities for me to do this and that and I love every part of it. I am truly excited to be a part of it all. However, despite my busyness, I sensed discontentment within me. The sense of "burning out" is slowly gnawing into the very core of me. I truly dislike this feeling. This is when I realised that I am deviating from where I am supposed to do.
I realised that a closed girl friend of mine is going through the same patch as I. She was then referred to this testimony written by this brother in Christ, by the name of Jaeson Ma. The title of his testimony is "Everything Else Can Wait". He shared about him having to prioritise his work and not get swept away in the midst of busyness. He mentioned about this," If we do not have peace in the things that we do, a lot of times, it is not what God has called us to do." He urged many of us to PRAY before making major decisions to embark on new projects. And today, Jin Hwa, my good friend sent the exact same testimony to me and He sensed that God wants me to BE STILL and RE-Prioritise my work.

To add to this, my Lord directed me to the book of Ecclesiastes 2 with its subheading, " TOIL IS MEANINGLESS". The verse that stood out for me is vs 23 which is as follow:

"All his days his work is pain and grief: even at night his mind does not REST. This too is MEANINGLESS."

This verse stood out for me because I am in the situation when I am not able to rest at night. My mind is constantly thinking about work. This is no good.

The above are "signs" that has been lay out for me to make a choice. And you know what, this is my Sabbath. I will choose to obey. I truly know what I want to focus and that is in building my dance and to take care of my students, beside ensuring that the figures in our church are steward properly. I will have to begin to say no to new things that are coming my way.

Dear Lord, thank you for these affirmations that come from both my personal time with you as well as from the people around me. Indeed, you have spoken loud and clear. I will obey and choose to focus on the work that you have called me to. Father, I love you dearly and truly, I want to seek a greater intimacy with you. I want to know you inside out and grow with you. I pray for favour from my those around me. Give me courage to pursue what you have for me.

Father, I want to uphold my dancers to you, may you give me wisdom to guide them. Give me patience, strength and above all unconditional love.

As for my relationship with my dearest, I thank you for you have given me a PRAYER WARRIOR. May we continue to seek you as our source of love and wisdom for this relationship.

Loving you always,
Doremi...:) Smooches....

Unless the LORD builds the house,

its builders labor in vain.

Unless the LORD watches over the city,

the watchmen stand guard in vain. Psalm 127:1

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