Tuesday, July 5, 2011


Just woke up after 8 hours of sleep. How am I feeling now? All sorts. There are excitement, anticipation, joy, restlessness plus a couple of panic attack modes. If you haven't already know, I will be heading off to Houston, Texas in less than a month. Indeed when God moves, He moves with the speed of lighting. I am going by faith, trusting that God is my sole provider in ALL things.

The Lord is indeed my shepherd. He knows my every needs and wants. Selah ~

Father, why am I feeling the way I feel now. I realise that I have to let go of this "emotional" entanglement that has been with me for the last 3 years +. I need to move on but do I want to? Father, let your will be my will. Let me choose the way of the Spirit and not of my flesh. Even as I am preparing for this trip, I realise deep within that I am to slowly step away from what has been towards what is yet to come. It is indeed EXCITING to be in this 3 weeks journey out there in the WILD. I have to let go of my Egypt. Once again, I feel like Abraham now, been asked to leave the country and travel where God wanted him to. Once again, I realise God is urging to activate my faith to go to a foreign land to be equipped. So much excitement yet there's a tad of fear. Why do I fear when I know God is right by my side and my best friend is in me. :)

Father please teach me not to depend on my own understanding but in everything acknowledge you and you will DIRECT my path. Proverbs 3:5.

My Lord, indeed the salvation is here already. This year is a year of great joy and the Lords' favor. I want to experience all of it. Last 3 years were years of chaos, toiling, sufferings, patience and perseverance but Lord God, this year is different. Now as I reflect upon it, your grace has been amazing. :) Love ya. Father, I do not want to go back to the same thing. I want something more. I want to be appreciated and truly love as a woman of God and I know that I can find that from you. :)

"In the time of my favour I heard you,
and in the time of salvation I helped you."

"I tell you, now is the time of Gods' favor, now is the day of salvation" 2 Corinthians 6:2

Father, I love you. I adore you. Even for today, I surrender it to you. Father, I set my eyes upon you only and not on anything that will sway me away from you. Indeed you are my role model. Your are my all. Father, all that I have, I surrender it back to you and for the glory of your name. All that I have, I will cherish it and use it for your people. Father, show me how can I love you. How can I adore you more and more each day. What I have, my heart, I surrender it to you. :) Thank you for giving me this opportunity to be your ambassador. Thank you for your trust and belief in me. :)

For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.
-JESUS in John 3:17


At peace,

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