Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Trusting and Obeying Your ways......

Scripture (John 8)

- Adultery: Woman
- Validity of Jesus' testimony
- The children of Abraham
- The children of the devil
- The claims of Jesus about Himself

- Chapter 8 clearly reveals the identity of who Jesus is. Jesus is not here to condemn the sinner but even is he is, he is doing so, he do so with Gods' authority and ways. The entire chapters revealed the conflict that the Pharisees had with Jesus. As I observed, I realise in order for us to be called as Gods' children, we must have eyes of faith to see beyond the circumstances. Here, the Pharisees used their human knowledge to view Jesus. They have become so corrupted by their own lust for religious power that they did not even realise that the ONE True God is in front of them. They have lost the true meaning of being the descendant of Abraham.

To follow Christ is to see beyond the circumstances. To live by faith and not by sight. To trust and obey Father at all costs. To know that this world belongs to Him and I'm here to be a representative of His Kingdom.
- This means that I will go through "suffering" as I carry the cross that was given to me. Is it worth it? vs

Cost of carrying my cross

- filthy rich (yet fear of losing it)
- have all the things I want= money, cars, home, families, career.

As I ask myself these questions, what do I really want?
Do I really desire for the above comfortable yet fear of losing life or
do I desire a life of purpose?


My choice:
A life of meaning and purpose in all that I do: work, relationships, ministries

- Trusting and obeying my Creator

- Lord God, Ive chosen your way. Let me continue to set my eyes upon you. Father, I want to obey. Let me not be distracted by the ways of the world but I want to keep learning and growing. Father, do not let me be tempted in any other ways but let my heart and eyes focus onto you. Father, continue to guide and direct me in all your ways.

Loving you,

Monday, May 25, 2009

what do I treasure

What do I treasure. Lots

I treasure
- Life
- Health
- Friends
- Family
- Community
- Work
- Dance
- People


Thank you for your love

"37On the last and greatest day of the Feast, Jesus stood and said in a loud voice, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 38Whoever believes in me, as[c] the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him." 39By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive. Up to that time the Spirit had not been given, since Jesus had not yet been glorified. "John 7:37-39

Jesus was teaching at the synagogue. He said that whoever believes in HIM, streams of living water will outflow from them. Living water. I like. Believe in Jesus=> Outflow of living water.

I realise in a lot of situation, God wants us to change the way we think and act. This requires a different mind. God does not wants us to depend on our own KOGAE but to dare to see beyond ourselves. God wants us to hold a new mindset. A mindset of love and forgiveness.

= Just believe in Jesus, by faith.
= Trusting in God, by faith.
= Following and obeying Jesus, by faith

Lord God, I pray for a heart to be yearning after you. I pray for a heart that loves you and your people. I pray for an eyesight that is beyond myself. Father, show me and guide me. I trust in you with all that I have. Father, cast me away from idols.
Let me only have you as my God. Father, let me not have any idols beside you. Father, give me a heart that obeys you, that loves you, that is always thankful. Father, there is none like you.


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Cain & Abel

God is good. He answers my deepest thoughts.
Started this morning in prayers and tears. I was questioning, "Wat is the possibility of "sacrificing" one self for someones' weaknesses". My thought was that this is what Jesus did anyway.

I then came online to get in tune with BridgeFM on my Itunes.

The pastor preached on the sacrifices of Cain & Abel. We know the story of both of them. God delighted in Abels' offering but did not look in favor of Cains' offering. The reason was because Cain sown and tow the land by his own effort to obtain acceptance from the Lord. God does not need our sacrifice but only our OBEDIENCE.

If all that we do are done through our own effort, we will become proud and say that we earn the salvation.

But, if we earn our salvation through his grace and by us believing in Him.

My conclusion:
I don't need to sacrifice but to obey in His timing n action. Only God has the power to change the situation, not me. Only God is the judge and the corrector of all things.

Father, thank you once again by your words. Yes, I will obey and continue to love like you do.. :) Father, teach me to be like you, to love mercy and desire after your obedience. I will trust in you to act. I want to see the revealing of your glory, not by my own work.. but yours alone.


Friday, May 22, 2009

I trust and believe in you

God is good.
I will choose to praise you, O lord.

You are good, and all the time.
Even in time of struggles,
Your eyes are upon all those around you.

You are good, O Lord.
Those who hide in the darkness, you will reveal it in your timing.
Lord God, may you be with us
Be our Saviour
Do not cast us away
But, bring us back to your bosom once again.

Your good, God.
You are strong.
You have given me strength and purpose to live for.

You are good
You are forever righteous
I trust in you to act swiftly

Father, you can weaken our enemies hearts
With one move, you shake the foundation of earth
Lord, You know what is best
Your heart is for all to come back to you and not perish

Love you, O Lord
I desire you
I trust in your judgement

I love you
I desire you
I believe in you

You hate sins
You love sinners

I trust in you
Trust in your timing
You are the one who can change our hearts, our choices

I love you
Above all things..

Trusting you,
Doreen C.

Work for food that leads to eternal life

28Then they asked him, "What must we do to do the works God requires?"

29Jesus answered, "The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent." John 6: 28-29

Jesus taught the people to work for food that endures to eternal life vs works for food that are perishable. Gods work is gives life to others but work committed for the sake of getting more monetary returns are for the enjoyment for the worker only.

Had a conversation with E & M on MSN yesterday and both agrees that money is above all things. There is no purpose at work but to get high pay from the employer. Loyalty among employers and employees are history. The new "IN" thing to do is to jump as many ships one can gets in order to get higher pay at the end. Reason for higher pay is to accumulate more assets & better lifestyles for the family.

This makes me wonder why one earth we are here for? To race after perishable things or to truly live our life to the fullest? If I'm going to spend 40 hrs at work, 160hrs a month for the next 20 years; jumping from one company to another just to fatten my bank accounts, my ego boast and my well-being, will I be truly satisfied?

This goes the same with relationships? If I am to spent my time with my better half, all the time just to make sure the relationship is in control, will I ever be free to trust the relationship to be truly secure when I let it go?

This brings down to what Jesus mentioned above. Human run after security of wealth, relationships because there is fear. Fear of losing things, hence the need to be in control. But Jesus said, if we are to believe in Him, we don't have to work for food that are perishable.

To believe in Jesus is to know that:
- He is our provider
- He is our only one true God that we are to worship, and no other Gods
- We shall not make ourselves any forms of idols
- He is our Mighty God, Wonderful Counsellor, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace
- He has plans to prosper us, not to harm us.

If we truly BELIEVE Jesus to be all of the above, is there a need to run after work that are perishable? Is there a need to control and maintain our relationships?

- The answer is No: Another opportunity for me to live by faith and not by sight.

Father, thank you for this insight. Father, give me courage to obey you. To see beyond my own self. To be true to you. To love what you love. To hate what you hate. Father, be with me as I seek after you. :)


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Things to overcome

Was listening to this sermon online.
The pastor was challenging the congregation on what are the current sins that the Lord has challenge them to change. This makes me question myself.

Is there anything that are reveal to me again and again that Ive to overcome?

I think I know what it is which requires me to overcome my fear. I will have to leap by faith and not by sight. I want to follow Him and not test his patience.

God, I pray that you will give me the strength. I pray that I'm not doing this by my own might or strength but by your spirit.

Perfect love cast out fear.


To build a healthy and loving community

Dearest all,

I was listening to this US pastor this morning and he shed some lights on how to tackle relationships issues (For eg: handling & receiving criticisms) within a community.
I find it "refreshing to the soul" and I would love to share it with you.

He began with this;
(I) Who are those who criticise us?
People such as our parents, siblings, kids, leaders, subordinates, friends and workmates are people whom we will encounter criticism from.

The many reactions are as follows when one is criticised:
- Who are you to criticize me?
- I thought you are my friend..etc.

The pastor said that only true friends/family members who will say things that we do not like to hear.
Only people who loves us will say the truth to our face. He also quoted on this : (- Self explainable-)

Wounds from a friend can be trusted,
but an enemy multiplies kisses. (Proverbs 27:6)


(II) Types of Criticism
One with a humble heart is one who take it in and analyse the criticism ie to see whether it is of constructive/corrective or destructive criticism.

(a) Corrective/Constructive Criticism
Eg 1: Priscilla and Aquilla corrected Apollos, who was a learned man, with a thorough knowledge of the Scriptures. He did not taught a complete understanding of Gods' way at the synagogue. With a humble heart, he took in their correction and chose the right teaching from them. (Acts 18:24-26)
- This man who came from a higher education background had all the right to question and challenge these women but he did not.

Eg 2: Paul rebuked Peter when he chose not to eat with the Gentiles. Barrabas was also following what Peter is doing. As a result, Paul came to correct Peter to do what is right. (Galatians 2:11-14)

(b) Destructive Criticism
Eg 1: Peter rebukes Jesus when Jesus predicted his death to his disciples. As a result, Jesus rebuked Peter for he did not realised that his criticism is against the will of God. (Mark 8:31-33)

Eg 2: Miriam criticizes Moses about his leadership and authority. As a result, the Lords' anger burned against her and she became leprous. (Numbers 12:1-15)

- The difference between these two are the intentions lie within those who criticise us. When we are criticize, we must ask whether the "criticism" are valid and are in alignment with Gods' righteousness/ways. To add, if more than 1 person came and say the same thing, it is more likely they are telling the truth. Those who came from the first category are those who genuinely care for us and want to build us versus the latter, who clearly came with their own agendas or to pull us down.


(III) How to "love" the hard ways
- Background work: Lots of prayers
- By approaching our "families" with a gentle spirit. :)

I believe for us to build a healthy, strong and loving community (not pseudo community), we must seek wisdom to protect, love and cherish one another. I do not have the full answer yet but for the health of our "spiritual families", the above is a good start.

Doreen C.

Wise choices

I begin to realise that at every circumstances that occurs around me, at that very moment, the choices that I make has the power to bring either "life" or "death to the situation.

For eg:
HK was back late. A call was made to see whether there is sufficient food for dinner. I did not give a specific answer as I know the family is waiting for him to come back for dinner. Hence, he said he will come back to see. HK & his better half arrived home and realised there is not sufficient food. He lashed out his frustration verbally and with outhrown arm. I was taken back by his rudeness and insensitiveness. hurrmpph. I was angry and teared, yet I know I must not let my emotion take control of me....

J tried to talk on his brother behalf. I told that this is not really helping.

At that moment, I chose this => To control my emotion, have dinner together and when I'm at peace, I will share with HK.

B4 dinner, HK apologized and I told him that he is very very rude and insensitive. He took it in. Thank God that K is there. :)

From the above, I realised that I need to choose my battle. I have forgiven HK. This is a minor thing. Ive bigger battles to focus on. I'm still feeling a bit edgy now, hence I write this down just to pen my thoughts on paper. :)

I think all this ups and downs are normal in a family of friends. Just as God said, forgive one another as I have forgive you. :) This I will obey wholeheartedly for just like Jesus, I will do what Jesus does. :)


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A new Day

Today is a new day. This is the day that the Lord has made. I will REJOICE and BE GLAD in it. :)
My God is marvelous God. He knows all things. He knows us inside out.
Father, I pray for your love and conviction to be upon my friends. To do what is right and pleasing to your eyes. To fear you above all things.
Father, I want to commit my relationships, work, ministry, self...all that I know of back to you. You alone knows what is best for the purpose that you have.
Father, I believe in your greater purpose and I want to have a different spirit, just like Joshua and Caleb.
Father, give me eyes to see, ears to hear, heart to feel you.

Father, thank you for a MEANINGFUL and PURPOSEFUL life.
Father, I pray for my passion in arts and dance to become stronger each day.
Father, I want to live to the fullest in you and among the community that you have sent me.
Father, show me your ways.


Direction 1: Relationship with J
- Learn to build trust and belief among one another
- Scripture:
Philippians 4:8
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.

Trusting You

Another day. Its a new day. It's 12.30am. Had a meaningful conversation with Grace. A lovely lady growing up wonderfully. :)
As I turn 30 in Sept, it's another mark of one decade Ive left behind me. Next year will be a total full 10 years Ive come to know the Lord. I must said that my relationship with him constitute of ups and downs. These few years, it has been steadily growing upwards. As I grow more, I still realised that there is so much to know about my Father. This makes me realize that it is good. If I come to know all of Him, it will kinda be boring.

I'm glad that everyday. i love the way HE reveals himself. I cannot admit that I'm free from burden of the people and things around me but I know that I'm praying real hard now. Only God can change the hearts of his people. Only God is in control. My job is to pray and wait for Him to act swiftly.

Trusting you,

Monday, May 18, 2009

Worship In Spirit & in Truth

23Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and in truth." 1 John 4:23-24

The story started when Jesus went to the well and there was where He met the Samaritan woman. Jesus is teaching the woman that worship does not derives from a place but whom we are to worship. Those who are called true worshippers are those who worship the Lord in spirit and in truth. In spirit, is the spirit that the Lord gives us and in truth, is the truth that comes out from the Word, itself.

As I pray for the upcoming creative arts dance for Annual Dinner 2009, this is the foundation that my dance must stand for. We are not here to do a performance to show our capacity as a dancers but to represent Him to be worshippers who worship in spirit and in truth. This brought me to the many tambourine classes that I have had. All the steps are supported by the truth/Word of God and together with The holy spirit in each of us, we worship the Lord with all our might.

No longer we are doing it for ourselves but we, are bringing people to worship alongside us.

My first class: True worshipper= Worship the Lord in Spirit and in Truth

Dear Lord, thank you for your clarity again and this Words of truth that lays the foundation for our dance piece. Together, with your Truth, I will teach this to your people.

Loving you heaps,
Doreen C.

Wat a day IV

Wat a day to begin with. Had ot meeting. Another new changes again in office environment. Hmm.. maybe Ive to get use to this which happens once every 6 months. blaph.....

dunno what to think. but am waiting for God to reveal His heart for me in this place for this season... :)

Trusting you Lord,

Believe in you

Lord God,

I pray that you will act swiftly. You loves all of us, but you hate sins.
Lord God, I pray that you will act swiftly.
To save us from our sins.
Lord God, I pray for mercy and forgiveness.
Correct us when we choose to go our ways.
Nudge our hearts till we have to do what pleases you.

Lord God, I pray that you will bring what is in the darkness into the light.
I pray that your name will be glorified.
Lord God, I pray that you will act swiftly
To cut off anything that displeases you or will bring your name down.

Lord God, forgive us for our sins.
Forgive us for our "selfishness".
Lord God, I believe that you will move the mountains and shake the foundations of the earth.
Your see all things, you are here to correct and make them anew.

Trusting in your timing,

Sunday, May 17, 2009

it's sunday, sunday, sunday again

it's sunday again. 30 mins left b4 service starts. :)

J is at the card game now. hk at his seminar. their family is still at home, sound asleep. there is going to be a new development coming months. I'm excited yet worried. But, I guess growth requires many steps of faith. The best part, I know God is with me through it. :)

(The next day, Monday: This new development is CONFIRMED on the very next day, monday. TG has suggested for the OT to shift to Basement.. watt da.. Talk about faith and mentioning things out of nowhere, I'm surprise something normal conversations can turn out to be prophesies coming to pass..)

Its cheaper to fly home. :)

I'm looking forward to more new things happening. I love growth. Praise God. Now, uncertainty will have a whole new meaning=> growth => character.. => new strength => new challenges. :)

Father, I pray that you are in my God for eternal. I pray that my eyes will not linger from you but to stay close on you. Father, let your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. :)

Loving you,

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Jesus came to help, to put the world RIGHT again

Scripture (John 3:16-18/ The Message)

"This is how much God loved the world: He gave his Son, his one and only Son. And this is why: so that no one need be destroyed; by believing in him, anyone can have a whole and lasting life. God didn't go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again. Anyone who trusts in him is acquitted; anyone who refuses to trust him has long since been under the death sentence without knowing it. And why? Because of that person's failure to believe in the one-of-a-kind Son of God when introduced to him.

The story begins with an encounter between Jesus and a teacher of Israel, Nicodemus. He asked Jesus what it meant to be born again. Hence, Jesus mentioned that to be born again is to be born of the spirit. Jesus revealed His true intention that He is not here to accused the things that were already in the world but to set the world back into its original purpose. He is here to bring hope and love to all who is willing to believe in Him through repentance and believing Him through acts of faith. Indirectly, we can see that Jesus is extending his invitation to Nicodemus to repent ie change the way he thinks and to follow Him.

Jesus then reveals who God is and the extent of Gods' love to the world. Ie, God loved the world even to the point of sacrificing his OWN son to "saved" us. His heart is; for all to be "saved" and it is never Gods' intention to come into the world to accuse us of our "weaknesses" BUT
- To re-deem us ie
- To make us NEW again
- To give us another chance
- To give us hope to live again
- To clean us from our filth
- To remind us of our ORIGINAL true identity as his beloved children.
- To regain that PERSONAL relationship that He had with Adam & Eve in the very beginning
- To lead all creation under His guidance (To Rule)
- To work in the land that He has given us
- To love one another just like how He has loved us
- To cherish, to believe and to encourage one another like Him
- To build meaningful relationships with others......:)
- To make things right again to His true intention for us and the world...
Summary: To have a personal relationships with God and man, to be frootful and multiply and to rule all creations that was given by Him under the guidance of God.

This makes me ponder why are some of Gods' believer do not understand that Jesus intention in coming to the world is not to pin-point the chaos of the world but to help and make the world a better place. Just like Pharisees, we segregate ourselves from the "sinner" but the whole point of us being Christs' follower is to go to the world and bring Christs' love, hope, faith, cares, tenderness to those who does not know Him. If God has not seek after me when I was lost, I will never ever found this TRUE God. I praised God for HE loved me so much to bring me out from the pit of darkness/meaninglessness in order to give me a NEW life of hope, meaning, growth and a life for me to serve others just like He did.

So, God did not send his son to come and tell the world how bad it is, but to help and put it right again. A true follower loves what He loves, do what He does. We are not here to build our own empire and ensure our nest are taken care of or even to have that "survival mentality" (which is of the world) but to obey and follow what He cares and loves most. ===>To harvest the field (Matthew 9:37-38)

Point to ponder:
God has given us many opportunities to serve the world. Are we too busy running around, accumulating our own wealth/looking for more entertainments OR are we truly listening to what truly matters to Him?

- To grab the opportunity to be a representative of Christ in the world.
- To learn and shine His light and hope to those who does not know Him.
- "The harvest if plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field" Matthew 9:37-38


Father Lord, I want to obey you. Obedience in following your ways and what you loved. Indeed, if its not because of your love for me, I will forever be lost in this life of meaninglessness. You have given me hope and a reason to live in this life on earth. You have given me joy and directions in my life. Father, if it is your will, you will open doors of opportunities for me to be your representative in the world.

Loving you always,

Wat A Day III

Today is an extraordinary day. Had a fabulous time in Donalds' class. :) Interesting lunch. Finished with work. Went Safeway with dear n sis. Went swimming with dear + Jin. Did 15 laps. Came back for dinner and went for Max Brenner. Am typing now.

Heard something I dislike but all I can do is to pray for God to ACT and me trusting that He hears my prayers. Prospect of job opportunity but not sure the purpose of it beside making $$$$$.. Hmm.. God, really need your guidance in this matter.

Trusting in your providence and timing,

Thursday, May 14, 2009

To start right and strong and faithfully first thing in the morning

23Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name.[c] 24But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. 25He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man. (John 2:23-25)

Jesus changed the water into wine at a wedding ceremony. That was his first miracle since He was baptised in the spirit and water. I realised that John had omitted the passage where Jesus was tempted by Satan and jumped straight into this. As the people heard the miracle that Jesus did, they hunted for Him. Many will come and said that they would like to follow Him but Jesus knows our heart.

Just over the other night during HC, we read on this book titles, " Way to Jesus Christ". It reveals that Jesus is not here to meet needs, attract us through miracles, and build an impersonal structure of systems to rule the people. In fact, the only way towards Jesus is to know how Jesus walks with US during our journey of following Him. We can know Jesus' ways by seeing and believing the stories from both the New and Old Testaments. All the prophets/authors wrote in preparation for the upcoming Messiah and also through their day to day lives together with Jesus. From these "testimonies", we can imitate Christ. I have to bear in mind that following Christ involves sufferings but the reward is eternal life. My life is not going to be rosy but it is MEANINGFUL. My life is not for myself but to be used for His glory.

- To have a 2 ways relationships: up flow and down flow between me through Jesus to God and God through Jesus to me.
- To pray in the Spirit,
- To love the Lord with all my heart and soul and might
- To be grateful and humble with all that He has blessed me with.
- To steward the talents that He has given me through his guidance
- To build meaningful relationships with the people around me

- Lord God, you are not a "magician". I'm not here to be entertained by you. You are not a clown. I'm here to follow you. Thank you for your patience and guidance. Its only through my weaknesses that your strength can be shown. Father, indeed you are my rock and tower of refuge. Father, indeed you are full of wisdom and creativity. Father, thank you for your mercy. Teach and guide me all the ways.

Loving you always,
Doremi... :)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wat A Day II

Today is a day where I work out from the office. Went for lunch with the Cheoks and we proceed to NGV. I managed to gather some writings there. But, I need to connect the points to the vision of Annual Dinner 2009.

It is good to have flexibility of work where I'm not constraint within 4 walls. There is reason to be alive internally. Was nearly side-tracked by a mini-issue ( I will call it mini for now) but am able to get back to what truly matters. To plan and be inspired to come out with a dance piece for Annual Dinner 2009.

My constant question are these:
- What would I like to reveal to the audience?
- What would God wants me to reveal about Him to the people?
- What message am I sending out via creative arts?
- What visual can I capture that is link to forgiveness (unity in the community), Promised Land (new legacy for us) & New generation (building of our house)?
- How do I link the creations with us with the Creator.
- Who is God and what has He plan for us (LifeXP) and how are we representing God in the city of Melbourne?
- What art form? Abstract? Contemporary? Mime? Modern Dance? ......
- What brings the best out of His worshippers?
- What am I building among the involved worshippers? Reliability? Persistency? Accountability? Forgiveness?
- How do I portray His love to this creations?

Some of things that Ive in mind:

- Description of my dance piece is a MUST.
- To gather props from the nature. For eg: Colour leaves
- A story about the involvement of God, Spirit, Men, Their/HIS Work, the Creations, Rebirth & Family
- Music from the nature. Music that allows audience to enhance their imagination.
- A story about life cycle with God throughout this life cycle.
- A story about Creation, His beautiful creations.

Lord, I pray for inspiration from the above. I need you. Father, please reveal to me what you have in mind for your people and those who does not know you. Father, I believe that you have called me to this place for a reason and I want to thank you for this opportunity. My eyes, ears, heart is open..:) Guide me O Lord..Lord, I will forgive just as you have love and forgive me always.. Amen..:)

Loving you,


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

wat a day

Wat a day. I can't believe that I actually spent 5 hours at DFO... ;) hehehe.. went to Footscray. Just got home and I'm poof... need to rest... need to lie down. am looking forward to work tomolo..

Thank you Father, for I'm able to live again. To be free.. To love..

muaks muaks


To be imitator of Christ

Scripture ( Jude 1:20-23 : The Message)
20-21But you, dear friends, carefully build yourselves up in this most holy faith by praying in the Holy Spirit, staying right at the center of God's love, keeping your arms open and outstretched, ready for the mercy of our Master, Jesus Christ. This is the unending life, the real life!

22-23Go easy on those who hesitate in the faith. Go after those who take the wrong way. Be tender with sinners, but not soft on sin. The sin itself stinks to high heaven.

- Jude is the brother of James. This is a very well-written letter as it is clear and precise. By just reading it, I know deep within he cares for my well-being. Such is those who came in the name of the Lord. Praise be to God forever and ever. :)

- Jude adviced us to be careful in building our faith through prayers in the Spirit, staying in the midst of Gods' unconditional love and have an open heart in wait for his mercy. It makes me realise that if I'm to go around judging things on my own knowledge of good and evil, I'm heading towards self-dependancy. The state of human heart is very easily corruptable by pride and lust for power, money and fame. No wonder God always advice us that those who are first will be last. To be joyful even without recognition shows the maturity of ones' character.

- Here Jude also advices us to be patient and merciful to those who needs it. We are not to accept the sins but to hate it. We accept the sinner but to hate their sins.

- To be in constant prayer
- To dwell in the Lord
- To live in gratitude and humility with all that I have been given atm

- To be patient with those who are growing in their faith
- To be merciful and love the sinners but HATE their sins.

- Dear Lord, thank you for your words of guidance. I pray for wisdom, love and patience. I pray that I will continue to seek after you, not because of what you can give me, but to love and adore you, to obey your commandment because I love you, to know that you are my beloved Father who loves me dearly. Father, I pray that I will not be distracted but to stay on course towards the purpose that you have set before my eyes. Father, thank you for all the many surprises that you have given me. Thank you for your love, providence, mercy, patience, new things that you have pour out for me. I will trust in you.

Loving you heaps,

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Do what is Good.this is from God. :)

11Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God. 3 John 1:11

John wrote to Gauis, a friend whom he loved. John adviced him to copy what is good and not evil. Evil are things that opposes Gods way. This includes impurity, slanders, jealousy, selfishness, control, anger....etc. As a believer, is it easy for us to fall into sins. But, instead of us continuing to do so without any consciously, the spirit will nudge us internally. The devil will condemn us but the Spirit will convict us.

Whenever Ive commit something unfavorable, I felt convicted. Hence, I have to admit it and repent of it. Am wondering if it is not because of His love and mercy, I'm long gone. On the other side, if God have never seek after me, I will blatantly continue with my "sins". So, what do I make up of my Father and Jesus. They are REAL. More real than the things that I see around me. In fact, nothing can surpass what God has prepared for me through the unseen eyes.

To know that I alone can make a choice when tempted to commit "sins". To know that God is for me, not against me unless Ive gone too far away/ beyond repent. To know that I will reap what I sow, for good or for bad. Which pill do I choose? :)

Dear Father Abba, I praise you because you are true to the core. Indeed, there is noone like you. ;) Father, thank you for your undying love and tenderness. I know you want me to let go of the past/desire of the flesh but to know you and obey you. How do I show that I love you? By obeying your commandmentss..... Do not covet, have no other God beside you, by not making any idol.....etc...

Loving you always,
Your beloved

Saturday, May 9, 2009


i begin to realise that it's not what happened to us that makes the day beautiful or trashy, it is how we response to the situation around us that leads to the outcome of the day.

it is true that men without dreams/visions are might as well "dead"/"purposeless". it started off with a day of devotion. Prepared brekky and spent some time with J. Not what I expected but began to realise that human can not be on its own without Gods' direction or community. Began to realise that God is God of grace and that we are by far, fallen nature. Only God can saved us, no one else.

Had lunch and left for the day to do some groceries. We bought what we needed. J bought something truly nice and meaningful for auntie. A diamond pendant. :) I bought auntie a bouquet of roses and some wild flowers. Am missing mom and wishing she is here as well. :) On our way home, my emotion and thoughts began to run wild and was "emo". Dear was sweet, he drove me n bought me my fav drink. Love him. He is becoming more and more thoughtful. Perhaps, these small little things are what truly make me happy rather than me wanting J to be "somebody" else. I began to see more of "him" rather than my misconstruct Prince Charming. God, as you began to peel away my "past", I begin to wear a new garment. A garment of love, of hope and of trust. Indeed, Father, you are the one who has saved me and want me to be free and truly enjoy the "present". :)

Am back now. Will be washing the car for auntie and Gs' arrival. Can't wait. Too bad HK & K can't be with us. :) Can't wait for you to return. :)

Mom, misses you. :)


p.s: In regards to the future, I won't know what will happened but as long as I held my head high and trusting in my Creator, I know it is going to be bright and hopeful. :) Loving you papa.:)

Love One Another & Love Me :)

5And now, dear lady, I am not writing you a new command but one we have had from the beginning. I ask that we love one another. 6And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love. 2 John 1:5-6

Love is in the air. Love is among us when we choose to love God with all our hearts, soul and might AND to love our neighbor as ourselves. The above is a repetition of what was mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 22:36-39. John is basically reminding us of an old command by Jesus himself.

1) Love one another
2) Love God by obeying his commandments.

- To love one another just like how Christ loves me.
- To obey His commandments => purity, righteousness, compassion, true, no others god beside him, make no idol, hate sins, run from temptation, control our tongue/thoughts, slow to judge/anger quick to listen, patient, kept away from jealousy/wickednesses/backstabbing.....

Father, thank you for your love. Thank you for your words that gives eternal life. Let me see as you do. Let me live as you want me to. Father, let all things be your will, not my will for I know that you have plans to prosper me, not harm me. Loving you.:)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

God is GOOD... :) AMEN

16-17For instance, if we see a Christian believer sinning (clearly I'm not talking about those who make a practice of sin in a way that is "fatal," leading to eternal death), we ask for God's help and he gladly gives it, gives life to the sinner whose sin is not fatal. There is such a thing as a fatal sin, and I'm not urging you to pray about that. Everything we do wrong is sin, but not all sin is fatal. 1 John 5:16-17

God is soo good. God answers prayers. GOd is the best. Indeed, there are numerious sins and there are some that are not fatal, death bringing. God has advices me to pray and know that He is in control of all things. God is advicing to trust in His ability to move the person hearts rather than me having to act.

-I will start praying and believe that God will move mountains and shake the foundation of earth.

-Lord God, you are the best. Thank you for your answers, for guiding me. Love you heaps.. There is none other than you. loving you always..for eternal..:) thank you Jesus for eternal life..:) AMEN>.:)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

To love others, just as we have been loved

We love because he first loved us. 20If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen. 21And he has given us this command: Whoever loves God must also love his brother. 1 John 4:19-21

I remembered J asking me the other day on this," How do you know that God loves you"? The first thought that came into my mind was this, " Of course, He loves me. It IS already written in His Words." But, as usual, just to tease J, I said the opposite.

What is love? Which comes first? The thing is a lot of people do not feel Gods' love. Isn't the word sufficient enough? Isn't the stories REAL enough to penetrate through our doubtful minds? One of the usual reply will be this, "I'm not able to relate to the stories in the bible, is it only relevant to the generation at that time". Fair enough. I begin to realised this," To those who are hurt/taught in the ways of the world/plain sceptic, it will be more difficult to see that this God truly loves and care for them." Truly enough, it takes the love of the community and individuals who represent Christ to pour out this unconditional love and hope of Christ unto them. It takes one who is selfless to love (just like Christ). It is indeed a challenge for us to love the unlovable, to love those who are sinning, to love and support the weaknesses of our peers. Living in a community, we are surrounded by people whom we say that we still stick through, thick and thin but when tough time comes, are we STILL able to support each other weaknesses or simply shun them. Do I have this Christs' like love to keep loving my sis & bro whom we know are slowly drifting away from the light? Am I able to walk with them through the end?

God says, "whoever who does not love his brother, is a liar". God is love. God loves his children. God loves ALL who are made in His image. Jesus loves the sinner and those who are broken with a contrite heart. He loves the poor, the Gentiles, the tax collectors but the Pharisees, judge them by their deeds. Is it possible for us to still loved as Christ has loved us?

The answer is YES. My dear J did. Little did he realised that God has used him to pour out unconditional love to me when I was at my lowest. Thank you, dear. Like I say, you are used to represent His love to those around. So, friends, this is the hope and love of Christ being showered through his children.

- To love and accept each other just as how Christ has loved and accepted me from the beginning.
- To trust that God is in control of all situations.
- To believe that true love covers all multitude of sins. Perfect love drives out all fears just as quoted in "18There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.1 John 4:18)

Lord God, I pray for patience and wisdom. Father, I pray for the opportunity to love others. I pray for your unconditional love to accept others just as how you have. At the end of the day, you desire a strong community who truly reflect the goodness and true Christ-like character to those who does not know you. Prepare us Lord. Prepare all of us for the works of your Kingdom. Amen!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

this day

Today is an average. Woke up to bring dear to work. Stopped by Barkley Square, came back. Went online. Watch August Rush. Nearly vacumn the whole house. and resting now before having to make dinner.

What's special about today?
- I was "poke" by this Indo store owner, nearly snapped back but I hold my tongue.
- Made HK lunch + myself
-Watched a fantastic movie=August Rush
-Very happy that my room and toilet are clean
- Oh yea, i was just thinking how nice it is to have a non-believer friend and wohla, God answered my prayer. Talked to a new neighbour from Malaysia. Her name is NAni, age 30. Studying Master of Radiology at Melb Uni. Mother of 2 kids. Stayed in Shah Alam. She has been here since Feb. Will be here for 2 years. Misses family a lot n planning to go back as often as she can.
Stayed in unit: 17. Nice lady..:)

Think I will mix with more people now.

Also, at the same time, I will expand my relationships and also concentrate on my creative arts. Want to be free and to trust that God is the one that will hold this relationship beside me. I want to let go and be free..:) I want Joey to be the best that He can and to seek God.:)


Friday, May 1, 2009

Choose what is Good & Right

Scripture (1 John 1:7 &9)

7But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all[b] sin.

9If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.

How can one be of no sin? In fact, after watching Shinjuke incident, it reveals that the hearts of men are full of evil. The lust for power and money transformed a person to an animal. Even friends will kill one another just to keep their "bowl of rice".

Ever since I became a believer, Ive been confessing loads of sins. My aim is so that I can learn to be more and more like Christ. It is tough and sometimes, the pleasure to go after my own desire is great but I do know it only creates death in me. Internal struggles and conscience-ness do not allow me to keep going with my "momentary pleasure". I know that this is when God is "purifying" me throughout these time. Verse 9 is not an one-off transaction. The deeper the bondage has over our life, the longer the the purification process will be. The most important thing is for us, His children, not to give up hope but to believe that God has already grant us the spirit of power, of love and of sound mind. To top it all, HE said that we are already OVERCOMER of our struggles.

I believe I will be released from this in due time as long as I set my eyes on HIM. I do not want to waste my life pondering on the "what if" but to know that God is for me, not against me. Also to know that God has plans to prosper me and not to harm me.

Father, I BELIEVE in YOU. I Trust in you. I pray not to sway to the left & right but to focus on you ONLY. Father, may your WORDS be the only input that I choose to hear and act upon. Father, I pray for wisdom and courage to speak the truth out of love. I pray for the salvation of each of my families and friends. I pray for my leaders to walk upright before your eyes and to make choices that are life-giving. Amen!

Loving you,
Doreen C.