Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You are my Provider

It is has been confirmed. PT is moving out by 1st Feb. I'm needing a new housemate to take over our fully furnished - largest room (overlooking the lush greenery which is just right outside the window) in this beautiful retro townhouse in Parkville. I am praying by faith for someone with the following:

-mature, solid and secure, who fears the Lord!
- someone who can speaks into JS' life
- someone who must love my precious miow, Louise
- someone who must of course able to pay the rent
- someone who is clean
-someone who loves people
-someone who is independent

God, I believe in you. I thank you for your provision for PT. Indeed, you ROCK! :) I believe you have the right housemate for us, an even better than what I am asking for. Therefore, my Lord in your perfect timing, surprise me. I love you for you are true to your words and you are my beloved Father who knows what is best for me. :)

Trusting in you ALONE,
Doreen C.

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