Monday, October 19, 2009

Jesus' Laying Down His LIFE


Obedience that comes from Faith
- is to trust solely in the Lord that we have no total control of what really happens

Made righteous by Faith
- we are judge by Jesus' righteousness
- Jesus' righteousness is from his obedience till the point of death, ie laying down his life
- we are made righteous by Jesus' prototype, Jesus has demonstrate what righteousness looks like
- it is only by trusting that we can let go

For eg: I trust my Lord that he knows what is best for me, for eg. my relationship, my financial status, my family, my dance, my LIFE. Therefore, I will let go and be free. Trusting that God has already plan for JC, I will be free and let go. Trusting that God is for us, not against us.

Jesus' prototype:
Jesus is Lord ===> Jesus in Resurrection (Obedience in the spirit)

In regardless of death, mental challenge, discomfort, we are to lay ourselves down.


i) What do I need to be contented? ===> ie. Lower down my bottomline
---- How many approval to I need?
---- Do I need to be needed?
---- Self-Pity? === I work and work for you, where is my reward?
---- Do I need 8 hours of sleep to be clear headed the next day?
---- Do I need to go ski yearly?
---- Do I need to spend my time with JC all the time?

-------- What do I need to be joyful?

ii) What is the Spirit in faith leading me to do? =====> Growing in our topline
---- Principle:
---- bottom line shrink
---- If top line is lower than the bottom line==> living in a scarcity mindset)

---- Relationships
-------- Arrow Students (via dance)
-------- Operation Stitches

In what way has my topline change and bottomline change?

--- Everytime I am fighting for what I deserve & right, don't ignore it but be attentive and hold it to the Lord. This means we are focusing on our bottomline. Discipleship with each of us is for God to bring down our bottomline.

Lord God, may you open doors of opportunity see from your perspectives. Lord give me a heart to trust in you, to believe in you, to live in the freedom that you know is the best for me. I will trust in you, follow you all the days of my heart. Amen..

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