Thursday, February 18, 2010

Time to return HOME

In another 7 days, I will be leaving my home in KL and be returning to my land that I loved. Indeed, I have eaten what Ive wanted, see and spend good quality time with my niece, nephew and family. Ive yet to see my close friends. Will be soon in just a few days. :) Indeed, God is gracious and has creates many opportunities for me to appreciate my time, food, family and friends. Ive couldn't have asked for more. Thank you God for this. :)

Indeed, things are not the same without my beloved here with me. The funny thing is that he is so far away from KL. I know he is there in Melbourne, being really taken care of, by my spiritual family. Thank you Karen & Heng Khuen. Thank you LIFE. Thank you Muhammad. :) Thank you, GOD.

I see Melbourne as a land of opportunities for me to shine and do what I love. The doors to go crazy with my love for dance and paintings are LIMITLESS. The best part of all is because God is in the same boat with me. To count the years that Ive known Him, never once have I been left on my own. What is "scarcity" if I know that God can give me whatever I ask for. The point is Ive asked not to get ALL things for I know myself far too well. I tend to appreciate things more when it is not easily given to me. If God has given me ALL the things that I ask for, I will never really appreciate them as much as I appreciate the things that are only given to me according to His Will. Up till now, I can frankly say that I DO INDEED receive all of these with a heart of gratitude.

Sometimes, I do really pray that my friends and family see what I see. I am still trying to understand the reason why many of us seem to shun GOD. If only they know that GOD truly loves us for who we are, do have the best purpose for us in regardless of our past, present and future. How could anyone not see this "unconditional" love/purpose? How could we be so "blind"?

Father, I pray that you will open our eyes to see you, our ears to hear you, our hearts to know you. I pray that you will be the one who break into our hardened hearts. May we become more and more like you and never allow any excuses or past hurts and griefs stop us from pursuing after you. Make us to become men who are after your very own heart. Forgive us, Lord, for our weaknesses. Indeed your love and mercy never fail. This, I have much to thank for. I pray that you will continue to pursue many of us who have left you somewhere near the corner of our hearts. Leave us not behind, but do send some brothers and sisters to kick us out of our comfort zone. In Jesus mighty name, I ask and pray.. AMEN!!!!!

To my dearest, and all my beloved family and friends (yes, YOU), thank you for mentoring, teaching, guiding, counseling, rubbing shoulders, tears and laughters and paving this road for me to learn to fall and to rise up again. Each of you have play a significant role in my life and I thank God for that. Without you, who will I be today? :)

Looking forward to another GREAT ADVENTURE IN MELBUM!!!!

With so much love and blessings,

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