Monday, February 8, 2010

Obedience is better than sacrifice

Scripture (1 Samuel 15:22-23)

22 But Samuel replied:
"Does the LORD delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices
as much as in obeying the LORD?
To obey is better than sacrifice,
and to heed is better than the fat of rams.

23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination,
and arrogance like the evil of idolatry.
Because you have rejected the word of the LORD,
he has rejected you as king." 1 Samuel 15:22-23

Saul was given a very clear guidance through Samuel to kill everything that belongs to the Amalekites. Saul obey half-heartedly. He spared King Agag and the best flocks after the war. Samuel went to see Saul and rebuked him. Saul gave excuses by saying that the spared the best flock as an offering to the LORD. He casted the blame on his soldiers as if they were the one who made him kept the goods. Never once did Saul reflect on his actions and repent thoroughly. There is no inward obedience but stubborn rebellion in Saul. God regretted that He has chosen Saul as the King over Israel.

- Never truly repent of his sins
- Gave excuses without taking responsibilities of his actions
- Blame others for his actions

- Disappointed with Saul
- Faithfully and boldly informed Saul that his kingship will be taken away from him

- Regretted he has chosen Saul to be the King over Israel
- Is not a dictator but gave opportunities for Saul to make a wise and informed choice
- Am preparing David to be the next King

Lessons learnt:
- Obedience is better than sacrifice
- Half-hearted obedience is also consider as rebellion. God wants our 101% obedience
- If at fault, have the courage to admit our mistakes instead of blaming others for our unwise choices
- To truly repent thoroughly, learn from our mistakes and commit all our ways to the Lord
- If we hardened our hearts to pursue rebellious ways, the original purpose that God has for us will be lost

I know that God has given me the resources to spice up my dancing skill. I know that he has open doors for me to build his creative arts in Arrow. I will commence my learning by this week.

Lord God, I will obey you whole-heartedly. Forgive me if sometimes I tend to sway away from the things you want of me. Thank you for your love and grace. Please continue to guide and above all, pursue me. :) I love that. I pray that you will also pursue Jojo. I know he needs you. I pray that you will clear all the fogs, pains, pressures and past mistakes. I pray that you will bring men to lead him towards you. Father, you are our only hope and we thank you for this chance to partner with you to bring heaven down to earth. Guide us. Open our eyes to see, ears to hear and soften our hearts.

Loving you,

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