Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Steadfast Obedience


20 The wise store up choice food and oil,
but fools gulp theirs down.

21 Whoever pursues righteousness and love
finds life, prosperity [c] and honor.

30 There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan
that can succeed against the LORD.

31 The horse is made ready for the day of battle,
but victory rests with the LORD.

- It is important to cultivate the heart of saving for long term purposes/rainy days.
- Righteousness & Love => Life, Prosperity (Peace) and Honor (Respect)
- The Lord rules all our plans.
- Even when we have equip ourselves, the Lord will be the one who determine the final outcome of the battle that we are in.

- I want to truly steward the monies that the Lord has given me. I want to be prudent and wise with my $$$$$.
- In all the things that I'm doing, I want to do it right in the eyes of the Lord. I want to choose to love. I want to truly live in the freedom that He has for me, to live in peace. I want to know that I'm standing firm, holding on to his ways even in the midst of pressure. As cool as cucumber..:) hehehe
- My plans, my ways, my future, my works and relationships: I want to commit and surrender it to my Lord. only He will knows where I am heading. I want to walk by faith and not by sight. I want to truly trust and respect Him, His authority and his timing.

Father, thank you for your words, your truth. Father, let me not take you for granted but I want to stand tall and firmly planted in you. I want to say that you are my light that shines the way for me. Father, just as you have guide me, show me how I can be a role model to those who are searching for you. Thank you Papa, for you have given me a purpose in life that is bigger than just earning huge amount of $$$$/gaining power and authority. All these are what the world system view as success. But, my Lord, to follow and obey you are far more valuable & meaningful than all of these.
Loving you always,
Doreen C.

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