Tuesday, December 23, 2008


There are many types of dreams. Some dreams are the result of movies that we watch, some from something that happens during the day, some are from our emotions. There are also some dreams that are from the above ie GOD. For eg: Joseph in the Bible.

I dreamt last nite and I know that it is a dream that states the inner state of my heart and emotion.

I hate it that I'm still struggling with the same issue for nearly a year. In my dream, emotions of jealousy, betrayal, anger, frustration and fear surfaced.

God, why am I still having to carry this luggage. I know that the enemy wants to tie me down and at the same time, my Lord wants me to break this bondage. I know no one can help me, no even JC. So, I'm left with HIM to defend this battle together.

Lord, I want to get out of this black hole. I do not want to be suck in, believe in the lies and never get out. I need you to be my lamp onto my feet and light onto my path. I don't think I can settle this on my own. Help me Papa.

Waiting and trusting you for a better freedom,
ur beloved.....

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