Friday, December 19, 2008

True Love is.............................

Scripture (Psalm 118

2 Let Israel say:
"His love endures forever."

The psalmist was tested. He was hunted by his enemies. But, he never fails to place his trust in the Lord. He still continues to praise and worship the Lord. As a result, God saved him from the snare of his enemies. His enemies are Gods' enemies. God will protect those who belongs to Him, those who run to Him for refuge.

What does it truly means that His love lasts forever. I find it hard sometimes to understand this. Does this means even if we are to fall into sins, He still loves us forever?

My mind is constantly in a battle to understand my relationship with God. Sometimes, it seems that I have to do things to makes things good to earn this love. But, deep within, I know my Papa is not like this. He loves me even without me having to do things to please Him.

I will continue to find this love without deeds. Love that is for eternal. If indeed I'm able to truly understand this unconditional love, perhaps, one day I will be able to give this unconditional love to those around me who I care and love.

Papa, teach me and guide me to your ways everlasting. Teach me what it means to understand this love that you have for me. Please bring me away from legalism but bring me to your everlasting grace and love.
Papa, I want to pursue understanding, wisdom. I desire this. Show me your ways. I want to keep learning and unlearning things.
Papa, I want to cast all my fears to you. I want to place my trust in you. Not in myself and the people around me.
Papa, I want to place my courage in you alone.
Father, let me lean not on my own understanding but in all things, let me seek you ways and you shall direct my path.

Loving you always,
Doreen C.

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