Friday, January 14, 2011

3rd precious day: Dance in the Freedom We Know

Another glorious day. As I begin to read Chapter 4: Scriptural Authority for Dancing Before The Lord, my spirit has been refreshed and my mind is delighted. Every part of me is free. I am beginning to find the key to a victorious life and that is to praise and worship my Lord, my God. :) Praise be to my Lord, both now and forever more.

As I begin to rise up and take responsibilities to what has been given me, I am beginning to take courage to pursue this. Indeed, I am here for this season of being a worship authority. Together with the Word and Praises in my mouth, I can trampled over snakes and scorpions, which is better known in the human language => Condemnation, Cynicism, Comparison and Categorization.

(i) Lets start my devotion now.


For ye are brought with a price:
therefore glorify God in your
body, and in your spirit,
which are God's. (1 Corinthians 6:20)

"Honor God with your body (NIV)

Context: The author encouraged us to use all ourselves: our body and spirit to praise God. In context, the scripture meant that we are to use every part of our body for the purposes of glorifying God. To sum both together, at the end of day, the sole purpose of our mind, soul and spirit is to be united together in praise and worship for the purpose of glorifying our God, instead of using it for self-glory and sensual lifestyle that dishonour God in the eyes of the world.

ii) List the ways you offer praise to God and compare them to what you have just read.
- reserve-like movements
- in control

iii) Why do you praise Him the way you do?
- I like to use what I know to control my dance movements

iv) What prevents you from praising Him in the ways shown in the passages presented?
- Insecurity (better translates to I care about what others think of me)
- My lack of relationship with the Creator.
- Wanting to be in control.

My Prayers
Dear Father Abba, thank you for showing me that my worship is far from what you have initially ordained. I begin to see that my lack of relationship with you has resulted in a dry and controlled form of worship. Father, thank you for you have open my eyes to see you. My mind has been renewed from reading this book. Father, indeed I want to grow closer to you, to love and adore you. ;):):)

Father, I want this new form of praise; to jump, shout, leap, twirl and receive the liberty (freedom) and joy that you have listed in your words. I want this desperately and I know it comes with practices. Father, may this year be a year of great leap of faith, great and deep relationship with you and the people around me. I do not want to be in control but I want to be free to live life to the fullest that I know how. Let this year be the best 32 years in my entire life.

The best part of all, I know that you are HERE with me. :)

In Christ alone, In my Beloved Father alone,
Doreen C.

Praise and Worship

i) The Freedom We Know- Hillsongs

ii) The Joy of the Lord - Twila Paris

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