Saturday, January 29, 2011

My journey for the first part of the year

I have been home for more than a week. To say that I am at peace, that's not entirely true. To say that I am in turmoil, that's not entirely untrue as well. Every moment I lost my gaze from the Lord, that is when I spiral downwards. Just over the weekend, Pastor said that I am loved and accepted in regardless of whether I do or do not do things to please God. I realised that I have been doing religious things to earn Gods' favour without knowing that I am loved since the beginning of time.

This thought has given me strength.

I have vow to stay true to my Creator, to seek Him when I do not feel like it. Why do I go for the riches of the world, be worried about my relationship, work, ministry when I can seek First His Kingdom above all this temporal fulfillment. Indeed, God is here, smack right in front of me. Oh, how could I be so blind?!!

Nevertheless, I will seek Him. I like discipline. I like creativity. I want to be free to love him without doing things to earn brownie points from my Lord.

Here goes:


"For no word from God will ever fail." Luke 1:37

"Blessed is she who believes that the Lord will fulfill His promises to her!!!" Luke 1:45

The book begins with the story of Zechariah, Elizabeth and Mary. Indeed, they were the one who loved and obeyed God wholeheartedly. I see miracle upon miracle happening here throughout the first chapter. Both Zechariah and Elizabeth were given a child at old age. Mary became pregnant even though she is a virgin. Gods' timing and promises for this world come at the right timing, in his timing. They believe. They stay faithful and obey Gods' divine appointment/promises.

As I look upon myself, I'm at the age of 32 and have been dating JC for 3 years. Just like many women, I desire to have a family. At this moment, I am at Gods' mercy. Do I have the faith like Mary and Elizabeth? Do I see that I am chosen to fulfill Gods' promises? Do I doubt and panic or simply obey and trust Gods' timing. I see that they obey without doubting.

Lord God, give me the faith just like Elizabeth and Mary. I want to believe without doubting. I want to have this faith that is as small as mustard seed. I want to move the mountain when I say so. Indeed Father, it is not by might or power, but by your spirit. Father, I want to be blessed. I want to stay true to you. Guide me, hold my hand as we journey this together. I know that I am called for something more than myself. Make me stronger and wholesome. Give me your wisdom. Give me grace. Let me be secure inside out. I want to remain in you, and you in me. Just like how Jesus is, in you. I desire that peace that is above all human understanding.

Loving you always,
Your one and only beloved

p.s: Today is a new day, what was yesterday, is gone. What is tomorrow is yet to come. Today, begins the first day of the rest of my life. AMEN!!!! :) :) :) This is the day that the Lord has done, I will REJOICE AND BE GLAD in IT. AMEN!! PRAISE BE TO MY GOD BOTH NOW AND FOREVER MORE... :):):) Halleluyah.......

Praise and Worship

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