Thursday, September 24, 2009

God's love overshadow all things

1 In the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, in order to fulfill the word of the LORD spoken by Jeremiah, the LORD moved the heart of Cyrus king of Persia to make a proclamation throughout his realm and also to put it in writing: 1 Ezra:1

This is the first few sentences for this book. Gods' people are brought to a foreign land by Babylonian. They were in exile. Babylon was then conquered by Persia. As we all know, Jeremiah (the weeping prophet) prophesised on Gods' judgment on His people. True to His words, God fulfilled the word spoken by Jeremiah.

I am amazed. God can use a pagan to fulfill his promises. Indeed, nothing/no one can stop God from fulfilling His promises. God can even tame our "enemies" so that His will shall be fulfilled. This means that nothing I do or not do, will stop His will from moving forward. A lot of times is either we are on it, or we are not. It's either we are on board with Him, or we are clearly distracted by other unimportant matters.

What truly draw my attention nowadays?
Am I jealously guarding my time/moments spend with my Lord?
Do I yearn for Him like how Mary did before?

I know that I am not there yet. Yet, I know I'm not far behind. Anyway, what is the point of comparing whichever level that I am in. God loves me, all of me. I believe Gods' promises far supersede my In-actions. :)

Lord God, if you can move the hearts of those who does not know you, the mountains, the seas, the flames, the winds, how much more is your undying love for me. Father, I want to be on your side, to work alongside you. :) Father, please open my eyes to see from your perspective, to stand firm/blossom from inside out and not vice versa. :)

Loving you,

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