Wednesday, June 24, 2009


21Again Jesus said, "Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." 22And with that he breathed on them and said, "Receive the Holy Spirit. 23If you forgive anyone his sins, they are forgiven; if you do not forgive them, they are not forgiven." John 20:21-23

- This was the first encounter that Jesus had with his disciples after He resurrected from death. He revealed himself to Mary Magdalene and the next in front of all his disciples. He spoke peace to be upon them and He layout the mission that was in front of them.

Only last few days, from the moment Jesus was caught, all the disciples deserted him and ran their own ways. Not even one of them stayed to defend Jesus and Peter denied Him 3 times subsequently due to fear. All of them had failed Jesus, betrayed Jesus and left Him alone.

And now, instead of coming with the rod of judgment, the first thing that Jesus said is PEACE to them. It is very obvious to see that Jesus comes with love and grace despite what they have done. Jesus is readied to forgive them INSTANTLY. And what's more, Jesus gave them a gift/counsellor/guardian => Holy Spirit to be with them. Jesus had previously said that the disciples will do even bigger things than Him.
Jesus came with forgiveness and just as they are forgiven, Jesus wants them to forgive others as well. Jesus has commissioned them that just as He had been sent by Father, we are now also sent forth by Father in Heaven.

I will follow Jesus. His ways. He is loving and full of GRACE. Although the disciples had betrayed and left Him for dead, He came back and forgive each of them. Just as Jesus had forgiven me of my sins, I will now also FOR-GIVE others of their sins against me. If I don't, their sins will not be forgiven. I hold the authority of forgiveness and I shall no use this authority to forgive CN, CL, DJ, J, U, M, JC, PR, PL, HLF- V, MY, U, K, HK, KG, TG, TB, CL, D, AC, MC, AW, JM, myself....

I no longer hold any emotions and feeling of resentment, anger, discontentment...etc against each of these individuals but I pray that the Lord will prosper each of them. My lord will take care of them and grow each of them respectively.

Dear Lord, just like how Father loves you, You have love me. Just like how Father has commanded you to follow, you obey. I want to do just that. Thank you Father, for your peace, your love, your grace. Ive received it fully well. I will bring this love and grace to others.

Loving you forever,

Grace: given when we don't deserved it......

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