Monday, August 10, 2009

AWesome Week

This week is going to be an awesome week. I almost see it and can smell all the goodness of our Fathers' love and creation surrounding me.

I want to live each day to the fullest and each challenges will be an "opportunity" for me to learn and grow. To love and to give without getting. :)

Each day is a day I want to praise Him for all the marvelous things that He has given me and preparing me towards.

Each person whom I come to meet is precious in His and my eyes and I for me to give my listening ears to.

Father, I praise you for your amazing work that you are doing here on earth. Whom am I, without you? Where will I be, without your guidance? Father, I pray for focus, I pray for unconditional love, I pray for wisdom. I pray to give without getting. I pray for an attentive ears to listen to others. I pray for joy, for meaning, for purpose. I pray to be STILL and know that you are my LORD. I pray for patience. I pray for obedience. I pray for faith to move the mountains. I pray for hope, peace and love.

Loving you,

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