Saturday, August 15, 2009

A night to be remembered n God sums it all up the next morning

God is good. As always. Heres' why?

Spent a nite, engulfed with angers, disappointments and arguments with JC. After a long conversation, we both agreed to do quiet time the next day (this morning) and meet up to share. Before he left for the night, he said that he prefers a better communication where I'm more eloquent in my speech and the words that come out from me are convincing rather than him feeling like I'm "teaching" him. I replied back that is exactly what I meant earlier when I needed time to be still and filter my emotion firsthand before coming out clean with him.

After all this mess of tug and war, I still believe in JC. I don't hold any anger but choose to love him more each day. I'm also learning and have millions of weaknesses but JC overcomes them like a prince in a white stallion. At the end of the day, no one likes confrontation, but if this "suffering" brings two souls together through love, forgiveness and deeper understanding of both side, it is worth it. But of course, we have to be smart in choosing our "battle".

The below proves a point that God is INDEED ACTIVELY involve in our relationship. Read on.. :)


Like I said before, God is good. I woke up automatically this morning. Father planted a scripture in my mind as below:

5 Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts. Consider what a great forest is set on fire by a small spark. Jams 3:5 (TNIV)

It only takes a spark, remember, to set off a forest fire. A careless or wrongly placed word out of your mouth can do that. James 3:5 (The Message)

- The above points exactly to the situation that happened the night before. (Amen!). James mentioned that our tongue, though its small, it has the ability to set a whole forest in fire. Once the word is out of our mouth, it can never be taken back. Once a sword finds it target and pierce through ones' heart, you can never ever mend the scar except through Gods' saving grace.

- The above reminds me that I have to control my tongue. It has the ability to praise yet at the same time, "pierce" through hearts of those whom I love and care. One careless remark can destroy a relationship in a second compare to months of building a strong foundation for a relationship. Is it worth us keeping our seemingly important "pride" and anger? Is it worth us wanting to "win" in an argument? Any wise men will tell you, NO Silly-Billy...:)

Lord God, I thank you for your love, grace, mercy, WISDOM and tender care. Yes, I will obey you above all things. I will follow you. I will listen and see in the spiritual realm. Thank you for answering me when I ask of you.

Loving you always,
Doreen C.

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